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[Survival] MyDog Plugin (NEW)

Started by GlitterBomb84, Sep 22, 2019, 02:27 PM

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Sep 22, 2019, 02:27 PM Last Edit: Sep 22, 2019, 02:41 PM by Towelie
Hello Survival players

You can now level up your dogs instead of them being lawn ornaments.

All you have to do is simply tame a wolf, and it will be given a random name. For example, I was given King and Rosie. You can change the color of their name tag by simply changing the color of their collar.

You can level up your pup by allowing it to fight skeletons, zombies etc. When your dog levels up they will let out a howl and a message will come up on your chat.

You can also check out the useful commands with /mydog.

Hope you all enjoy your pups!


This is a good update! Thumbs up from me :)
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