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Survival World 2 Reset and Build Move Information

Started by Maya546, Jul 15, 2023, 10:22 AM

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Jul 15, 2023, 10:22 AM Last Edit: Sep 01, 2023, 10:52 PM by Maya546
As you may know, Minecraft has released the Tales and Trails update, which includes a new Cherry Blossom biome and the new Sniffer mob (click here for more information). Usually, when Minecraft releases a new update, we add any new items or biomes through an updated Scavenge World. However, we wanted to switch it up for this update and reset one of our worlds.

Per Towelie's Announcement on our discord (click here to read), we are resetting World 2 for the Tails and Trails update. We decided on this world as the custom generation has caused numerous issues with WorldEdit. These issues would have likely rendered it inhabitable within the next few months, which would cause it to need a reset.

If you are afraid of losing any builds you have in World 2, do not fear, as we will be allowing builds to be transferred to the new world, or World 1, from July 16th until roughly September 16th. We are conducting this by converting World 2 to World 2old, allowing us to keep it online with the new World 2.

However, not every build will be accepted, and you will only be allowed to have three builds moved. The following parts of this post will concentrate on the requirements or limitations of the builds that can be moved. If you have any questions regarding the reset, please direct them to #survival-feedback on SFT Discord or contact an Admin (click here for staff contact information).

As I mentioned above, you will only be allowed to have 3 builds moved over from World 2, for which the prices of each build will depend on how big it is. Minecraft builds can be very extravagant, so we will allow up to 3 million blocks to be moved, and for every block over that amount, you will be charged 1 emp ontop of the build move costs!

With the rarity of autoshops on Survival, we will be allowing all autoshops to be moved from World 2 for free. This will not count towards your limit of three build moves; however, it can only be the autoshop. No attached houses or areas (excluding attached storage rooms). As for spawners or individual rooms of houses, we will not be allowing them to be moved.

Due to constraints around Slimefun and what is disabled, we will be unable to move any cargo systems from World 2.

Additionally, the Manager+ Team reserves the right to turn down a build move if it is too big to be moved, inappropriate, or an illegal SFT build, following a review from the team.

Build Move Costs
  First Build: Free
  Second Build: 500k
  Third Build: 1 million

If you wish to have a build moved and there are no Managers or Admins online, please use the World 2 Build Move Request Form 2023.
We are a smaller team, so please be patient! If you leave contact information, we will notify you when it is complete (:

Need more information on illegal builds? Click here
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