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Thank you for choosing SFT!

Started by Towelie, Apr 11, 2015, 07:28 PM

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Thank you everyone for choosing Super Fun Time as your favorite server!
You make this place "Super Fun Time"! We created something that we are very proud of, but you guys are the true stars!
Thank you, we really appreciate you! Special thanks to the staff members and developers!

PS: If you want to help SFT, you can do it in three ways: /vote , /buy or tell your friends about us!

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


No, thankyou for creating SFT. :3


No sloppy stuff here. Just want to say that..... I have the best spot.
I used to be lou, I have ascended.


why is it such low resolution... but otherwise it looks great :D


yay im there :) im the crouching rainbow guy



Honestly, I don't think many servers have the greatest community as we do. Everyone here is so amazing and all the staff are amazing like Towelie and Dpa and all the other owners and staff in fact, everyone on super fun time is amazing. We all make the server better and all make everyone have a super fun time!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Thank you Towelie for providing us with great servers!
Also a big Thanks to all the developers that have kept them up to speed too!

it has been a pleasure playing, hopefully someday I will become a more active member of the community.


Thank you Towelie for making SFT! i made so much friends, learned so much, and i got so happy!
I did tell some friends that were pc fans about the server (10 people), and they said they might try, and i did vote alot! im one of the top monthy voters from one of the vote sites!...ATM

So as a thank you gift, ill ask my mom if i could donate =)


SFT is the friendliest server I've every played on. We are lucky to have such generous staff members (and founders  ;) ) , who devote their time to assisting players. I enjoy supporting the server, in anyway I can.  ;D


i know it may not seem like it to some people due to the amount of times i've been banned but i truely do love the server and everything it's done for me and the support that people give me. i love how the whole server allows people from around the world to interact as nice as they do cause on the other servers that i've tried they don't really care and its impossible to get banned in my opinion where as on here there are great limitations to what you ARE and AREN'T allowed to do and the server makes that very clear. i also love the server as the staff do listen and if you have any ideas then they will listen to them and if they think you have a good/great idea that could work then they will try and do something about it as best as they can.