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Invite your friends and earn up to 50k EmpBucks!

Started by Kiannaa, Sep 19, 2020, 08:44 AM

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Sep 19, 2020, 08:44 AM Last Edit: Sep 19, 2020, 08:48 AM by Kiannaa
Want to earn easy EmpBucks?
Invite your friends on Survival and you will earn up to 50k EmpBucks!

How it works:
- Get a player on the server (Player must have less than 12h uptime when you are referring them)
- Post a screenshot of your friend's uptime
- You will earn 50k EmpBucks once your friend joins the server and after you post the screenshot, your friend will need to make a forum account and confirm you invited them by replying to your post!
- A person cannot be referred by more than one person.

NOTE: The players you invite don't have to be your friends. As long as you don't break any rules when advertising (eg: don't advertise our server where not allowed), you are allowed to claim as many rewards as possible.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! :redflower:
