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[Suggestions] Feedback

Started by blalp, May 14, 2017, 12:23 AM

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Ever wanted to rant at me or think something I did was wrong/ didn't like the way how I did something/ highlight something you really like?
Now you can without me knowing who sent the feedback! here. Please include specific events if you can, or you can talk generally.

Sorry about not being in-game very much lately. I will try to get 6hours on SFT globally, I just don't like not being on away from the people that is my job to help.

Plans for Lost long term (unknown eta):
  • Make a tool so i can monitor lag better (unsure if possible)
  • Use said tool to decrease lag
  • Get donations
  • Create a tool to fix bugs (should be possible)
  • Use said tool to fix bugs
  • Use said tool to fix reasons why items are banned

If you ever have any suggestions please feel free to contact me. Sorry I have been so resistant to feedback in the past, I was trying to be critical. I will try to consider your ideas, think of problems and solutions to those problems.

You guys as a community are really nice (Staff are great too). I just want to thank you for your good behavior overall.

Have a great day,
Have a fantastic day!