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[Feedback] The chat merge

Started by Chill2000, Oct 21, 2020, 05:21 PM

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Oct 21, 2020, 05:21 PM Last Edit: Oct 21, 2020, 05:25 PM by Chill2000
Hey everyone,

With the recent chat merge being implemented for a good amount of time we want to hear all of your feedback, bad and good, please keep in mind that we are still making improvements to make the chat as easy and accessible for everyone! If there's any features you'd like to see or any you don't like so much please let us know, it's down to you guys! We'd like all the feedback on in place so if you could post anything related to the merge here or pm either me (Chill2000) or T4Tom that would be amazing.

Ps please try to keep it constructive ❤️
Quote from: xavidram on Dec 22, 2013, 09:37 AMThe internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.


I don't think its been beneficial to any of the servers, it only confuses new players and adds complications to chat moderation from a staffing perspective, noobtube's suggestion in the feedback channel of making /gshout a toggle now that all servers are connected to bungee would be a better solution


Honestly. I hate it.

It's confusing at times, and I'm sure as tera put it may confuse new players. I agree with noobtubes idea of making a gshout toggle so that people who don't want it can disable it.


there is literally nothing constructive to say, it's just awful.

I like tanks


Well personally i'll be honest I think it's cool. From what i've seen the traffic is bearable and to me I can clearly tell what's going on and it's awesome that you can just chat with people on other servers. The comments above to hold some merit though, I think that maybe the whole /gshout would make a nice addition in a sense kind of brining back "local" chat only with local being the whole server you're on and global being the chat network.


Im gonna keep it real with u chief.... it aint that great. Just seems very unneccesary and something a big box server would have (5k people+). Change is a good thing but when its not needed it is displeasurable.
Keep It Classy.-4Dan


It can be a benefit and a con, I like the fact sft is one whole, where before it wasn't "one" in future maybe expand to staff-related to expand bonding with other sft staff as whole.


I don't think it works. We had a Pixelmon staff member telling a Survival staff member to stop swearing, when swearing is allowed in chat as long as its not over the top or aimed at anyone. I feel like we can't just throw the chats together and hope that everyone loves it and everything works, because it kind of doesn't and I have heard from a lot of people that they don't like it.


if we do want to end up having one chat we should make baby steps towards it instead of making one giant leap.

I think a first great thing to do is remove the chat at first and instead bring back the /gshout command making it to where you can talk to all servers at once when you want instead of all the time.

Another step would be to let staff get to know each other from different servers. I don't know any good way to accomplish that but if we want one big family we need to get to know each other first :)

The 3rd step would be to get the players to get to know each other or get them involved in all servers. Iv'e been playing pix a bit recently and I think it's a lot of fun, we need to get people who mainly stick to one server try out others, (that may also help with player bases in quieter servers like creative or sb2)

The final step should've been to add the connected chat. We skipped way too many things that need to happen for us to accomplish this correctly.

I should add maybe finding a way to get new players to know more about how chat works would make them less confused.

Overall I think that the idea is a good opportunity towards a larger community, but we can't just jump straight into it


Very bad coming from someone who doesn't even play anymore.


Quote from: SashaLarie on Oct 22, 2020, 03:04 AMI don't think it works. We had a Pixelmon staff member telling a Survival staff member to stop swearing, when swearing is allowed in chat as long as its not over the top or aimed at anyone. I feel like we can't just throw the chats together and hope that everyone loves it and everything works, because it kind of doesn't and I have heard from a lot of people that they don't like it.
^^ Things are ran too differently on other servers. I just don't agree with this new change I definitely believe that /gshout would be a better idea. Chat is way too confusing at the moment.


I see some merit behind the idea of the merge, but I feel in practice it doesn't quite work for our server. A lot of what I need to say has already been mentioned above, so i'm not going repeat that however I do have a few things to add. Here is my idea:

Definitely need to have the return of "/gshout" but with some edits to how the command works and displays messages. First off, I think it should be reverted back to /sh (message) - a much simpler command to type and many old players know this command as it was the old command to talk to all players on survival back when the server was busy. ALL messages should go to it's local server only by default, with the exception of any messages with /sh before it.

The chat message would look much like it currently does, however i'd suggest changing the server prefix to yellow so it sticks out as global message rather than a local one.


The formatting of /gshout (/sh) should be changed. Best described with an image. It should look very similar to how you've made it now, only the Prefix representing each server would be yellow so it sticks out more as a global message.

Next up is some changes to the tab list. I'm happy we finally updgraded from the old tablist. The new one has some useful featues like Ping and TPS, and it looks a lot more modern, however there are still some improvements I may suggest.

First, take a look at this screenshot.

All the servers have different ranking systems and colours. I have circled a particularly... cursed example (sorry @NotChocobo654321 ) I have a change that can be made to perhaps help mitigate this.

First off, remove all the rank prefixes from the tab list, and have it only display the player name in it's rank colour. The colour should be enough to distinguish their rank, without making it look messy, and cause long names to be cut off.

Second off, change the text that says "Survival, Pixelmon" etc. to bold and make it "admin red" and make the player count orange. I think it'd stick out a little more and fit the house style that is set by the information above it.

I would also suggest moving the Server name/count up a line, have 2 empty spaces on the right, and then have the playerlist of that server begin on the line below.

And then the last suggestion which would kinda combine both suggestions together to make a clean chat/tab - clean up ranks! The servers have all different colours, and some more uniformity could go a long way to making people adjust to this change.


Quote from: Darren64_NY on Oct 22, 2020, 05:50 AMVery bad coming from someone who doesn't even play anymore.
Agreed, it looks terrible, I used to check on survival chat every now and then to see if any old faces were around, I don't bother now. I understand you want to bring the servers together but this was a terrible decision lol


Quote from: willhill2000 on Oct 22, 2020, 10:32 AM
Quote from: Darren64_NY on Oct 22, 2020, 05:50 AMVery bad coming from someone who doesn't even play anymore.
Agreed, it looks terrible, I used to check on survival chat every now and then to see if any old faces were around, I don't bother now. I understand you want to bring the servers together but this was a terrible decision lol
and just to add on - all I see is people complaining in discord, going against what the community is asking for isn't beneficial in any sense


Thanks everyone for you feedback, please keep it coming! Its all going to be looked at thoroughly!
Quote from: xavidram on Dec 22, 2013, 09:37 AMThe internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.


Yeaahh, I'll be honest, I joined the other day for the first time in a while and the chat just looked a bit disoriented. I preferred the simplicity of the previous chat. 


I personally don't mind the chat speed - it's like it was back in 2013/14 which is what I was used to anyways. I like that the chat is active and that there's always someone to chat to. Overall I think the change is a step in a positive direction.

However I think Green brings up a lot of good points, perhaps treating servers like we used to treat [Loc] and having a /sh command would be a good idea.

What does bother me a bit, as a survival one-trick, is the abundance of people on the other servers with colors that in my head are reserved for staff ranks only. I don't know how to solve this, but it took me like a day to realize that people that had a JMod green [Grunt] rank on Pixelmon were not JMods. Since on survival what color your name can be is very strict, this does bother me, especially now that our staff ranks are not named JMod, Mod, Manager, Admin, as we use halloween versions, and even when we're not, a lot of staff have custom prefixes so only the color indicates that they're staff. I can see this being very confusing to both new and old players.

We will also need to make sure that all staff on all servers are on the same page with what's allowed in chat and what goes over the line.


The first time I got on once the chat merge was implemented, it was never clear whether or not my messages displayed to other players on other servers because messages from Pixelmon had [Pi] in front of them but mine on survival looked normal. Back when gshout was used, it would put a prefix similar to [Pi] so it was less confusing than how it is right now.

Not to mention it feels unfinished. When doing playerlist from discord, it'll say "[Su]Online Players (??/64):" and list all the players. However, Pixelmon has the [Pi] tag in front of every player in the list but no tag in front of "Online Players". Also, for some reason, the order of the servers in playerlist changes every time.