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[Updated] Join SFT as a Youtuber!

Started by Kakota, Sep 21, 2022, 02:11 PM

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Sep 21, 2022, 02:11 PM Last Edit: Sep 21, 2022, 02:17 PM by Kakota
Hello everyone!

Ever wanted to be a Youtuber for a community?
Now is your chance to!

We have lowered the requirements to be a Youtuber for SFT!

  • 500 subscribers
  • 1000 views within a month from posted video date

[b]Minecraft nickname[/b]:
[b]Youtube channel[/b]:
[b]Current subscribers[/b]:
[b]Average views on a video you make[/b]:

  • Exclusive Youtuber rank
  • Free premium shop items(based on the recording)
Note; Due to EULA we can only provide shop perks at this time.

Please click the word "select" to copy the required text field above & paste it into a reply to submit your application :)
Applications must meet the posted requirements.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
Have fun everyone!  :heart: