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[Contest] Voting Contest!

Started by TheOfficialMiner, Nov 01, 2016, 05:59 AM

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Nov 01, 2016, 05:59 AM Last Edit: Nov 02, 2016, 01:10 AM by TheOfficialMiner
Do you want a chance to win 500k? Well, look no further! Be one of the top 5 voters for the month and you could win this amount of money!

How to participate:

- Vote daily on all the voting sites http://www.superfuntime.org/vote (some allow you to vote every 24h, some allow you even quicker)
- On the 30th of November at 20:00 Bucharest time, be the top 5 voters on https://www.superfuntime.org/votes (This Month tab)
- The first 5 players on that list will receive 500k EmpBucks each on their favorite server. (Survival, Bteam , LostIslands and Pixelmon applicable only)

Thank you and keep on voting to win that cash ;)

Survival Specialist | B-Team Specialist | Prison Adm in


I'm in!  Hopefully I'll be on everyday


I'm going to vote not for the goods and wins, but for SFT :heart:

Hey! I don't mind lots of free cash ;)


Life is what you make it, so make it great.
Love with all your heart.
❤Mrs_Ender❤ - Today at 2:25 PM >8ball should I be binned?
HovenBOT - Today at 2:25 PM As I see it, yes


January 1, 2016 - June 29, 2017

Proud ex-owner of /warp mallusa & /warp wxp


Is it bad my goal for voting is going to be more votes than America for the election? Doesn't seem too bad...


Lost islands rewards also added to this contest ;). Get those votes in and Good luck to everyone.
Have a fantastic day!


Congratulations to


You will be contacted about your prize soon :laugh:

Survival Specialist | B-Team Specialist | Prison Adm in