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possible new mod

Started by pwnswords, Aug 19, 2016, 06:26 PM

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Equivalent exchange 2
Cause its awesome
don't listen to my personal title its drunk...1.7.10 Admin, Ex-Bteam Admin, Ex-Pix mod


There's a lot of controversy with this mod, honestly. It's the sole reason people don't play tekkit for more than a week; it just makes things far too easy. It's kind of a stupidly overpowered mod xd

I'll leave it up to the current staff team to decide, but I think it's been turned down before due to it being too powerful.
SFT Lost Islands Engineer!


main post here: https://www.superfuntime.org/forum/index.php/topic,161833.0.html
please say whe you want this mod there because currently it is not going to be added @pwnswords
Have a fantastic day!