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Never Have I Ever...

Started by ochoaj, Jan 12, 2016, 08:09 AM

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Neither have I :c Would love to though..

Never hvw I ever got out of my country (Relativly yours)


I have :) I have to travel about 4 times a year (because part of my family lives in a different country)!

Never have I ever read a whole Harry Potter book ;D


I haven't either, get bored of reading too quickly cause I find it hard xd

Never have I ever seen Star wars

Long time StarNomad


I haven't either

Never have I ever cracked a devices screen.


Never have I ever, I look after my stuff

Never have I ever watched or read any of the Harry Potters or hunger games


Hunger games is bae

Never have I ever used PS4


I own a PS4

Never have I used Xbox One.


Nope. I've never used a XBone.

Never have I ever mastered a second language.

Aelia Angel

Never but im trying to learn spanish

Never have i ever petted a cat
Former Pocket Mod
If you fail, fail foward. Don't be the victim of the hard times. This is what it takes to be successful.


I have :)

Never have I ever eaten Spiders. xD


I have millions and millions of times c: its wanderful to pit dem cute kittins :3

Uhh after he posted it xD of course na

Neva hav i eva been mean to anyone :laugh: at least without saying sorry or sorting it out c:


I have.. xD only when they don't care about sorting it out anyway

Never have I ever finished an essay on my own

Long time StarNomad


I have never finished a project with someone xD

Never have I ever smoke weed (Unfortunly :c)


Neither have I C:

Never have I ever... died, at least I don't think so?
Greed may not be good, but it's not bad, either. You humans think it's for money and power. But everyone wants something they don't have.
Survival is the only way. Live on and learn more.
Even when our eyes are closes, there's a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams.

Aelia Angel

I have. Several times. Thankfully, cats have 9 lives and since i live in Mario World, i currently have 16 lives.

Never have i ever said a bad word. (In ANY fashion)
Former Pocket Mod
If you fail, fail foward. Don't be the victim of the hard times. This is what it takes to be successful.


Yeah I have

Never have I ever smoked a cigarette

Aelia Angel

I never did and i never will

Never have i ever been a copier.
Former Pocket Mod
If you fail, fail foward. Don't be the victim of the hard times. This is what it takes to be successful.


I don't think so? I do my own work.

Never have I ever failed a class (0%-59%).
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
― Benjamin Franklin


Never have hopefully never will.

Never have I ever fallen down the stairs.


I have, I'm clumsy xD

Never have I actually stayed in a relationship for more then 2 weeks :c(Ik it's sad)


I've never been in a relationship, so yeah, I think I'm on Kai's level,

Never have I ever sworn at a player.


I have, many times.

Never ave I ever been noticed by senpi
Greed may not be good, but it's not bad, either. You humans think it's for money and power. But everyone wants something they don't have.
Survival is the only way. Live on and learn more.
Even when our eyes are closes, there's a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams.


who is senpi? xD I have seen many people say that thing like notice me senpi and stuff, is it like a young person or something?

Never have I ever flyed on a plane :c (as a passanger)


I have been in many, many planes. Many, many times.

Never have I ever had braces.

(Also, senpai is a Japanese term for your senior, so someone that is older and/or more experienced at school or in profession than you.)


Never :D

Never have I ever acted like someone really important. And forced others to do what i say.

Survival Elite
Just your average energy drink