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Started by ochoaj, Jun 04, 2016, 08:06 PM

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What have you injured in your body?

Broken Bone
22 (57.9%)
Fractured Bone
17 (44.7%)
Sprained Joint
19 (50%)
Other (explain)
15 (39.5%)
24 (63.2%)

Total Members Voted: 38


I've never broken or sprained anything in my body for my whole life, so I was wondering, has anyone else on SFT? Explain how you injured yourself below!  :laugh:
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
― Benjamin Franklin


This past September I was setting up for a basketball banquet and while we were getting some stages off the cart fell on top of me. I stuck out my left arm to try to catch it/slow it down and after I did my wrist really hurt to turn. I went to a wrist specialist and he said it wasn't a GFC tear, but didn't know what it was. An MRI didn't help so after two months in a plastic "cast" he said, "Go on with life, try not to strain it. If it hurts when you get older just come back and we'll see if we can figure it out this time."

Thanks Doc. :/

Still don't know, and it only hurts to lift heavy things/ hold things for prolonged periods of time.


I've sprained my ankle joint so many timess


Other, I have been bit by an octopus.


I was a pretty accident prone kid to be honest.
There was that time I rode my bike into a lamppost and broke my arm...
Or that time I was at a soft play area and fell off a ramp and broke my collar bone...
Also I don't have much vision in my left eye so I walk into a lot of things. Recent examples have been a double door and a big chair...
sorry for being careless.


well i was at a sweet xv (it's a huge party for the hispanic culture that symbolizes a young girl becoming of age to be a woman.) and i started running and stuff and out of nowhere this huge (fluffy) kid charged at me slamming me into the WALL thus breaking my arm :c it was painful and the guy just told me "My sister said you hit her!" (I was playing under my table playing with my DS and got up to go to the restroom.. then he slammed me) after that my parents pressed charges took me to the hospital and well.. got my cast xd i still remember it was summer and i got it on my right arm.

 :redflower: :redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower:

:heart:You MUST learn to help yourself. Thats how you become stronger. :heart:


Quote from: _JimJam on Jun 04, 2016, 10:02 PMsweet xv (it's a huge party for the hispanic culture that symbolizes a young girl becoming of age to be a woman.)
I've never broken any bones. I live life so dangerously, I know.


Lol everything... broke 5 bones fractured 2 (they were part of the breaks). many sprains/pulled muscles wayyy too many to count.


Sprained an ankle.

Tennis is one of the roughest sports out there, ya know?


One time I hurt my side, Laughing at @King_Craftius when he got spiked after jumping off a fence. #Quality.


I closed my door too hard on accident and my arms went through the glass. I had to get several stitches and the scars are still very visible and won't go away.
Screw the modern world! Our lovely earth is flat, ask the Medieval men!


broke my wrist from falling of a chair
got concussion in rugby once
got concussion on my mountain bike by riding into a tree very very fast
also broke my wrist in tennis <- and my ankle
oh and broken 3 fingers skateboarding

but yeah im accident prone i swear


When I was 5 years old, I was thrown at a bench at school and it cracked my head open. I can still feel the area where it was cracked. Lovely kids.


more sprains than i care to talk about, including: elbow, wrist, both ankles multiple times, hip, back ( varsity sports)

possibly hairline fracture in my ankle, might have just been uber sprain, i taped it up while walking to school and doped up on tylenol before practice, was senior year and i was determined to finish season as a starter... and im dumb.. took 9 months to heal properly, idk what was wrong with it becuase i didnt go to doc till month 6, but was excruciating pain if i did certan things. which is why i taped it so that it was IMPOSSIBLE to move that way

2 kidney stones... you have no idea.... how much... i hate life

dislocated right shoulder wrestling some friends...yea i know.... rip

15 days ago i tore my ACL and both the inner and outer meniscus.... rip....literally

i am able to somewhat hobble around now, had to have surgery last week, doc said i really messed up my knee, 6 months recovery time or so.

But that acl tear... ive logged like 120 hours in the last 15 days on sft so yea

uh i cut myself shaving once. bled for like 3 seconds


I've broken my fingers more times than I'd like to admit due to playing basketball.

I've ripped the muscle straight from the bone in one of my feet causing me to wear a cast until it had healed properly.

When I was only 6 years old, my brother threw a bucket at my face when we were digging for worms (for whatever reason) and it had hit my eyebrow. I had to get 6 stitches then.

And then my most drastic one was when I was 13 years old, I was on a soccer trip for a tournament. We stayed in a hotel with a pool and near the pool door it was carpeted and always soaked from people coming and going to the pool. A friend of mine had challenged me to a race down the hallway, and the first to reach to pool door was the winner. Turns out that it had been so slippery that when I tried to stop, I slipped and fell, smashing both of my knees through the bottom pane of this glass door (the panes were wired). I ended up going to the hospital to get 100+ stitches. It's since caused me some trouble with blood flow to my lower legs as well as nerve damage in the same area. Lesson learned though; do what it takes to win the race.
"There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts" -Voltaire


I've had some pretty gruesome injuries, so if you're squeamish, look away now.

-One day I was bouncing on my trampoline at my childhood house back when everything was simple (Oh, the days...), and it was my brother, my dad and I on the trampoline. Suddenly, my dad decided to take a huge leap and bounce my brother really high. So while my brother is flailing in the air, my dad and I are laughing, but all the sudden, the laughter stops. My brother landed. (Seriously, look away now!) His tooth landed inside of my head, like the bone and stuff, and stuck there. So while half of his tooth is in my head and half of it in his mouth, we're crying (we're like, 8 and 11 years old), and blood is going everywhere. My dad took the half-tooth out of my head and ended up fixing it with superglue.

-I have a long-lasting scar on my back because while at a water park, my brother (the same half-toothed one) flipped my tube on one of the fast-moving rides and it was quite bumpy and sharp, and I 5 inch and a 3 inch scar formed. :(

-I have sleeping problems, and late one night/early morning, I went into the living room from my room to get some water or food or something. I ended up tripping on my dog and I landed on my ankle all funny and sprained it.


LOL, playing Professional Rugby does too much to you.

3 broken legs

Like 900 concussions

9 head cuts

nice life


I've never broken a bone in my time, touch wood. However, I've sprained my same ankle 3 times really badly, and now it's become somewhat weak.


Quote from: Stoovs on Jun 05, 2016, 01:03 AMdo what it takes to win the race.

Daaaaa(ng)mn straight my friend. ;D


Jun 05, 2016, 03:57 AM #19 Last Edit: Jun 05, 2016, 09:21 AM by omelott
I've never broken, fractured or sprained anything. I'm untouchable.


I broke both my arms while riding a 4-wheeler. I had to twist my arms back in place and wait a day before going to the hospital... I went through surgery because of it


y'all are crazy  :o
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
― Benjamin Franklin


Jun 05, 2016, 10:16 PM #22 Last Edit: Jun 07, 2016, 10:23 PM by MrEpicWonder
at a hotel in Madrid, my brother and I were messing around on the beds - I was 10, him 17 - playfighting as brothers do, I went to jump at him, I got on his knees and he flung me off, head first into a wall, chipped my tooth and was knocked out, eating hurt for a long while and yeah.

I toe punted a wall trying to kick a ball and broke my toe.

I had a tennis racket thrown at me which hit me in the back of the head, which thrown me onto the floor so i basically faceplanted straight concrete. :((

I was doing a frontflip on a trampoline once and my brother decided to fling me backwards and my knee went straight into my nose, breaking my nose and to further kill the situation I hit my head on the metal bar of the trampoline - Double kill.

I fell off my bike going down a hill once and was flying down a road whilst getting cut and scraped every second (I didn't wear helmets since I fell off more with them.)

in primary I got stabbed with a pencil and it stuck in my arm.

I ran into a pole that I SWORE WASNT THERE BEFORE and couldn't walk straight after.

I lost half the skin on my foot from something once I can't quite remember what.

I was running home one day and I tripped on a curb and sprained my ankle because I'm smart.

Quote from: Towelie on Dec 16, 2015, 09:12 AMI'd still like to see the nativity scene re-enacted in minecraft while I eat popcorn and mock Christians
Quote from: Towelie on Jan 17, 2016, 08:45 AMSending me any inappropriate pictures will cause you to get banned (unless you are a female and 18+)


Most major injury that happened to me was when I was younger. I was jumping on a trampoline, tried to do a flip, ended up going over the edge and a nail was poking out of it. Cut open my side and left a scar which stuck around for a little while. Nothing else I can really think of, I don't get into much trouble in that department.


Quote from: maxwolf28 on Jun 04, 2016, 10:16 PMLol everything... broke 5 bones fractured 2 (they were part of the breaks). many sprains/pulled muscles wayyy too many to count.
Oh i also had 2-4 concussions.

and as of now, i have an out of align pelvis so any movement i do could pull a muscle... i go to physiotherapy every week so it helps. I'm also young and a fast healer, so it doesn't affect me too much.