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Have a Super Fun Time!

Half a dozen

Started by winston_b, Sep 26, 2020, 11:40 AM

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Hey y'all! It's now been 6 years to the day that I joined this server.

This year instead of doing a certain topic of reflection, I'll just explain the highs and lows of the last year...

In the year since my last reflection, a lot has happened to say the least. Many changes have happened in the world and in my personal life. In the fall I had taken a class to pursue geology at my junior college and it just so happened that 2 visiting professors from a university had come to try to recruit us. Well... it worked. I was hooked to their school almost instantly. That was a high. This January, though, was by far the toughest month I have ever had in my life. My friend took his life, my truck broke down 3 times, my dad nearly died of a heart attack, and a friend's mother died. As the school year started, I was enjoying the normality, but after Spring Break, when the pandemic began to really took hold, it became more stressful, but I really enjoyed working sleepless nights on Chemistry with friends.

In July, I was given the opportunity of a lifetime when I took on ownership of Mallusa with omelott. We have grown well as business partners and as friends. He has the same mentality as I do when it comes to operating things and I wouldn't trade the time we've worked together for anything.

In late August, less than a week until I moved in to university, I wrecked my truck. I was bruised up, but nobody else was hurt. That moment after the crash was an erie moment of stillness that honestly threw me into a short spell of depression. Nevertheless I have now moved into university and have been loving it here. I'm still enjoying all of the projects I'm working on and the people I've interacted with. I don't want any of you to feel sorry for me; I am an optimist; I will always look for the best in a situation. Regardless my rant has gone on long enough... I love you all :heart:, and thank you all soo much for being here. (especially Towelie)
January 1, 2016 - June 29, 2017

Proud ex-owner of /warp mallusa & /warp wxp


Congrats on six years, and best of luck with university! Glad you're enjoying it so far. :D




Congrats! 6 years is a l o n g time  :D




Gongratulations Winston!
Former Survival Manager
Survival Professor


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