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Started by ochoaj, Jun 04, 2016, 08:06 PM

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What have you injured in your body?

Broken Bone
22 (57.9%)
Fractured Bone
17 (44.7%)
Sprained Joint
19 (50%)
Other (explain)
15 (39.5%)
24 (63.2%)

Total Members Voted: 38


@Eye_Nine @MrEpicWonder You guys should like, not go anywhere anymore... xD  :laugh:
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
― Benjamin Franklin


Sprained myself but never broken any bones or anything, which I'm glad of because I heard someone was jumping about with a TV remote and slipped, causing him to fall into some glass and he got a massive cut right up his arm

Long time StarNomad


Even though I play football like 24/7 i have never broken a leg touch wood. But I have twisted my ankle like 50 million times.


So, I've messed up quite a few parts of my body.

First thing, fourth grade, fell in gym class and broke my arm in two places. I woke up the next morning and my arm was 3 times the size. I also damaged the growth plate. That was fun. Also, fun fact: I played softball that night with my broken arm as a catcher and didn't care about the pain, it only got worse the next day. I had a bright pink cast that went all the way up past my elbow.

Next, fifth grade. Broke my arm once again. This ones kinda lame, I fell in the shower. GG Katie, GG. I had a bright lime green cast that went up only past my wrist.

Next, 6th grade. Another gym class incident. I was checked into the wall playing floor hockey and fractured my wrist. I had a blue cast for that. Also, fun fact on this one, I couldn't get any justice on this one despite having a boy push me into the wall and break my wrist, because his father was a cop. So no medical bills were reimbursed. Sad for me.

That's all on the same wrist. Sooo rip my wrist, it's still weak.

I have also messed up my knees, both of them, but my right one is worse. I've had surgery on it, and I am having surgery again this month. I don't know what it's called exactly, but I also used to favor this knee when I was a catcher in softball, and the knee was getting weaker and weaker. I have dislocated it multiple times.

I have messed up a couple fingers as well.

Most recently, I broke my leg in two spots, skateboarding. That was extremely painful and I was taken out by ambulance from the skate park. I couldn't walk and had a purple cast on my leg for 2 months. Fun.

Thats a run down of my injuries, hoping I won't have too many more. The one thats been the biggest pain is my knee, because it hurts constantly despite a ton of physical therapy.

x Katie


2 Split heads:

One when I was like... 2 or 3, I was playing football(soccer) in the back garden of my grandma's house, theres a small wall running at the sides of the path, which is also marking the edge of the grass. I tripped over the ball and basically face planted the little wall, leaving a huge scar across my forehead, which has now disappeared thankfully.

The other was when I was 6, I had a high cabinet on my wall where all of my DvDs were stored. I'd just finished a DvD and wanted another, so I reached up to see if I could grab one, found one and slid it off the cabinet. Unfortunately, there was a heavy money box on top of the DvD, which fell right on top of my head, leading to a few stitches.


i'm not even going to post on this, mine are just too much and stupid


When I was 2 I fell off a slide and also got smacked in the face with a swing and I still have the tiniest scar from it under my nose.

This isn't really an injury but when I was little I used to suck my pointer finger for some reason, instead of my thumb, but I'd stick it in my mouth funny and it started getting deformed and bent inwards. To this day I do no use my left pointer finger for anything really, I'll pick things up with my middle finger and my thumb, tap my phone with my middle finger, everything like that.

In fourth grade I was playing kickball at recess and was wearing flimsy flipflops, the ones that cost like $.99, and they folded under when I went to kick so I dug my toe into the concrete and split it open, I ended up going to the ER right from school.

In seventh grade my friend was carrying me around on her back and I fell off, I cut my elbow open and I have a big scar still from that.

Track, gotta love those shin splints. I stressed my left shin this year really bad and was out for the last few weeks of the season.


Quote from: Eye_Nine on Jun 09, 2016, 08:30 PM
Quote from: ochoaj on Jun 06, 2016, 06:44 AM@Eye_Nine @MrEpicWonder You guys should like, not go anywhere anymore... xD  :laugh:

Tell me about it. I'm getting heart surgery tomorrow morning.
I wish you the best of luck and stay strong!  :-\
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
― Benjamin Franklin


I was going pretty well until the 11th year of my life. so...

I sprained my wrist once riding a scooter downhill and crashing.

Bone cyst on my leg, not sure how that happened.

Fractured my leg after surgery from the cyst

I tore a ligament on my ankle somehow, from walking or something, and it got sprained a few times.

That's most of my physical injuries, a little understated about how these went down lol.


I haven't broken anything or sprained my ankle.But when I was in 3rd grade I was jumping around and fell and thought I sprained my ankle.


I've busted my head two times, once in Atlanta, GA where I was born apparently I was jumping on the bed in a hotel room and fell off and had to get staples, then I slid down the rail at my house in Tennessee and cracked my head open and had to get staples and then when we coming home from the hospital after getting them removed my sister fell and busted her knee and had to get stitches. xP  :heart:


I was playing soccer in the house and acdently kicked the door and broke my toe


When I was 2 or 3, I jumped onto a box and pretended to be Superman. The box was empty however, so the box collapses onto itself and me, seeing that happens, leap away and landed on my feet.

That's how I got a fractured thigh bone on Christmas Eve.


I've read and cringed through all of these.
I shut my finger in the door obce , that hurt a lot.
My knees turned multicoloured when I went iceskating, and I started telling my friends they were like forecast weather colour things that would tell the weather, that was funny.

I walk into the wall sometimes.
When the cat tries to play fight with my hand- that also hurts- and when they sit on you and claw at you because they're happy

Probably something worse which I can't think of right now.
Getting beaten up when I was 8 or 9 wasn't great

Fun fun fun people :D

Quote from: sparkydeathcap on Feb 17, 2016, 04:07 AMand also; how old are you? I've always imagined you as like a old irish man that drinks whiskey and screams at people to get off his lawn while sitting on a bench in the park. But I'm pretty sure that's not the case because if it was: 1. you're a pedophile and 2. you're a pedophile


"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
― Benjamin Franklin