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New years resolutions

Started by krankenstein20, Jan 01, 2016, 01:14 AM

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Your probably thinking Hey krank why is this in the forum games section? Well im making it into a game :)
You need to think of a new years resolution for the person above you and then say what yours is but the rule is you can't say the same resolution that the person chose for themselves
Player1: I want to make a cake this year
Player2 : Make a cake

You can't do that ^
 So it would go like this
Player 1: Try bteam server
              I want to make more friends
Player 2 : Try pixelmon server
              I want to Make cakes :D
Rules are you can't say anything rude or negative to the person above and this can either go really well or really bad depending on how it goes :) So I will start :)

My resolution is to make lots of friends this year and host even more events :D


Be staff!

I hope to... Succes my tests hat are coming really soon well :P