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How are things?

Started by TheOfficialMiner, Mar 13, 2017, 06:17 AM

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How do you feel that things are running right now? I'm looking for your honest opinion here :P

Truth be told, votes have gone down compared to a couple months ago as well as player numbers and donations.

Let us know what you would like to see on survival or any other server you play on as well

Want more minigames? Let us know!
Want a new plugin? Let us know!
Have a suggestion for anything else not listed? Let us know below!

If you feel as if the general public doesn't need to see your response, please PM myself or Towelie. Thanks!

Spoiler: show
Towelie did not tell me to do this

Survival Specialist | B-Team Specialist | Prison Adm in


We're basically trying to determine:
- Why are we losing players
- Why aren't we keeping new players?
- What EXACTLY could we do to improve that? (please refrain from abstract theories and pinpoint things we are lacking)

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


I can tell you a couple things on lost. New players leave for a couple reasons no vienminer (quite op), laggy, unsure of what to do when the join the game.
Have a fantastic day!



Things just aren't how they were before. The rules although similar, aren't the same. Almost everyone I've spoken to able this have all said the same thing. Now what I'm about to say is going to possibly be mean/biased but from what I've noticed, before we had one Owner, one really active Admin, two or three active mods and that's it. Everyone did their own thing, in their own way, and played how they wanted to. Now it's more of, hey look it's survival, but with teams and you can enemy people. Don't get me wrong, the server is still pre fun, but it's just so different to how people played before, there are so many rules, yet so many more rules are still needed. It's too easy to win, yet we are so restricted. It's hard to explain but, ask anyone who avidly played last time. I guess the best way to explain it, is it's just gotten boring already. People got too op, too quickly, can't do much more, and just got bored grinding for no reason.


Again, I feel like the server is too controlled, it's far from survival. It's not a matter of needing more things, we have too much, with too many restrictions. Most higher up staff don't realize this since yeah you get what you want, and it lately has started feeling like you are adding stuff that higher up people suggest, ignoring the newer players, and just pleasing the people who have a good rank. Last week for example; someone joined and asked for staff, yes that's against the rules, but the responses he received were beyond rude. In Towelie's response, he literally says no because he is new. I know this is a pretty odd example, but it's the most common, and shows exactly what I mean. SFT is becoming over populated in staff, things we don't need, and are staying away from the real aspect of it. Ask yourself this; when was the last time you logged on, didn't have /fly, /god, you just logged on, cut down some wood, built something, and fought off mobs and tried to "survive"?

Now, I know I packed a bunch of unrelated things in one, but I kinda cba putting them into their own thing, as I'll be here for ages typing out. If you don't understand I can explain further what I mean (:
Greed may not be good, but it's not bad, either. You humans think it's for money and power. But everyone wants something they don't have.
Survival is the only way. Live on and learn more.
Even when our eyes are closes, there's a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams.


Minigames has been brought up time and time again. We used to have some pizza spleef thing? Sky wars? Lots of people talk about some egg game, might be worth figuring out things like that to host on a rotation.


I kinda disagree with Zesty, survival feels perfect. Yes it is far from vanilla survival but it's not supposed to be vanilla survival with its economy system.
I'm not lazy, I'm just on my energy saving mode.


Mar 13, 2017, 01:30 PM #6 Last Edit: Mar 13, 2017, 01:42 PM by Katherine
You can try and sugar coat it with everything possible, but Minecraft is getting decreasingly popular and no amount of plugins or new servers is going to change the overall popularity of the game itself. It's 8 years old, so you need to move with the time.


The Nintendo Switch came out together witha game I have been waiting for for years. Thus, I stopped playing Minecraft. At least for a while. Not sure if that is a reason for others.
Screw the modern world! Our lovely earth is flat, ask the Medieval men!


Quote from: Katherine on Mar 13, 2017, 01:30 PMYou can try and sugar coat it with everything possible, but Minecraft is getting decreasingly popular and no amount of plugins or new servers is going to change the overall popularity of the game itself. It's 8 years old, so you need to move with the time.


Well, to keep it "short":
Quote from: Towelie on Mar 13, 2017, 06:20 AM- Why are we losing players

We aren't having the right stuff that not the SFT community, but the Minecraft community want? Let's say everyone wants a Parkour server and you're giving hosting an awesome Creative server. You would barely get any players to play AND stay there. Despite how awesome the server is and deserving the attention it needs, that's not what the Minecraft community is interested in. Also, let's say you first started in Survival, where you have nothing and it's a literally a brand new start. You would have so much enthusiasm, and potential to play and stay for weeks or even months. Sadly, if you have everything, and you did almost everything possible, eventually you don't want to play in Survival anymore, because you already "beaten the game".

Quote from: Towelie on Mar 13, 2017, 06:20 AM- Why aren't we keeping new players?

That it took me a couple of days of asking. I asked my ex-Minecraft friends about new players, and why they would leave in the first one minute. They told me (Not exact words, but 95% similar): Well, it's not that the servers we go to are terrible or good, it's only that when we join servers for the first time, we usually don't care about what is being told in the chat, but what we see from our screens, and if we see it as one of those plain old Survival servers that are almost the same as any other Survival, then why bother staying here? There are thousands like them, might as well stay with those thousands too! Then I asked my cousin who stopped playing Minecraft for 2 years, and he told me: Make it look special and not plain? Pretty much anyone who finds a plain would leave it and search for something else, what you need is to find a server that's worth the time, the weekends to play on, and something even worth voting or donating for. That's a special server we want, plains aren't worth the time. After hearing all that, I thought this would probably make a whole lot of sense.

Quote from: Towelie on Mar 13, 2017, 06:20 AM- What EXACTLY could we do to improve that? (please refrain from abstract theories and pinpoint things we are lacking)

The answer is not exactly easy like baking a piece of pie, but what you need to is get the Minecraft community's attention. What we are actually lacking is their interest, once you get it, you have to hold on to it. If you don't get a hold on their interest, and even if you get the BEST Survival server (which you do ;D), you won't get players if you don't get their interest or attention.


Quote from: Nicadean33 on Mar 13, 2017, 11:46 AMMinigames has been brought up time and time again. We used to have some pizza spleef thing? Sky wars? Lots of people talk about some egg game, might be worth figuring out things like that to host on a rotation.
The Quakecraft (quake something, correct me if I'm wrong) minigame we used to have was so much fun, it'd be awesome if that could be re-added.

I know I've already said this but deathmatch would be cool to see again. 
I enjoy the act of xD-ing, like if you agree


Mar 13, 2017, 03:51 PM #11 Last Edit: Mar 13, 2017, 03:58 PM by BluetigerESW
Quote from: Zesty on Mar 13, 2017, 10:52 AMFactions:

Things just aren't how they were before. The rules although similar, aren't the same. Almost everyone I've spoken to able this have all said the same thing. Now what I'm about to say is going to possibly be mean/biased but from what I've noticed, before we had one Owner, one really active Admin, two or three active mods and that's it. Everyone did their own thing, in their own way, and played how they wanted to. Now it's more of, hey look it's survival, but with teams and you can enemy people. Don't get me wrong, the server is still pre fun, but it's just so different to how people played before, there are so many rules, yet so many more rules are still needed. It's too easy to win, yet we are so restricted. It's hard to explain but, ask anyone who avidly played last time. I guess the best way to explain it, is it's just gotten boring already. People got too op, too quickly, can't do much more, and just got bored grinding for no reason.


Again, I feel like the server is too controlled, it's far from survival. It's not a matter of needing more things, we have too much, with too many restrictions. Most higher up staff don't realize this since yeah you get what you want, and it lately has started feeling like you are adding stuff that higher up people suggest, ignoring the newer players, and just pleasing the people who have a good rank. Last week for example; someone joined and asked for staff, yes that's against the rules, but the responses he received were beyond rude. In Towelie's response, he literally says no because he is new. I know this is a pretty odd example, but it's the most common, and shows exactly what I mean. SFT is becoming over populated in staff, things we don't need, and are staying away from the real aspect of it. Ask yourself this; when was the last time you logged on, didn't have /fly, /god, you just logged on, cut down some wood, built something, and fought off mobs and tried to "survive"?

Now, I know I packed a bunch of unrelated things in one, but I kinda cba putting them into their own thing, as I'll be here for ages typing out. If you don't understand I can explain further what I mean (:

As for factions, I know it's always been a joke that SFT Factions is "Towny with raiding," but it's kind of true in a way.  We have many rules that aren't necessary at all, yet at the same time we have a lot of rules that should be added but aren't.  This takes away from the actual "factions" feel of it and makes it just feel as said "like Towny with raiding."

I think a big part of this is that we have is the vagueness of the rules which we have, which makes it very hard to tell the exact meaning or the rules and what is/isn't allowed. And yes, I will agree that it's different, it's extremely easy to rank up now (requirements were lowered), the higher kits are op while the lower kits are missing things/useless (such as kit demo).

Another major problem is the lack of active FMods to enforce the things that actually matter, not that CMods don't do anything useful, but I feel that it should just be fmods and admins as FMods can easily do that. As well, chat rules are almost never actually enforced anyways and when they are it's for reasons that that are just dumb and I'm no way deserve to be enforced.  If my above suggestion isn't possible, I know they won't be happy about it, but the no staff (CMod+) in a normal (non-peaceful) faction should be added back, as for some it's hard to differentiate between the position they have in their faction and the position they should have as a staff member. I'd say a lot more on that subject but I feel that I've made my point, if more info is needed contact me on Skype (evan.wilson98).

Last thing as far as staff I have to say, uptime requirements are added now but, and correct me if I'm wrong, from what I've seen only a very small number of staff actually meet that requirement.  Without staff online, people can and will get away with anything they want.  Only absolute way to prove whether or not people are cheating is to have an FMod+ screenshare, and it seems there's almost never one online or even around.

Will add a response for survival later when I've thoroughly thought it over.
I enjoy the act of xD-ing, like if you agree


Just my thing about factions is the ranks:
- op factions / people who have the time/patience to grind for hours get really high ranks by just doing something such as hitting a mob for 5 hours straight, but technically dont actually do anything such as build
-someone could come on and grind for 2 hours and be a hig rank and seem an active player, when in actual fact they have only just come on for that 2 hour slot ever.
-as the ranks get higher, then kits seem to get way too op - so op facs who grind for ages just get more op and people who hate grinding (me.) dont get as much stuff

Basically, i dont like the fact that ranks are based on mcmmo, and i know its hard to ask for another way around it, but its annoying that people can just sit and do nothing but get high ranks while others who do things which necessarily dont get them mcmmo - such as building, it is very time consuming - have very low ranks, so it doesnt really show what you can actually do and i dont like that
I also feel that guardian+ get kits which are a bit too op. Guardian or chieftan (cant remember which) gets an unbreak III sharp III diamond sword per kit, so you can make a sharp V sword every four days with no effort.

Quote from: sparkydeathcap on Feb 17, 2016, 04:07 AMand also; how old are you? I've always imagined you as like a old irish man that drinks whiskey and screams at people to get off his lawn while sitting on a bench in the park. But I'm pretty sure that's not the case because if it was: 1. you're a pedophile and 2. you're a pedophile


Restart everyones gear and make a Cube Smp @Towelie


Quote from: Lucy_23x on Mar 13, 2017, 04:59 PMhave very low ranks, so it doesnt really show what you can actually do and i dont like that
I also feel that guardian+ get kits which are a bit too op. Guardian or chieftan (cant remember which) gets an unbreak III sharp III diamond sword per kit, so you can make a sharp V sword every four days with no effort.

guardian = that sword
warlord = p3 diamond armor (or maybe that's chief not sure)

But it's not just that, if you can sit back and fish +do repair for 700 levels, all the kits become a very useful way on getting recorces. By being able to salvage them, you can get a hole heap of different things from iron, to diamonds everyday.
Greed may not be good, but it's not bad, either. You humans think it's for money and power. But everyone wants something they don't have.
Survival is the only way. Live on and learn more.
Even when our eyes are closes, there's a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams.


I don't know if this is possible at all, but if a plugin was added for lost islands(which seems to require more restarts than any other sft server) that could restart the server if the tps was below 10 and roughly 3/4ths of the people on the server want a restart. A plugin like this could probably help to keep quite a few people on lost from quitting, and probably stop some server crashes.
You must accept the fundamental truth of reality, Lost = Life!!


Quote from: Tyler7733 on Mar 13, 2017, 10:21 PMI don't know if this is possible at all, but if a plugin was added for lost islands(which seems to require more restarts than any other sft server) that could restart the server if the tps was below 10 and roughly 3/4ths of the people on the server want a restart. A plugin like this could probably help to keep quite a few people on lost from quitting, and probably stop some server crashes.
The tps is sadly most of the times under 10 :S So it would just restart all the time

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


@TheOfficialMiner  - Try to compile a list for each server with the most reoccuring problems and solutions for them pls.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Quote from: Towelie on Mar 13, 2017, 10:41 PM
Quote from: Tyler7733 on Mar 13, 2017, 10:21 PMI don't know if this is possible at all, but if a plugin was added for lost islands(which seems to require more restarts than any other sft server) that could restart the server if the tps was below 10 and roughly 3/4ths of the people on the server want a restart. A plugin like this could probably help to keep quite a few people on lost from quitting, and probably stop some server crashes.
The tps is sadly most of the times under 10 :S So it would just restart all the time
Would like to talk to you about this more.
Have a fantastic day!


Quote from: Towelie on Mar 13, 2017, 10:41 PM
Quote from: Tyler7733 on Mar 13, 2017, 10:21 PMI don't know if this is possible at all, but if a plugin was added for lost islands(which seems to require more restarts than any other sft server) that could restart the server if the tps was below 10 and roughly 3/4ths of the people on the server want a restart. A plugin like this could probably help to keep quite a few people on lost from quitting, and probably stop some server crashes.
The tps is sadly most of the times under 10 :S So it would just restart all the time
Normally it is only below 10 tps after it has been running for at least 12 hours, so that would only be 1-2, sometimes 3 restarts a day average.
You must accept the fundamental truth of reality, Lost = Life!!


Here are my thoughts:


- I know the server kind've went over this and wasn't really in favor for it. BUT, Personally I would be all for a Full reset. Obviously I know this would cause havoc for some of the richer players, but it would refrain from all of this "super-op-non-survival-survival server" stuff.
- Another thing is I would like to see new events. I only say that because almost every. single. event. is releated to wipeout, spleef or on occasion, some pvp/other events. Solution: maybe some of the Architects and eventhosts could come up with some new additions to the Gaming world.
Personally, (and please don't take this the wrong way) I think we should focus on 4 or 5 main servers and leave it at that until we attract a good player base (almost like it was before) and get those donations up. In the mean time, I would recommend/personnaly believe we should get rid of the servers (:'()that have less than a constant playerbase. This would help in two ways. One being saving money on non-needed servers that could be used to make (for example) Lost Islands a little better on the tps and RAM side of things. The second being focusing more time on the best SFT servers (Survival, B-Team, Factions, Pixelmon, and lost? I think so) so we can implement these needed changes up above in other comments.
Again, just my opinions on things, not to cause WWIII in any way! :)
Owner of the legendary Wood4U!
Founder at ModMart!
Survival Mod 12/30/16 - Survival JMod 11/5/16
Survival Admin 12/23/17 - Survival Manager 7/17/17 -
Survival Elder 3/21/18


Quote from: MrChanango on Mar 13, 2017, 11:05 PM- I know the server kind've went over this and wasn't really in favor for it. BUT, Personally I would be all for a Full reset. Obviously I know this would cause havoc for some of the richer players, but it would refrain from all of this "super-op-non-survival-survival server" stuff.

World war 3 engage! A full reset would just drop the player count even more, i'm not sure it'd do anything for SFT at this point except make the survival server a ghost town. And even if it didn't, players would have good tools in days and make tons of money pretty quickly.


Quote from: Green_Giant on Mar 13, 2017, 11:24 PM
Quote from: MrChanango on Mar 13, 2017, 11:05 PM- I know the server kind've went over this and wasn't really in favor for it. BUT, Personally I would be all for a Full reset. Obviously I know this would cause havoc for some of the richer players, but it would refrain from all of this "super-op-non-survival-survival server" stuff.

World war 3 engage! A full reset would just drop the player count even more, i'm not sure it'd do anything for SFT at this point except make the survival server a ghost town. And even if it didn't, players would have good tools in days and make tons of money pretty quickly.
I literally didn't even think about the players quitting because of a reset till this moment :o
Owner of the legendary Wood4U!
Founder at ModMart!
Survival Mod 12/30/16 - Survival JMod 11/5/16
Survival Admin 12/23/17 - Survival Manager 7/17/17 -
Survival Elder 3/21/18


Personally, I haven't had the time to be on the server as much due to a lot of personal events going on, as well as a lot of things going on with school.

I've been sick twice in the past month, and I've had trouble sleeping, so I've been hassled with tons of homework and make up work to do, and that's another reason why I haven't been on.  :steve:
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
― Benjamin Franklin


Quote from: Dday694 on Feb 23, 2017, 12:17 AMI think what sft lacks is not events hosted, but bigger games that need plugins (such as build my thing and hunger games).

However the constant problem with this is when we do open up such a minigame server just for it, it dies off after 2+ weeks because people get tired of it and it shuts down.

So my suggestion is why not create an independent world from the event world (but still hosted on the survival server) that would only host these big events. However after a certain amount of time, it gets replaced with another big event. For example, for 1 week players can play hunger games. After that it would be replaced with build my thing for a week and so forth.

That way, these mini games are always cycled around and entices more players to join and participate in these events. Even the same can be done for adventure worlds or whatnot to change it up.

I also agree with Katherine, that although the game is fun, we should try to expand as a community to other games.