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Youtube lets play!

Started by Ses_Chaser, Sep 10, 2015, 09:20 PM

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Hey everyone my name is Ses and im a very small youtuber and I have came to your server and modpack doing a lets play!

Now to get a few things out of the way, Im not doing this just because I want something to record, I do youtube because I want people to laugh and smile, To even just a giggle will make me happy, I dont do it for the views (Ha like I get any) or sub count, I do it because it helps with some issues Ive got and I know at least even if You so as much snickered It was worth it! Its gonna take time for me to get big, But im sure as hell gonna work hard at getting there!

So thank you for letting me record on here and please have a wonderful day!

Your rainbow colored friend Ses!


Should have probably put the link to my channel and first video...heheh...my bad..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F8pDwTTUOU     (First episde)




nice job, gave you a thumbs up and a comment!