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Started by AutoHandler, Mar 19, 2021, 01:24 AM

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In-game Nickname: NickCipolla#6976

   Forum username: onionboyzz

   Why were you banned ?:
   One of the discord mods made a joke insinuating my mom was a whore so I made a gay joke

   Why should you be unbanned ?
      I am not really sure why the mod would set the precedent that attacking someones family member is okay but a gay joke is past the line.

   Extra Information:
   Not sure why the discord mod closed the thread before I could even respond. No, you did not use the exact word whore. You obviously remember what you said, something a long the lines of " your mother is used, and tossed out " dont quite remember but I know that you knew it was quite insensitive since you switched to the NSFW channel to say it. Because I believe this mod is in direct abuse of his power I would like someone higher up to be involved so he can not just close the thread to avoid responsibility
Are you banned? Click here to request an unban.



Hi it's me again! I won't close out the ticket and I have involved higher ups to take a look at your request. To note, you were sharing yo mamma jokes in general so I showed you insomniac and tagged you in a joke. If you took it personally that was not the intent. But your attack on me in retaliation was not the reasoning for the ban. Again, it was the general disregard for the rules.

As stated in this response. I have escalated your case with the owners, so please hang tight while they review your request. The review process might take longer than the standard process so give them a few extra days if needed.



Right, so this situation clearly degenerated.
I will unban, but please, in the future try to be civil.

I have already discussed what happened with Autpek and I can see he was not abusing his rank, just... you can't expect discord admin team to be punching bags and take everything, if you keep bothering a bee, it will sting you eventually, even if it kills it.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Unbanned, welcome back!

Locking this post now.  :)