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[Survival] Pets update!

Started by Wppvater, Dec 10, 2020, 02:43 PM

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Dec 10, 2020, 02:43 PM Last Edit: Dec 10, 2020, 02:47 PM by Wppvater
Hello everyone!

We've switched our pets plugin to one that actually works now ;)
It includes almost every mob in the game as a possible pet, and also the ability to ride your pet or have it on your shoulder!

It's a single unlock instead of multiple packages now too, however if you had the old pets unlocked don't fear! Everyone who did will have perms to the new plugin as well! (as soon as xQuic is done transferring them)

The main command to use the plugin is /pet (not /pets). Do /pet list to see a list of all possible pets, however the list includes the few pets that we've disabled like human and traderllama.

Our entire premium shop has a 30% Christmas discount right now, head over there to get access! :)
