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[Guide] Lottery

Started by Towelie, Jun 05, 2011, 05:50 PM

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Jun 05, 2011, 05:50 PM Last Edit: Mar 07, 2021, 04:03 AM by D_Doge23 Reason: Updating
I've added a new plugin called lottery.
Every 12 hours, there is a draw.
The prize consists of all the tickets purchased (A ticket's price is 5000, so if 10 players enter the lotto with 1 ticket, the prize will be 50000).

How to join:
Type /lotto buy to buy a ticket. It costs 5000 EmpBucks.

Can I have more than one ticket?:
Yes! You can now buy up to 15 tickets. To do this you type /lotto buy # (you can type 1-15)

How to find out when the next draw is, and what the pot is?:
Type /lotto - This also let's you see who won the previous lottery.

Special lotteries:
Once in a few days, the admins can decide to make the next draw special.
They can do so by adding extra pot to the current pot. (/lottery addtopot <ammount>).
The winner of the special lottery will get the extra pot + the normal pot.

Can I donate money into the lottery myself?
Yes! Simply type /guishop and click one of the emeralds. The amount you add to the pot will depend on the emerald you click. Note: This will not be refunded.

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