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[OUTDATED] AutoShop & MarketListing Information

Started by AtomicPulse, Mar 09, 2019, 11:58 AM

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Mar 09, 2019, 11:58 AM Last Edit: Aug 30, 2020, 12:21 AM by blalp
    AutoShop Perms >> 3mil EMP

    MarketListing Perms >> 2mil EMP

    If you wish to purchase one, make a post here

    Please read ahead for rules and how to use the perms!

    How to List Items

    • Purchase this for 2mil from an Admin+
    • Type /market create <price> <amount> with the item you're holding
    • Type /ml to view it on the listings
    • Shift + click it to remove it
    • You will be notified if its bought

    What CANT be listed:
     :slimeball: Tinker's Tools (full tools, parts are okay)
     :slimeball: Strongboxes
     :slimeball: Deep Storage Units
     :slimeball: Project Red Backpacks


    • Place a chest down and put the items you wish to sell inside
    • Place a sign on the front following the format as seen:

    B <buy price>:<sell price> S

    You will be notified if anyone buys anything.

    • If you have problems, message any Admin+
    • Please only advertise your shops/items every once and a while
    • Do not argue with other players about your shop being better

    If you receive problems, contact any Admin+

    BTeam Owner | Survival Admin | Creative JMod

    Ex - Factions FMod | Prison Guard