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[Pixelmon] Apply for JMod!

Started by stormshooter, Aug 27, 2016, 05:36 PM

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Ever wanted to be a JMod? Well now is your chance! If you think you fit the following requirements, then reply to this thread with an application!


- 5 Hours of uptime weekly.
- 150 Hours total uptime.
- No major bans within the past 3 months.

Please use the following format to apply:

[b]Why should you be a JMod:[/b]
[b]Do you reach the requirements:[/b]
[b]Do you try your best to help players ingame:[/b]
[b]How much time do you play on the server per week:[/b]
[b]Have you been banned before? If so what for:[/b]
[b]Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it:[/b]

Thanks for applying! If you're accepted you'll receive a forum pm from one of our staff members. Please do not comment back asking if you're being accepted or not, it lowers your chances.


   (Answering in paragraph format in order)

    Hi I'm James / DylbertDangled, I'm on a lot of the time there are no staff on or able to moderate I enjoy helping with my limited abilities as is but there is only so much you can do.  There has been numerous times I have been asked to kick a player or other various issues that aren't too big but should be addressed when someone is unable to get on, I love this community with a passion.
  My uptime is insanity I'm homeschooled so I can still get 40-80 hours a week and have been every week since I joined I play a lot.  I have about 875 hours total uptime including DylbertDangle. No major bans was reset due to afking for various reasons without an afk machine.

   The first paragraph should answer your question but I do so all day and with extra commands this would open my horizons as to how I'm able to help and detect possible griefers on the server find and mark down BCV's instead of waiting for a staff member ect.

  I play on this server around 50 hours a week mean I would say (mean being average)

   I was reset to zubat for afk without and afk machine but I now follow my terms to the dot which is I'm not aloud to leave for a drink ect like I normally would

   I have skype you can contact me on discord for my information as I was recently hacked I believe through skype so I am not taking any chances. Please personal message me for this info, I am DylbertDangled(James) on the discord in the donor section.


Aug 27, 2016, 06:47 PM #2 Last Edit: Sep 06, 2016, 05:53 PM by Zombiekilla1227.
Why should you become JMod?

I would like to become a JMod because I love helping people and making their experiences on the server as enjoyable as possible.

Do you reach the requirements?

Yes I do I have over 300 hours total on the server and I hope to keep raising my total up time.

Do you try your best to help players ingame?

Yes I do my best, whenever someone asks a questions if I know the answer I would say and if they ask for poke-balls I will tell

them some ways they can get some free ones, and being a JMod would allow me to help with many more problems.

How much time do you play on the server per week

When I am not busy I tend to get around 15-20 hours a week when I am and I probably will be for a bit due to school starting 10-15 hours.

Have you ever been banned before if so what for?  
I have never been banned on any sft server before, or really any server before.

Do you have Skype if so can you get it?

Yes I do have Skype and always have it open whenever my computer is on.

Extra Questions

Do you have any past experience as Staff on other games/servers
I have owned a server once it was only open for half a year but in that short year I built it up to a decent player base
I have also been co owner on a few servers and head admin on a couple others (And before you ask no I worked my way up to those ranks )

How would you treat these problems

1: Someone is reporting a griefing.

I would first of all ask the person who reported it who the said griefer is, then I would proceed to ask the said griefer if they own the build or not

If Yes: I would check the claim and make sure if its theirs.
If No/If the claim doesn't belong to them: I would ask them to give the blocks back if they attempt to /kill or tp away I would freeze them if they refuse to give the blocks back I would ban them and include a link to the ban appeal page. However if they do give the blocks back I would direct them to /w1 and request that they read me out 3 rules including the one they just broke

2:  Someone is Xraying

Firstly I would spectate the accused player for a while to see if they tend to be mining in a random direction and coming across rare ores (Ex: Diamonds,Emeralds etc) if they seem to beeline for a cluster of said ores several hundreds of blocks away I would conclude that they are using xray and would ban them (perma) and post a link to make a ban appeal.

3: Someone is swearing at others or insulting people

I tend to work off of a 3 strikes your out basis I would first ask them to stop if they didn't I would ask again if they still continued I would kick them with the message " Come back when you are ready" if they join back and continue I would ask them to stop again if they still continue I would kick them once again if they join back and STILL continue, That would result in a Ban along with the reason " Insulting Staff/Players and Constant Swearing/w warnings" along with the link to make a ban appeal


Hey EveryOne! BioPh33r here, but most people know me as AisuSuchiruBea. As some may know i am currently apart of the pixelmon build team and i was once a jmod and event host on here and i know the responsibilities that jmod must have. I want to be a member of the team again for either jmod or eventhost again because i enjoy helping others when i can and i really enjoyed hosting events, my favorites to host was wipeout and darkwoods. The reason why i want to become a member of staff again is because i want to assist the only server i really play in better ways that i am able to now. Also for those who look through this and choose the candidates thank you for considering this application of mine!

On both of my accounts i had played on i have well over the exceeding amount required, one being 1400+ the other 800+. I have never been banned on sft ever. The weekly uptime is a bit of an issue couse of the schedule i have do to being in a police academy but i can easily attain 10+ on the weekends if needed.

I aim to assist players most i can to my abilities but i mostly seem to help when players ask for common help or how to make breeding ranches.

Refering to my previous answer, i currently havent been on much but have been active on Discord and i can reach 10+ on weekends

No! And never will be or play on it!

My skypes are AisuSuchiruBea (Bio)  &  BioPh33r (Mobile)  [Ones my pc skype and ones my phone]

Note: This server is my home and i will always be a lifer for sft pixelmon for as long as its around. I love this server and community and never want to see it fall.


Why should you be a JMod: Not only was I mod in the past on Pixelmon, but I've been staff on more SFT servers than I can remember, as well as being owner and co-owner of two.
Do you reach the requirements:Yes.
Do you try your best to help players ingame:Yes, I try to answer any questions I'm able to answer and try to help out new players with pokeballs, etc. I believe it's crucial to help players who are new to the modpack as much as possible to maintain a steady server population.
How much time do you play on the server per week:This past week I got 17 hours of uptime. I'd say my average in the past month or so is around 8-12 hours a week. Usually more
Have you been banned before? If so what for:No.
Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it:Yes. I also have discord and teamspeak.


Aug 27, 2016, 09:10 PM #5 Last Edit: Aug 27, 2016, 09:35 PM by Foon5420
Why should you be a JMod: Hi, I'm Foon I would like to be a JMod because I have experience as a mod on Wild West, I am knowledgeable about the mod pack, I enjoy playing Pixelmon, and I have been playing on the server through all of its ups and downs.
Do you reach the requirements: Yes, I am online often, have 239 hours, and have not been banned in the past 5 months.
Do you try your best to help players ingame: I am always offering a helping hand for anyone else who is new to the server or has a question. I believe that at one time everyone was new to the server and we all should help anyone who wants to be the ver best.
 How much time do you play on the server per week: I try to play on Pixelmon at least 6 hours a week on minimum. I think it's important to have uptime to stay on par with updates, new players, and important news.
Have you been banned before? If so what for: Yes, I have been, in February. I am not proud of it. Me and a staff member had a feud a while ago and he banned me for harassing staff. Gladly new him and I have been getting along very kindly and are now good friends.
Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it: I have a Skype and am very active and always check my Skype frequently.
[Lost Islands Manager]


Why should you be a JMod: i should be jmod because i already have experience being a manager for sft
Do you reach the requirements: i do (except time that i lost when the database crashed but im elite1 to prove i did have the time at one point)
Do you try your best to help players ingame:always have always will
How much time do you play on the server per week:recently about 2-3 hours but i can easily get more :)
Have you been banned before? If so what for: nope (not on pix i was on survival back when i first joined)
Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it: i do!


Why should you be a JMod:
I feel that I should be a junior mod on the sft pixelmon server because I have lots of experience with pokemon/pixelmon. I am a friendly player and I have been playing on the server for about three years now so I have experience with the people and the server.

Do you reach the requirements:
Yes I do reach the requirements. I have over two hundred hours on Pixelmon, I am usually on about ten hours or more a week and I have been banned once because I lived near my friend who had an afk pool. (The ban was two years ago).

Do you try your best to help players ingame:
I always try my best to help all players to the extent of my abilities .

How much time do you play on the server per week:
I play about ten hours a week or more. (I am having a few computer troubles so I can't get on this week).

Have you been banned before? If so what for:
I have been banned before two years ago because I live near my friends house which had an afk pool next to it.

Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it:
Yes I do have Skype. I answer to all my calls and messages I recieve when I am at my computer.

Thank you for reading my application for Jmod on the SFT pixelmon server.


Aug 28, 2016, 08:58 AM #8 Last Edit: Aug 28, 2016, 09:03 AM by Tommyinnit
Why should you be a JMod?

I believe I should be a Junior Mod. This is because I have played Pokémon for years - It was one of the first ever games I played - and know nearly everything there is too know about it. I have also played Minecraft for a very long time - 4 Years roughly - And have owned a server, and been an administrator on 7 others. Because I have owned and been an Administrator on these servers, I know lots about plugins and can help with them too!

 Do you reach the requirements?

Unfortunately, I have not had 150 Hours. I have only had roughly 10 hours. I know that this is not very much time to have spent on the game, however, I can promise that I will dedicate nearly all of my time onto this server. I also have not been banned.

Do you try your best to help players ingame:

I have already spent at least 3 hours making a public Pokémon Farm for everyone and I am frequently answering questions for the public about Pokémon and Minecraft.

How much time do you play on the server per week:

As much time as you would like me too. I can do whatever the server chooses.

Have you been banned before?

I have not been banned before.

Do you have skype?

I do have skype, my name on it is: Channelnutpig

I also own a youtube channel that has roughly 230 Subscribers and I would happily do a youtube video on SFT Pixelmon.
Thank you for taking the time to read through my Junior Mod application and I look forward to seeing who becomes one :)  



Aug 28, 2016, 08:25 PM #9 Last Edit: Aug 28, 2016, 11:21 PM by platerfin
Why should you be a JMod:because I would love to give back to the server in any way can and I wanna help people 
Do you reach the requirements:yes
Do you try your best to help players ingame:yes
How much time do you play on the server per week:1-2 hours most days
Have you been banned before? If so what for:nope
Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it: yes I have discord too


Hey i'm Chickenkiller900 and this is why i think you should pick me to be a SFT pixelmon (junior moderator).

I think i should be a j mod because i have noticed because of the country i live in (which is New Zealand by the way) is that there isn't really to many staff members on and it would be good for someone like me to be on while everyone else in a different time zone gets a decent sleep.

I meet the requirements easy i spend a decent amount of time each day on the server and im sitting at 158hr up time overall and i have never had a major ban on the server and i plan to keep it that way to.

i help players in game with all the knowledge i have in pixelmon. i answer as quick as possible and if i don''t know the answer ill search it up so if the question is asked again ill know it if its asked again and the more i search the more im learning in the process.

since i still have to go to school i use a decent amount of my spare time on Pixelmon (unless im out motorbike riding) during a week day i spend up to 45-1:30hrs each day and on a weekend i would probably spend up to 2hrs each day so i think my up time per week is ok.

i have never had any bans on the server however, i have had a run in with dday once for swearing at a player who was banned 5 minutes later apart from that there is no other incidents i can think of.\

at this point i dont have Skype but it would be very easy to get. thanks for reading and i hope you can get back to me :egg: 


Why should you be a JMod: Well, 2016 me is not the same me as 2013/2014. I used to just say whatever came to my mind and didn't care if it was rude or insensitive. I have matured and think I would be a good staff member.The times I play ( which are usually late night in Americas ) there is a few, if any, staff members on. I have been staff before but that was years back. I know mostly everything about pixelmon and the server and love to help people out with questions :)
Do you reach the requirements: Yes
Do you try your best to help players ingame: Yes, I always answer questions I know the question to
How much time do you play on the server per week: With school and sports, 5 hours is easily achievable, I can get 10+ minimum.
Have you been banned before? If so what for: In 2013 I was banned for causing some conflict with a staff member I believe
Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it: onionboys2 is my skype

Yes, I know my reputation and how people see me is mostly bad. But I am not that person anymore. I'm sure you could ask a lot of people on pixelmon and they would not describe me as the immature 2013/2014 onionboys


I'd like to become JMod for the reason that normally i don't find any Moderators to help other players out when i'm usually on (which is a lot) So id like to help out with the server.

Yes i reach the requirements. I've never been banned before and i'm on for about 8 hours a day. So i'm on for about 56 Hours a week (give or take)

I do help out when needed especially newbie players asking for stuff but with so many helpful players sometimes on i'm not always needed.

Yes i have skype the username is demon_slayer65


Why should you be a JMod: I would Like to be Jmod Because I do Play on this server quite a bit and i think its a great idea with the mod choices

Do you try your best to help players ingame: i do try and usually unwires first because I'm quite a quick typer

Do you reach the requirements: I do!

How much time do you play on the server per week: I Spend At least one hour on the this server per day unless I'm on holiday (Which is very rare) i even played on christmas

Have you been banned before? If so what for: I have not and plan not to be

Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it: I do not but can and will get discord when i buy my new phone

Sadly i am quite young but this role is not based on age but performance and i hope that i will!
Thank you for spending time to read this!


Aug 30, 2016, 11:13 PM #14 Last Edit: Aug 31, 2016, 10:09 AM by Cocobutter03
Why should you be a JMod:
I believe that I should be a JMod because I would like to help the server grow more popular as well as help ensure everyone is having as enjoyable experience on the server as possible. I can, if needed get on at almost anytime of the day providing I have access to the internet. Additionally, I think that having been around for two and a half years I've picked up some skills that would benefit not only myself but others if I was given the opportunity of becoming a JMod. For example having the knowledge of what sorts of things players like/dislike. Despite this always changing the majority of likes/dislikes I feel have remained similar over my time here. Finally, I feel I should be JMod because I am an active user of the forums, although not a frequent poster I make an effort to read through new topics/replies to posts which interest me twice a day.
Do you reach the requirements:
Yes I do.
Do you try your best to help players ingame:
 I would like to think so. Despite not being able to every single question I have a good range of knowledge which allows me to answer and help the majority of players.
How much time do you play on the server per week:
8-15h on school weeks, more on holidays etc.
Have you been banned before? If so what for:
Yes, in 2014 for advertising.
Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it:
I do have a skype account, as well as discord & teamspeak.


Aug 31, 2016, 12:03 PM #15 Last Edit: Sep 04, 2016, 09:30 AM by NiinjaChicken
Why should you be a JMod:
I think that I should to be a JMod in light of the fact that I might want to help the server develop more prevalent and additionally guarantee everybody is having as pleasant experience on the server as could be expected under the circumstances. I regularly hold tournaments and a variety of other things to engage the players of the server. I can, if necessary get on at just about at whatever time of the day giving I have admittance to my pc. I also log on frequently onto the server when its the "deadzone", (basically no mods are able to get on due to conflicting time zones). I can easily fill in the shortage of staff in the 'deadzone' as well as reliably come on other times while no staff members are on.
Moreover, I imagine that having been around for more than two years I've grabbed a few abilities that would profit myself as well as others on the off chance that I was given the chance of turning into a JMod. For instance having the information of what sorts of things players enjoy and how they interact to specific circumstances. I feel I should to be JMod in light of the fact that I am a dynamic client of the forums, in spite of the fact that not I don't post much, I try to peruse through new subjects/answers to posts which interest me. To tie this all together I used to be Moderator on this server before, my name was ElectroMC101 or GangstaOfTheSea's, I got demoted because I forgot to post on the inactivity board. College studies came up and I was unable to juggle pixelmon and my studies at the same time, but since it's over now, I can easily get back to how I used to handle the server. I have around about 6 - 9 months of a years experience as a previous mod so I know my way around the server and staff specific commands, I also get along well with everyone on the server and my fellow staff members.

Do you reach the requirements:
Yes, most certainly I do. My collective uptime is 1050 Hours.

Do you try your best to help players ingame:
I might want to think so. In spite of not having the capacity to each and every inquiry I have a decent scope of information which permits me to answer and help the dominant part of players.

How much time do you play on the server per week:
I can play for around 8-20 hours,  but still around 2-3 hours over the up time requirement.

Have you been banned before? If so what for:
I have never been banned on this server before.

Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it:
Yes indeed I do have Skype. In addition to this I also have discord.


Why should I be a JMod:
I have been playing on this server for almost 2 years. I have a lot of pokemon experience. When ever i am on my computer i am mostly playing Pixelmon. I love the server and i will be on it until i have no more time to play games. I never do bad things on the server and I am a very nice player. There are good players and bad players. I am probably one of the nicest players on the server. I am a fun person and i play fair and by the rules.

Do I reach the requirements:
I have over 150 hours but i dont go on much since i am in school but i am starting to play more. I have never been banned before so I almost reach the requirements.

Do i try my best to help other players in game:
Yes i do. It is one of my main goals on the server. I love helping people out and working with other people to build or train up pokemon.

How much do I play on the server in a week:
I used to play about 15 hours a week but i have limited my time to about 2 hours a day for 5 days of the week. I will try to get more weekly uptime and play more in my free time.

Have you ever been banned before:
I have never been banned.

Do I have a skype:
I have a skype.

Pickles Tribe

Why should you be a JMod: I think I should be a JMod because I have been on the server for just under two years on my brothers account at first and now on mine. I have much background experience with the mods in the mod pack. With much experience with pokemon in general.  

Do you reach the requirements: I reach all of the requirements but one. This requirement is the 150 hours of playing time but I will do my best to bump it up to 150 hours instead of almost 70 hours.

Do you try your best to help players ingame:I enjoy helping players in game and will help as much as possible if i can.

How much time do you play on the server per week: I try to get to at least five hours but fall short because of other plans.

Have you been banned before? If so what for: I have never been banned before.

Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it:No but i can get it. I have discord though.


My Application:
Why You Should Be JMod:

 I think i should be JMOD because i love Helping out servers and i think that i would be a big help! :) I have lots of new ideas to bring to the server and have had staff before on previous servers so i know how to use commands Very wisely.

Do You reach the requirements?

Unfortunatly i do not have 150 hours of playing time but i will be on the server as long as you would like me too :) i swear

Do You try your best to help player out?

Yes i do

How much time do you play the server per week?/Have You been banned?

i play about 25 hours a week and have never been banned

Do You have Skype?

Yes i do have skype and here it is: killer_pro317

Thank you for reading my application (Who ever is reading this) and hope you have an awesome day!


Sep 02, 2016, 03:50 AM #19 Last Edit: Sep 02, 2016, 03:53 AM by ASquattingDog
Why should you be a JMod: I think I should be a JMod because I am very active and I am always helping someone out even if it is something small. I also have lots of Pixelmon experience and have had past staff experience. Always lookin' to help out the community.

Do you reach the requirements: Yes I have just recently became Elite2.

Do you try your best to help players ingame: Yes I do. I am always helping someone from helping them claim to helping them train.

How much time do you play on the server per week: I will usually get 15-20 hours in per week even 30 some weeks.
Have you been banned before? If so what for: I have been banned for x-ray a long while ago. (It was a couple months before the new /w1 spawn)

Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it: I do have Skype. I am also extremely active on Discord helping out and just chatting with everyone. I am also very active on the forums as well. :)

#Pray4Harambe my dudes.


Why should I be a JMod?:
I believe I should be JMod because I am able to be online every day, with few exceptions. I can go on at a variety of times and easily get important news and notices because I accepted to be sent emails by Admins etc.
Do you reach the requirements:
Unfortunately I do not reach the requirements because I have been playing for a long time, and have had to switch accounts due to complications. I overall though, would have 150 hours as I have averaged the amount I play each day and it overall is more than 150 hours.

Do you try your best to help players ingame:
I definitely try to help give information to new players, inform people on prices etcetera. I also
How much time do you play on the server per week:

Around 10 - 15hours a week (Although that did stop for a period of time, but I have become active again)
Have you been banned before? If so what for:
I have never been banned :D

Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it:
I have skype, and use it very often


Sep 02, 2016, 05:25 PM #21 Last Edit: Sep 02, 2016, 05:38 PM by zacmorrison
why should i be a jmod: i beleive i shoudl be a jmod because i alwasy help players out and always there for people who have been scammed and help them out to I am reasonable and fair even though i am not high a rank as jmod i still help out as one.
do you reach reach requirements; i do reach the requirements i am on every day for atleast 5-7 hours
have i been banned and if so what for : i have been banned but this was for a rollback and dpa1991 fixing my pokemon.
Do you try your best to help players in game; yes i do help players in game with alot of things helping them claim breed sorting problems out if they have any.
How much time do i spend on the server a week; i would say i spend a total of 50 hours a week on pixelmon.
do i have skype; yes i have skype and i am very active on it
 Thank you for reading :)


Why should you be a JMod: The reason why I should become a JMod is because I am "Ok" with the server, say "Welcome" to new players whenever I can, and most of the time I just donate things to people, such as building blocks, Pokeballs, evolution items, and even money.

Do you reach the requirements: Yes, I reach the requirement, 27 hours this week, 267 hours total uptime, and that I can remember, I have never been banned.

Do you try your best to help players ingame: I always try my best to help my fellow peeps out, whether it's question, or problem like "Why isn't my pixelmon coming out from it's pokeball?" you do /kill. Or the skin glitch, /kill works as well.

How much time do you play on the server per week: Hours, I played all the time I can during the summer, going to school now though, but I'll play whenever I have time

Have you been banned before? If so what for: Again, I'm pretty sure I have never gotten banned before.

Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it: I have skype, but not sure what the password is, but I'll make a new one account.


Why i should be a Junior Mod

I have atleast 5 hours of uptime and i have atleast 180 hours of playtime as LoLzbyDefault. I would really appreciate getting the position as i respect the position and I would really like to help out the community in its efforts to make playing a better environment. I have never been banned and am a respectable member of the community.

I have skype and use it often and have it open most of the times incase needed.

I have never been banned and i meet the time requirements of at least 10 hours a week and have a total of 180 hours gameplay.

I am also active on forums and i love to help out others in game.



Alright, lets see how this goes...

Why should you be a JMod: Ok, I was JMod for 6 months and I know I made some mistakes, I've lied to people, I've done bad things. Yes, all of those things are true. I've gone behind peoples backs, I've done some things that I shouldn't have done. But, I feel like I've changed. I fit in a hell of a lot better now, I've been making friends with the new community, I've been putting in suggestions, I've been helping out in game as much as I can to the point where I'm requesting staff more than I have ever done before. I've been setting things up for people, training things, giving help to those who need it and have really settled down. I feel like, and hope others around me have noticed that I've matured way more than when I first achieved a staff rank all those years ago, and if the old me was able to hold that position for so long, than I recon this Quad can hold it for just as long.
Do you reach the requirements: Yeah I reach the requirements, this week I have almost 30 hours, I'm elite 3 with over 2k hours total, and I had @Stormξηder ღ look at my pixelmon bans the only one she found was from garow saying "scrub"
Do you try your best to help players ingame: I will try my best to do my best and help players ingame, and with any problems they may have. I'm already doing this and anyone who catches me ingame can see, currently I'm doing events, playing around and doing group battles with people aswell as helping them I'm keeping them occupied.
How much time do you play on the server per week: I can easily get 24/week if that's ok?
Have you been banned before? If so what for: As I said, I got ender to check and only by garow.
Do you have skype? If not are you able to get it: Yes I have skype, discord, teamspeak everything. Add my skype- yuggysft Add my discord- Yuggy

Now I know this would be my second chance, but if this even gets looked at I'd be thankful, I'm trying my best to be better than I used to be and more mature. I think some have seen this, for example when ilaxrv10 tried giving me a second chance, until some unmentionable things happened, and I resigned. Although some bad things happened, I still feel like I'd make a strong addition to the staff team, I'm a good team player, I'm trying my best, I know how the server works, I've been staff before I know everything there is about being a JMod, and I can play when there is usually no staff online during the deadzone time.
Greed may not be good, but it's not bad, either. You humans think it's for money and power. But everyone wants something they don't have.
Survival is the only way. Live on and learn more.
Even when our eyes are closes, there's a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams.