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Season Changes

Started by Autpek, Jan 28, 2022, 08:23 PM

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Hey Everyone!

The last post about seasons is still up, but it looks like more want to keep then get rid of, but I want to let you know that I hear the concerns and want to form a plan on what I need to get changed to make it more bearable for everyone. Since we are a community, I want to make sure I incorporate everyone's feedback as much as I can (the plugin config does have limitations, but most of the issues we see are configurable).

So far we have changed the following:

 - Stopped wolves from spawning in winter
 - Reduced the spawn rate of all seasonal spawned in mobs
 - Worked with dev to fix health_boost hunger bugs

With that said, Please list what you would like changed here in the following format.

Quote- Example 1
 - Example 2
 - Example 3
 - Example 4

I would appreciate if we limit this thread to just the above type responses so we have an easy way to look at all the changes the community would like us to make. I can not make promises that I can fix everything, but I will do my best to try. Example: I can not remove the extreme temperature causing you to go hungry, but I am able to adjust the ranges that the extreme temperatures take place.

Thanks for all the feedback, and also thanks for caring about the server and community you play on.

- Autpek


Also to add, we can change the color pallet of blocks that change color with seasons. So if people think some of the grass is ugly, that is customizable as well.


- Prevent soil change destroying crops
- Maybe lower some of the heat and cold. Not all of it as the point of it getting really hot, or really cold is intended.

About all i can think of.


-Additional issues with animal farms not able to exist without getting killed off or greatly reduced
-Some biomes could use a cold a cold weather adjustment, as it is hard ti stay warm even with leather armor and mob spawns are a tad high.
Survival Specialist | Discord Admin
"If you can't fix something, you probably aren't trying hard enough."


This is just me personally yet heres what i have to say
-Some kind of benefit other then two extra hearts for staying at the comfort temp (Like maybe speed, or some other effect)
-A notification of when the seasons are getting close to changing (I.E Winter is almost over and spring is on its way in X days!")
-Some more leather based armor for when new people join the server so if the server happens to be in winter they won't have to worry about getting to cold incase the helmet isn't enough.

Hopefully these ideas help out and can help benefit the server.


1. Grass color in winter needs to be different it's not realistic at all and the color to me looks to be grey which gets rather depressing looking quickly considering the large amounts of stone.

2. Netherite gear should provide some level of warmth given it comes from the nether which is basically hell so, in theory, I would imagine netherite gear would provide much more warmth than diamond iron or gold would.

3. Crops should still grow in the winter just at much-reduced rates. Irl we know certain crops such as beets are grown in the wintertime.

4. The speed at which you get cold from going in the water in the wintertime is a bit much.

5. Torches should be melting the ice they currently do not.

6. Some way for us to build outside in the winter and not have to place every farm every animal inside.

7. Not having to eat so much due to fluctuating health.

8. Seasons shouldn't limit what locations we can build in like we should have temperatures in desert's, jungle's etc be lesser so people aren't on fire all the time. Yes, these locations should naturally be harder to build in but like irl Las Vegas is a desert yet it's one of the most popular places to live.

9. If were surrounded by blocks ie in a house or something else we build it shouldn't be 1 degree even when were surrounded by torches. Our homes irl aren't that cold cause we have heat to warm them up a campfire and torches should act as heat for our builds.

10. The biggest issue with seasons is were forced to do things. We are forced to only build in certain biomes were forced to light everything up with torches in order to stay warm were forced to not use water in builds or machines. Minecraft is a game not a survival simulator is the issue.  But survival Minecraft should be fun not annoying and the biggest issue with seasons is were forced on what we can and can't do and it's simply annoying not a challenge.

11. Definitely need an announcement on how long until the next season.

12. Maybe shorten the irl time of winter by a day total as that is the season causing us the most annoyance.

13. The seasonal mobs are a bit bizarre given let's say for example your natural biome is a desert why would a polar bear be in the desert lol. But with the current seasons that's reality.

14. Give a reason to play in each season currently the way to deal with winter as sad as it is to say is to just not play for the couple days until winters over. The wintertime unlike irl provides no real benefit to the players. Irl we can go skiing sledding etc but in Minecraft there's no special events or anything to make winter something to look forward to. Just a thought maybe have snowball fight minigames etc. Have a snowman building contest.


-Reduce summerheat and raise winter temps. Even if their own biomes.

-Changing the color palette wouldn't hurt.

If I think of more I'll add.


Quote from: NotChocobo654321 on Jan 28, 2022, 11:54 PMThis is just me personally yet heres what i have to say
-Some kind of benefit other then two extra hearts for staying at the comfort temp (Like maybe speed, or some other effect)
-Some more leather based armor for when new people join the server so if the server happens to be in winter they won't have to worry about getting to cold incase the helmet isn't enough.

Chocs idea of leather armor when you spawn for the winter is really smart. Giving it unbreaking 1 would also be a good idea.

Quote from: Kakota on Jan 29, 2022, 02:09 AM-Reduce summerheat and raise winter temps. Even if their own biomes.

-Changing the color palette wouldn't hurt.

If I think of more I'll add.

-Hot/cold biomes could def use an adjustment. Cold biomes are cold enough you'll lose hunger quickly, get frozen in the rain, dunking into water or even inside. Leather armor isn't really enough to get past ~0 even in the best circumstances. Rain and snow is also a biggie, and if the commonality/duration of storms can't change it should be +10 in cold biomes and while I don't often find myself in hot biomes or in fire I'm sure it's similar during summertime so they should be -10.

-Different colors would also be nice for things like browner/duller grass in fall and brown/gray in winter. Leaves should all be brown/red/orange in biomes.
Survival Specialist | Discord Admin
"If you can't fix something, you probably aren't trying hard enough."


Quote from: travkeymaybe on Jan 29, 2022, 12:56 AM1. Grass color in winter needs to be different it's not realistic at all and the color to me looks to be grey which gets rather depressing looking quickly considering the large amounts of stone.

2. Netherite gear should provide some level of warmth given it comes from the nether which is basically hell so, in theory, I would imagine netherite gear would provide much more warmth than diamond iron or gold would.

3. Crops should still grow in the winter just at much-reduced rates. Irl we know certain crops such as beets are grown in the wintertime.

4. The speed at which you get cold from going in the water in the wintertime is a bit much.

5. Torches should be melting the ice they currently do not.

6. Some way for us to build outside in the winter and not have to place every farm every animal inside.

7. Not having to eat so much due to fluctuating health.

8. Seasons shouldn't limit what locations we can build in like we should have temperatures in desert's, jungle's etc be lesser so people aren't on fire all the time. Yes, these locations should naturally be harder to build in but like irl Las Vegas is a desert yet it's one of the most popular places to live.

9. If were surrounded by blocks ie in a house or something else we build it shouldn't be 1 degree even when were surrounded by torches. Our homes irl aren't that cold cause we have heat to warm them up a campfire and torches should act as heat for our builds.

10. The biggest issue with seasons is were forced to do things. We are forced to only build in certain biomes were forced to light everything up with torches in order to stay warm were forced to not use water in builds or machines. Minecraft is a game not a survival simulator is the issue.  But survival Minecraft should be fun not annoying and the biggest issue with seasons is were forced on what we can and can't do and it's simply annoying not a challenge.

11. Definitely need an announcement on how long until the next season.

12. Maybe shorten the irl time of winter by a day total as that is the season causing us the most annoyance.

13. The seasonal mobs are a bit bizarre given let's say for example your natural biome is a desert why would a polar bear be in the desert lol. But with the current seasons that's reality.

14. Give a reason to play in each season currently the way to deal with winter as sad as it is to say is to just not play for the couple days until winters over. The wintertime unlike irl provides no real benefit to the players. Irl we can go skiing sledding etc but in Minecraft there's no special events or anything to make winter something to look forward to. Just a thought maybe have snowball fight minigames etc. Have a snowman building contest.

I would like to hear the management teams' opinions on these suggestions.
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