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[Lost Islands] Premium Shop re-vamp

Started by blalp, Nov 23, 2016, 12:28 AM

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Nov 23, 2016, 12:28 AM Last Edit: Nov 23, 2016, 10:59 AM by Towelie
There have been three new classes to The Premium Shop for Lost Islands. What we added:
  • Hats
You know the "h" menu? If you don't it opens a menu in which you can choose a hat that you wear on your head. Well, now you can get ANY hat that you want.
  • Prefixes
Ever want your name prefixed by something other than the traditional ranks? Or even for unique than SkyLord or Donator? Now you can! There are 39 Prefixes! To get one of these prefixes you must have either rank Donator or rank SkyLord. Have fun look'n cool. You can also change your prefix between different ones you have bought! There is also a reset one now, so you can go back to your the one for your rank if you want!
  • Crates
Ever needed that extra ME drive, but too lazy to make one? You can buy an item crate which drops to all players online, then you can you can open the crate with /cr menu. There are... 30 Crates! That is 10 Separate types of crates with 3 tiers each! When you purchase one of these crates, it will drop to everyone online. Each crate is mod themed for example, there is a Thaumcraft one. Some mods have multiple crates, much as Applied Energistics. It has both a general crate and a me drive crate. Each crate has a tier 1, 2 and 3 variant. The higher tiers are more expensive and better. As you go up in tiers, the chance of getting rarer items may increase or the amount of items or more items may be added in later tiers. Each tier has a small chance of dropping other tiers of the same crate. Each crate has in it's description all the items that MAY drop from that crate. Both the number of items you get from a crate and which items are all chance based. It is guaranteed that you get at least one item though.

Also, Particle trails were removed because they never worked with Lost in the first place.

Any Glitches with the crates? received items that were not on the list? Typos? Not getting thing that you bought (may take up to 5mins), please report here. Want to suggest your own prefixes or crates? Suggest them here (prefixes) and here (crates)

Some Thank yous that made this possible:
  • Zach (some prefixes)
  • Sharking_ (Prefix Color MASTER/The guy with the idea of all of this)
  • Towelie (b/c without him none of this would be possible)
  • The Players (b/c without them, we wouldn't have a server nearly as amazing as it is!)

A 15% off sale is also active until December!

Q: Why would you be so stupid to think item crates wouldn't be a violation of the EULA?
A: They are a global drop, which is allowed under the new EULA.

Q: Let's say I bought Sky Lord and I like the custom SkyLord prefix that I have. Can I still buy the prefixes?
A: The prefix you buy would take the place of your SkyLord. You are not allowed to have both. If you want your custom SkyLord back after buying a prefix, it would be like you wanted to change it. The policy there is you can change it once a month.
Have a fantastic day!


Sweet may have to break out the old PayPal account
don't listen to my personal title its drunk...1.7.10 Admin, Ex-Bteam Admin, Ex-Pix mod


Prices will be adjusted. Either the prices of hats will be raised to $2 or they will be sold in bundles of 4 for $2.
Because if they are left at $0.5, we'll  only get $0.1 after paypal fees and taxes

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Quote from: Towelie on Nov 23, 2016, 11:01 AMPrices will be adjusted. Either the prices of hats will be raised to $2 or they will be sold in bundles of 4 for $2.
Because if they are left at $0.5, we'll  only get $0.1 after paypal fees and taxes
new items temporary removed while we adjust prices. Hopefully done in the nexe couple days. Sorry guys
Have a fantastic day!


Sorry about that guys, shop up again now with updated prices.
Have a fantastic day!


Gonna be-I mean ask-my mom to pay me so I can buy this stuff lol
To Hyrule Field, I g-Oh wait...Is that a lynel? NO THANKS!