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[Suggestions] Steve Co. Crates

Started by Maya546, Mar 16, 2023, 09:10 AM

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Hey guys!

Have you ever really wanted a custom item in-game named after your favorite movies or shows? Maybe even your favorite parts of SFT?? Well, here you can suggest a Steve Co. Crate with a chance of it being created in game!

Every Steve Co. Crate needs a theme, whether it be a Minecraft update, SFT or your favorite movie that you are recreating through different items. When you want to create a theme, try to think of something everyone would know or like to have in their homes online! Now, these themes need items or tools to make up the crate itself. When you suggest a Crate, we are essentially asking that you create a "box" of items that you feel represents your theme. These items can have custom names (include colors if you want!) and lore (descriptions) as well as different enchantments, some that may not usually even be found on those tools! It really is up to you, but please do not go overboard.

In order to suggest a Steve Co. Crate, it needs to meet the following requirements:   
   :iron: All items are appropriate, we are a family-friendly server.
   :iron: All suggested items are organized in a list.
   :iron: Total item count must be under 10.
   :iron: Crate items match your "theme".

If you would like to suggest a Steve Co. Crate, copy and paste to use this format! (type after the [/b] tags)
[b]Steve Co. Crate Theme: [/b]
[b]Number of Steve Co. Items: [/b]
[b]IGN of Suggestor: [/b]
[b]Item #1: [/b]
[b]Item #2: [/b]
[b]Item #3: [/b]
[b]Item #4: [/b]
[b]Item #5: [/b]

Feel free to use your own listing format, just please make sure we are able to read it!
If you wish to suggest more than those 5 items, simply continue the numbering and list but make sure it remains under 10 items.
Additionally, if you want to submit multiple crates, please do so! We want all your suggestions (:

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Maya546, MasterX70, or samanthasnee!

Want to know the current Steve Co. Crate contents? Click here!

Want to know more about how Steve Co. Crates work? Click here!
Discord Admin | Modded Mod
Survival Owner & Head of Staff


Mar 31, 2023, 12:03 AM #1 Last Edit: Mar 31, 2023, 12:11 AM by BluetigerESW
Steve Co. Crate Theme: Resident Evil
Number of Steve Co. Items: idk
IGN of Suggestor: me
Item #1:
     Name: Leon's Knife (iron sword)
     Enchants: unbreaking, impaling, smite
     Lore: Not so sturdy but it gets the job done
Item #2:
     Name: Leon's Bingo Card (paper)
     Enchants: Curse of Vanishing
     Lore: Where's everyone going?
Item #3:
     Name: Leon's Vest (black leather chestplate)
     Enchants: projectile protection, blast, ???
     Lore: It's seen some crazy things...
Item #4:
     Name: Umbrella Company's Evil Plans (music disc 11)
     Enchants: none
     Lore: A multi-step guide for world domination
Item #5:
     Name: T-Virus Cure (drinkable insta health potion)
     Enchants: none
     Lore: I think I'll let you test it out first...
Item #6:
     Name: Leon's Jeans (blue leather leggings)
     Enchants: projectile protection, blast, ???
     Lore: Dependable against the infected
Item #7:
     Name: Leon's Boots (black leather boots)
     Enchants: projectile protection, blast, ???
     Lore: Useful for kicking the infected (or people)
I enjoy the act of xD-ing, like if you agree


Prefacing this with this would include everyone that wasn't in the previous version.

Steve Co. Crate Theme: Appreciation set
Number of Steve Co. Items:
IGN of Suggestor: me
Item #1:
     Name: Autpek's head
     Lore: His work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #2:
     Name: AtomicPulse's head
     Lore: His work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #3:
     Name: blalp's head
     Lore: His work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #4:
     Name: BuilderCreep's head
     Lore: Her work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #5:
     Name: ceddy24's head
     Lore: His work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #6:
     Name: xQuicScope's head
     Lore: His work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #7:
     Name: RallyReaper's head
     Lore: His work for SFT won't be forgotten!
Item #8:
     Name:  SFT's 13th Anniversary Ticket(paper)
     Lore: Est. 2010 and still going!
I enjoy the act of xD-ing, like if you agree


Steve Co. Crate Theme: Prisoner set
Number of Steve Co. Items: idk
IGN of Suggestor: me
Item #1:
     Name: Prison jumpsuit (orange helmet)
     Lore: The best in inmate fashion
Item #2:
     Name: Prison jumpsuit (orange chestplate)
     Lore: The best in inmate fashion
Item #3:
     Name: Prison jumpsuit (orange leggings)
     Lore: The best in inmate fashion
Item #4:
     Name: Prison jumpsuit (orange boots)
     Lore: The best in inmate fashion
Item #5:
     Name: Escape plans
     Enchants: punch 5 enchanted book
     Lore: Snitches will be punished!
Item #6:
     Name: Prison Shank (wood sword)
     Enchants: sharpness, impaling, punch
     Lore: A prisoners' favorite multi-functional tool!
Item #7:
     Name: Confiscated Drugs (sugar)
     Lore: The warden's favorite contraband
I enjoy the act of xD-ing, like if you agree


Steve Co. Crate Theme: Fire Fighter
Number of Steve Co. Items: 8
IGN of Suggestor: MobileHome18
Item #1: Red dyed leather helmet
     Name: &4&lLeather Helmet
     Enchants: unb 10 fire prot 10
     Lore: Apart of Firefighter's Gear
Item #2: black dyed leather chestplate
     Name: &4&l Turnout Coat
     Enchants: unb 10 fire prot 10
     Lore: Apart of Firefighter's Gear
Item #3: black dyed leather pants
     Name: $4&l Turnout Pants
     Enchants: unb 10 fire prot 10
     Lore: Apart of Firefighter's Gear
Item #4: black dyed leather boots
     Name: &4&lFirefighter's Boots
     Enchants: unb 10 fire prot 10 feather falling 5
     Lore: Apart of Firefighter's Gear
Item #5: iron axe
     Name: &7&lFirefighter's Axe
     Enchants: unb v eff 10
     Lore: This tool helps save lives
Item #6: Ladder
     Name: &4&lFirefighter's Ladder
     Enchants: unb 10
     Lore: This ladder helps save lives
Item #7: Potion of Fire Resistance
     Name: &4&lFirefighter's Drink
     Enchants: none
     Lore: This drink helps when it's hot
Item #8: blaze powder
     Name: &6&lFire (Fail Prize)
     Enchants: unb 1
     Lore: You burned in the fire


Steve Co. Crate Theme: CW The Flash
Number of Steve Co. Items: 6 
IGN of Suggestor: George_Filos
Item #1: minecraft:player_head{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Flash's Mask\"}"},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;2126345880,2139964660,-1244807201,254284613],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTU1ZGJjOWMxZmQyYzA0MmQyODhkNzM0N2RhYWIwODViNGI2YTliNGMzNjBiOGY5ZTdhODZiZjU1NGUwNzhkYSJ9fX0="}]}}}
    Name: Flash's Mask
    Enchants: Mending, Unbreaking 10, Fire Protection 6
Item #2: leather_chestplate{display:{color:9510173}}
    Name: Flash's Upper Suit
    Enchants: Mending, Unbreaking 10, Fire Protection 6
    Armor Trim: Gold Coast Armor Trim
Item #3: leather_leggings{display:{color:9510173}}
    Name: Flash's Lower Suit
    Enchants: Mending, Unbreaking 10, Fire Protection 6, Swift Sneak
    Armor Trim: Gold Coast Armor Trim
Item #4: gold_boots
    Name: Flash's Golden Boots
    Enchants: Mending, Unbreaking 10, Fire Protection 6, Soul Speed, Feather Falling, Depth Strider
    Armor Trim: Redstone Tide Armor Trim
Item #5: minecraft:player_head{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"CW The Flash Ring\"}"},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-355477961,-1006679257,-1724234750,73170083],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTM2YTU5OTQwNDdkYTA4YWI2ZjNlZjY4ZDU0ZmZhN2VhNzc2YTE2NDI0MDc0NmE0ZWNlNDY1OTQ4NzMwZTk1NSJ9fX0="}]}}} 
    Name: Flash's Ring
    Enchants: Unbreaking 10
    Lore: 'Magically fits a suit'
Item #6: Potion
    Name: Velocity 9
    Lore: Killed multiple speedsters.
    Make it a speed lvl 10 potion for 3minutes
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