Jun 04, 2024, 07:07 AM


Like our community? Please +1 our modpack here


Started by AutoHandler, Dec 10, 2020, 05:28 AM

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In-game Nickname: Bruhmoment2023

   Forum username: Bruhmoment2023

   Why were you banned ?:
   i said i was 9 but i am 13+

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   bc i am the requested age that i should be

   Extra Information:
   reffer to the above


Are you banned? Click here to request an unban.


we have multiple reports that you are under the age of 13 so we will not unban you just for protection of our community under discord's TOS. I am sorry but please stop making unban requests unless you are able to prove without a doubt that you are over the age of 13.