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[Information & Rules] About the Study Corner

Started by Doctor_Thanos, Jan 08, 2017, 05:09 PM

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Jan 08, 2017, 05:09 PM Last Edit: Jun 14, 2017, 09:57 PM by IiRr22Bb
About the Study Corner...

Welcome to the Study Corner! This is a board with the aim to help the people who need help with their homework! We are an Off-Topic board, sub-board to the General Discussions. If you need any help with your homework make a post here and members of our community may surely help you!

Study Corner Board Mod


Posting Rules
1. All Forum rules (can be found here) apply! You have to abide by them on any posts or replies you may do in this board!

2. Do not make any inappropriate posts or replies.

3. Do not leave your topic untouched for more than 15 days. Any topics older than 15 days will be locked and eventually removed.

4. Do not use this board to troll people. This is a place for people to get help with their schoolwork and that is a rather serious matter.

5. This is a board for us to provide help to students, not do their homework but help them do it.

6. If you are having rather mature homework make sure to add a tag, like [Mature]. Such topics may be cruel actions in history or reproduction system, etc. Stuff that are done in higher ages so students are mature enough for them, generally.

7. Don't set Sticky Topics without the Board Mod's permission. Exceptions to this rule are Managers+.

The rules may be edited only by Thanos or an Admin+ for a valid reason only!
Not knowing the Rules is no excuse to not abide by them!