[Charity] Ellie's Fund

Started by MCBean14, Apr 10, 2015, 04:50 PM

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Apr 10, 2015, 04:50 PM Last Edit: Apr 10, 2015, 04:50 PM by Towelie
Ellie was a girl at my school who would be turning 20 in September had she not died from a Brain Tumor.
I am going to do a sponsored walk from Scarborough Sea Life Center (UK) to Filey and back in the same day, which is roughly 8.8miles there and back, meaning that in total I will be walking 17.4 miles in one day.
If you donate, the money will go Ellie's Fund, a fund that was created to help support children accross the whole of Yorkshire and Humber to help them survive a brain tumor which Ellie died from sadly.

Charity Page: http://goo.gl/7PBNZF
Please donate if you can!


I think this is very sweet and thoughtful. I can not donate as i cant afford it but i just wanted to say the world needs more people like you. Good job and i really hope you go way past your goal.


Quote from: copen6199 on Apr 10, 2015, 08:27 PM
I think this is very sweet and thoughtful. I can not donate as i cant afford it but i just wanted to say the world needs more people like you. Good job and i really hope you go way past your goal.
I totally agree. Good on you, and good luck :)


I wish I could donate, as you seem extremely passionate about this and it is a great cause. Good luck on your walk, it sounds like an awesome event :)


Quote from: Katherine on Apr 10, 2015, 10:23 PM
Quote from: copen6199 on Apr 10, 2015, 08:27 PM
I think this is very sweet and thoughtful. I can not donate as i cant afford it but i just wanted to say the world needs more people like you. Good job and i really hope you go way past your goal.
I totally agree. Good on you, and good luck :)
I would love to donate but I have spent over 1000$ this year and I cant spend a dollar more I still have to pay my parents back XD


I already donate to a similar charity has my dad suffered from a brain tumor in 2009 :(. I will try my best to donate sometime soon :D


I commend you on this, this is a great thing you're doing, and as copen said the world does need more people like you. It sucks that it takes an event so tragic to make some people realize how important this is and how great their lives truly are. Best of luck to you on this and hopefully you go above and beyond the goal :)

I'm a little low on money atm, but if I can find a way to get some together I'll be sure to donate to this great cause. :D
I enjoy the act of xD-ing, like if you agree


This is a really kinda and nice thing to do. I am sure that if Ellie was here, she would be so proud of you as you have  done something really kind. Much like Bluetigermsaid, theworld needs more people who are like you. You be done something that will hopefully help more people who will get that condition. I am sure it would have been a hard time for you when she passed away. I can assure you, Ellie must have had an amazing life and she is such a lucky person to have a friend like you. I don't think many people who have had that problem had a friend who was so kinda and nice to you.

I really hope you get a lot of donations and I will try to donate money but it may be hard to persuade my parents. You know, an eleven year old who is persuading their parents to donate some money for an amazing player who unfortunately had an unlucky friend.

Anyway, I hope you get a lot of money and good luck on your walk! I wish you the best of luck! Also, if I have made a lot of mistakes it is because I am using a I-Pad and that is also where I usually post everything.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


As the world gets bigger more of these diseases arise. it is sad to hear about the death of your close friend and I wish you all the best. I hope the walk inspires others to join and donate. Please donate if you can as this cause could save the grief of many families :D


Glad to see there are people that give something for tumors! Kreep going Mcbean14!

Post Merge: Apr 12, 2015, 12:48 PM

Quote from: AlvaresMC on Apr 12, 2015, 12:48 PM
Glad to see there are people that give something for tumors! Keep going Mcbean14!


just saying guys you don't have to donate this instant you do have until the 5th of september yeah that may seem a while a way and may seem pointless to some people for me starting to raise money now for it but if you think about it like i am raise the money as soon as possible to try and get a lot of money will be good and better for the charity. but you still have a roughly 4 or 5 months to donate