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Started by AutoHandler, Oct 07, 2023, 07:08 AM

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In-game Nickname: Popthecat

   Forum username: Popthecat

   Why were you banned ?:
   Stealing and staff avoiding. Probably didn't even read chat (honestly don't know if it was the survival world it was soooo long ago)

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   Was thinking about servers I used to play on from a decade ago and remembered this one. I remember stealing and getting banned for and figured hell, 13 years has gone by and I wanted to see what the server looks like now. Obviously I wont be stealing again lol.

   Extra Information:
Are you banned? Click here to request an unban.


Hey Popthecat!

There were some complications figuring out who initally banned you, so I will be taking over this unban request.

Please hang tight as our Manager+ team discusses this, it should take about 24 to 48 hours!

 Maya :heart:
Discord Admin | Modded Mod
Survival Owner & Head of Staff


Hey Popthecat!

After a review from our Manager+ team, we are willing to unban you if you agree to the following terms:
  :slimeball: Promise to not steal from players again.
  :slimeball: Tell me one rule from our server rules, listed here: https://tinyurl.com/mr35873w.

You have one week to reply and accept your terms or it'll be locked with no unban and you'll need to submit a new request!
 Maya :heart:

Discord Admin | Modded Mod
Survival Owner & Head of Staff


I indeed promise not to steal from anyone, as well as promise not to avoid staff. Also as for listing a rule, I liked to one you have about not ruining natural waterflow, as that is super annoying and also a total eyesore to look at.

- Look forward to seeing what this server is all about now (I'm sure its changed a bit)


Quote from: Popthecat on Oct 09, 2023, 06:17 AMI indeed promise not to steal from anyone, as well as promise not to avoid staff. Also as for listing a rule, I liked to one you have about not ruining natural waterflow, as that is super annoying and also a total eyesore to look at.

- Look forward to seeing what this server is all about now (I'm sure its changed a bit)

Thank you for agreeing to the terms! You will now be unbanned, but since your unban is older, it may take another day to process so please be patient!

Discord Admin | Modded Mod
Survival Owner & Head of Staff


Unbanned, locking.
Discord Admin | Modded Mod
Survival Owner & Head of Staff