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[Survival] W2's Villages and Protections

Started by MasterX70, Aug 20, 2019, 11:29 PM

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Howdy folks!

This is just a little reminder about villages.

A world reset or two ago a rule was created, this rule stated that, due to naturally generated villages being limited but also now claimable by players, that only 1 could be claimed per account. Meaning that if you wish to own a village, you may only own 1 under your name. This seems to have been forgotten over time, sadly.

It's been discussed and decided that this rule should still be in place and enforced. This way more folks will have a chance to get one, and no one will be able to have a sort of monopoly on villages.

I myself have also noticed that some people have already claimed multiple for themselves. No one will be punished for this or forced to give them up, but if you wish to have it unclaimed so that another person may have it, just contact a Mod+ ingame and ask them to do so. Just remember to remove any locks/personal belongings beforehand!

Thank you for your time and I hope you have a good day. :heart: