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[Lost Islands] Spawn Revamp

Started by ZachAttack1170, Aug 21, 2016, 05:45 AM

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Aug 21, 2016, 05:45 AM Last Edit: Aug 21, 2016, 06:37 AM by blalp
So, with my time on this server, I've noticed a few things about the spawn. Don't get me wrong, the design is great, I just think that there are a few things that are wrong with it that should be fixed

1. Shop

    In my and a few others opinion, the shop is pretty confusing. There's a ton of extra space, and everything is in weird places. There are a ton of column things (areas or whatever they're called). I've gotten lost in them a few times, looking for things. There are a ton of extra column things (I'll call them columns) that make it even more confusing. Ores/rare stuff are on both sides, so sometimes if I want one ore i go to the wrong side. I think most of the stuff is grouped weirdly (Not entirely sure how to fix this). Sometimes I'm not sure what something is since there's no sign saying what it actually is. Everything is right next to each other, so sometimes I can't tell which sell sign is for what. I was thinking something like this:

2-4 Big columns on each side (Obviously a bit bigger so it can hold everything), everything related together (ores all next to each other, on the same column.

2. Rules

    The rules are a bit confusing to read, as earlier someone joined and had trouble reading them. Nobody can really tell if they go left to right or up to down or anything. Also the spelling isn't correct. Also don't think we need an entire side for ranks, as you can do /ranks to see all that.

3. Basics

    The basics side is a bit confusing too, as everything is right next to eachother, and it doesn't include some important stuff like the part builder/stencil table.

That was my rant, a bit long and I'm sorry for that. Not entirely sure how to upload an image so sorry about that, and if there are a few mistakes just ignore them. The spawn is fine as it is, these are just suggestions to improve it.