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I am asking for your help

Started by winston_b, Jul 02, 2020, 08:53 AM

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Jul 02, 2020, 08:53 AM Last Edit: Jul 05, 2020, 08:11 PM by winston_b
Hello all,

As some of you may, or may not know, for a while now I have been working on a project about SFT's history. With the deadline of September 1 approaching fast, I ask that you help me. I am looking for 2 things: screenshots that show important events or well known builds, or anything else like that; and testimonies describing how your experience with this community.

Since people are what make us the community we are, I am asking you to please consider pitching in with a testimony. Furtheremore, if you know of any old players who do not currently play, but might be willing to help, please... don't hesitate to contact them. I would love for as many people as possible to be able to contribute.

I would prefer you to contact me via my discord (winston_b#9429). With whatever you are able to help me with, I will make sure to accredit your name, unless otherwise said.

Again, even if you are unable to help, please spread the word to get as many people to help as possible.
- Winston  :heart:
January 1, 2016 - June 29, 2017

Proud ex-owner of /warp mallusa & /warp wxp


Sent you some gems from my screenshots folder! Lots of old names we don't see around much nowadays, it was nice to reminisce.


I do not have any screenshots....but I remember this to this day.

When I first joined SFT I was about 16yrs old back in 2014, it was my first server I ever joined. Being inexperienced and a bit young, I kept dying often to mobs, falls and other normal deaths. I cannot remember the player, but I remember her name was a light blue(elite type I think). She owned a treehouse, free of rent to anyone and everyone and she offered me a room, showed me around a little crop and meat farm. Free of charge, and honestly...this encouraged me to stay.

I died less, and had a home to store all my belongings. If it wasn't for her I probably would not stayed due to my high-death rate....I now built my own guesttown to encourage guests to stay! Also opened to all ranks needing help to get onto their feet  :heart:


Sent a friend req for testimony


I have alot to owe to this community personally from the experiences I had here especially back when I first joined in 2011.

I'd be glad to vocally speak somewhere on discord about my experiences and how it affected me or I could type up the entire story.

Thanks for doing this.


I started Minecraft on a whim as it's popularity was already "old news" just to pass the time.  This was around 2013.  It was $16, so I thought "why not?"  The first thing I did was find a server with a healthy community and get building.  I learned almost everything I knew from people on this server.

As an "older player" on the server, I have been pretty impressed at the diverse crowd this server attracts.  It has individuals all across the world from different backgrounds, nationalities, belief systems, and all of them seem to be able to have a good time just laying some virtual blocks down in a sandbox game.  I always liked that about SFT and even as I've gotten involved in volunteering as staff at different levels up and down the "chain of command", I'd still say that the overwhelming majority of people I've met on here just want to relax and have a good time.

There's always going to be little disagreements and dramatic episodes in any family and that's exactly what SFT has become for so many, even if just a "family of friends".  I am so appreciative of everyone who has helped make SFT what it is and am happy to have been a part of SFT as a community member,  trolls, old guy, head-of-staff, and just a normal player.