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The Return of Vet World

Started by GlitterBomb84, May 09, 2021, 06:46 PM

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Hello all you wonderful players! Today I bring you some news.....

Some of our older players may remember a few years ago we had a world that was for those who held Veteran+ ranks.

We have decided to bring it back!

So for those of you who are newer and have no idea what Vet world was by all means please keep reading.

What is the difference between world 1/2 and Vet world?

Players can not just build anywhere in Vet world, (well technically they can but there are some rules.)
Players can only build within their own protected land whereas in worlds 1/2 they can build anywhere and then have their stuff protected by a Mod+. By doing this, it keeps the world clean, less restarts (if any) so there will be much less of a hassle of having your builds moved.

How can I get a protection in Vet world?

For starters, you must be a Veteran+..200 hours on Survival and /rankup Veteran.
Once you go to Vet world you can go around and find the perfect spot to call home and then call a Mod+. Now one thing to keep in mind is that Mods can only do the initial 50x50 protection for you but only Manager+ can do expansions. To get to Vet world just do /vetworld

Can I share with my friends?

In the past we had allowed players to combine plots. This is not the case this time around. In the event of a falling out we have decided it best to keep plots separate. Now if you and your friends want to be close to each other that is completely fine but both parties must agree.

How close can other players build to each other?

With the exception stated above, players cannot be any closer than 50 blocks from another plot.

What happens to my stuff if I go inactive?

Vet world rules of inactivity are a bit different than worlds 1/2. So you can be assured your builds are safe from removal, there is a 6 month inactivity period before anything will be removed. Now, with that being said if you are going to be inactive for an extreme period of time, there are ways of keeping your builds safe.

1. Go to our forums and put in a post on the inactivity page. If you cannot access the forums please let a Manager+ know and we can get it taken care of for you.

2. Make a discord support ticket.

Alright then, with all that being said....here are a few more things to keep in mind.

Yes Vet world will not be reset unless it absolutely has to. Your builds will be safe.

You can build whatever you feel like but please, keep it clean as we do have kids that play on this server. Even though build removals will be few and far between in Vet world if anything inappropriate is found it will be removed.

Simple enough right?

Ok so if you have stuck around this long, here's the catch to Vet world. It isn't free. Below you will find the prices for the initial plot and expansions. The prices are the same as they were years ago so nothing has changed in that aspect. So remember, Mods can make the initial  50x50 plot protection but only Manager+ can make the expansions.

Vet World Pricing

Each player can get up to 1 protection in Vet World.

Initial 50x50 blocks: Free

First expansion to 75x75 blocks: 500k

Second Expansion to 100x100 blocks: 750k

Third and Final expansion 150x150 blocks: 1.25mil

Reminder: These expansions are separate. If you start with the initial plot size and want to go to the max, you have to pay for each expansion price.

Please note: Protections go from sky build limit to bedrock.