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Minecraft Settings To Help Your Lag

Started by ZachAttack1170, Sep 11, 2016, 04:08 AM

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Optifine is a great mod that comes with a ton of settings. Tons of players are always complaining about the lag on the server, or how they have low FPS, so I decided I'd make this post. Optifine adds a bunch of settings in Video Settings that help with your lag. There are some settings that you can change to help your lag that would look really weird, like smooth lighting and particles, but I'm not going to include those as they make your game look weird.

In Options, go to Video Settings:
Graphics: Fast
Render Distance: I'd put it around 5, but the lower it is, the less lag there is
Chunk Loading: Multi-Core

In Video Settings, go to Quality:

Clear Water: Off
Better Grass: Off
Custom Fonts: Off
Swamp Colors: Off
Connected Textures: Off
Custom Sky: Off
Antialiasing: Off
Random Mobs: Off
Better Snow: Off
Custom Colors: Off
Smooth Biomes: Off
Natural Textures: Off

In Video Settings, go to Performance:

Smooth FPS: On
Fast Math: On
Fast Render: On
Chunk Updates: The lower, the better
Smooth World: On
Preloaded Chunks: The lower, the better
Dynamic Updates: On
Lazy Chunk Loading: On

In Video Settings, go to Details:

(Note, these settings may make your game look a bit weird, but still help with lag)

Trees: Default
Water: Default
Sky: Off
Sun and Moon: Off
Translucent Blocks: Faster
Grass: Fast
Rain and Snow: Fast
Stars: Off
Dropped Items: Fast

Those settings should increase your FPS by a good amount (For me it changed it from 20 to 50). Hope this post helped!


Thank you Zach maybe this will help take care of people spamming "lag" in chat.
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