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7 years

Started by winston_b, Sep 26, 2021, 06:42 PM

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Today, 7 years ago, I joined with nothing and today I leave with nothing. It's been a long time and I'll be honest by saying I never expected to see this day. Though I wont go into detail about it, I'll say that my parting is for my own mental health. Through the years I have played on here I have met a countless number of people. Without going through my whole life story on here, I just want to highlight some people that meant a lot to me.

An unlikely friendship came from a now indispensable friend: omelott. Before the 2018 full reset we had only conversated a handful of times with most of them usually being related to his Nommy Island or the Rednian Empire. I will forever remember one of our first interactions post full reset where he helped me build my lighthouse that I cherished so much. As we began to talk more we got to know each other better and slowly started to do business together. I would give him advice and he would do likewise for me. He helped me open my first ever autoshop: QuickStop, which was a mild success. Then in the summer of 2020 he gave me the opportunity of a lifetime by becoming official business partners and co-owning mallusa 50/50 by buying it from Mini_ for 50 million emp. It was a huge risk that I took because with the initial investment my balance dropped from around 28 million to only 3 million. That experience will forever be one of my best as me and him grew closer than I could have ever imagined.

I have known Kakota and Casey_jr_9 for so long that I don't actually know how many years it has been, but I can say that it was back when Skype was still popular and it has been at the very least 4 years. Ever since we met, we have all 3 been good friends with each other. Both of these people mean so much to me. We have been through the thick and thin, but still have managed to stay in contact. Casey's endless knowledge about trains always keeps me informed and entertained and I will continue to enjoy that. Kakota has been an awesome human being, even when she doesn't see it in herself, and I'm proud to say that starting today mallusa will be in Kakota's good and capable hands.

Remnin (formely Amber_Kat), who has now parted ways with the server, is another dear friend that I couldn't imagine life without. Despite their own struggles, their constant pursuit to insist I stay happy means more than the world to me. They have been such a good person to me even in times where we did not get to talk as much. They are one of the best people ever and are very much the salt of the Earth.

For 2 years now SlimeyBoi123 has loyally advertised my spawner(s) (wxp, wxp2, wxp3) by giving him reputation points on the discord server. (and for nearly as long he has referred to me as winstoned and I have referred to him as slimed) Even though we aren't the closest, I still have had a great few conversations with him and have genuinely enjoyed his presence. One of the things I will always cherish is the time that he was talking about his resource pack that retextured slimes to have his head as the slime body and I asked if I could have it; to this day I still use it and am amused by seeing the SlimeyBoi slimes.

Someone that appeared when I most needed someone was Rose2247. Without her, I would not be here today. She is literally the single best person I have ever talked with. She helped me through the most difficult patch in my life and never complained about my struggle. For that I am eternally grateful and forever in debt to her. Words alone cannot express my gratitude for her. Thank you.

A project of mine for the past few years was collecting SFT history. With that I have met many fun and interesting people, as well as heard many interesting stories. Fractalion has been by far the most helpful person with this pet project. The stories he shared with me were amazing and so fun to hear. Over time we became friends instead of just acquaintances. Being one of the most interesting persons I have met in regards to events and people of the past on here, I will always enjoy that.

Prof_Thanos (now DrYouReInMySpot) was someone I had known previously, but when I reached out to him to help me with physics in the spring of 2020 we began to grow closer and become really good friends. He is a very interesting character and I love that about him. His intellectual bounds will never cease to amaze and entertain me.

More recently I had the privilege of getting to know Maya546. She only rejoined the server this summer, but in the short time that I have known her, she has been a really good friend. I enjoyed all the late night talks at 4, 5, or even 6 am despite knowing we both should have been asleep. The funny talks that we had I will always cherish.

Dental_Floss is someone else that I have grown to having a good connection with more recently. Since omelott left he has really picked up the construction in TownUSA for me and I know that with his amazing building skills and personality, him being the owner of the town and the wxp franchise, those things will be in good hands.

There are others that I have forgotten to mention because my lack of memory or falling out of contact, but you know who you are and know that I enjoyed the time spent with you.

For the people that do not like me and are probably glad to see me leave I have a word for you too. Let go of your anger; there's no need for it. I am not mad at you so why should you be mad at me? I apologize for whatever it was I did, but I also forgive you for holding a grudge against me. Life is too short to stay angry and I hope you can see that.

I love the time spent with every one of you on here and I do hope that you enjoyed it too. If you want to say anything to me, my discord is winston_b#9429. I hope I left this place better than when I joined. I will always cherish the good times I had on here. I wish all of you reading safe travels and a good life forwards. I love all of you and goodbye, sincerely Winston.
January 1, 2016 - June 29, 2017

Proud ex-owner of /warp mallusa & /warp wxp


Have a good trip buddy, it's gonna suck without you around the server. And, never think that you need to repay me. What are friend for?
To Hyrule Field, I g-Oh wait...Is that a lynel? NO THANKS!


"It's the end of an era." Truly, we never wanted the day to arrive, but we've come to the unfortunate end. Means a lot have known you for all these years friend, and I hope this is still just the beginning of our friendship.


I hope this new chapter in your life brings you good things and a positive outlook. We'll truly miss you, and SFT won't be the same without you </3 goodluck buddy, I hope life brings you good things!


It's already been a year since we've first started talking thru /p


Take care winston! And don't be a stranger

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Sad to see you go Winston :( Even though we were never super close it'll be sad not seeing you on. Best of luck with life and hope to maybe see you again at some point c:


 :redflower: :redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower:

:heart:You MUST learn to help yourself. Thats how you become stronger. :heart: