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[Survival] Vote Contest - February

Started by Nicadean33, Feb 02, 2024, 01:02 AM

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This month's voting contest will be slightly different. Were you aware that you are able to leave a review on many of the voting sites we use for SFT? We will be starting a campaign over the next few months to increase these reviews, as it is a search and rank criteria on these websites!

February Website: MCServerList https://minecraft-server-list.com/server/181430/vote/

While voting, make sure to click "Review and Rate" and leave us a 5 star review! Tell others about the plugins, staff, community, or your history with the server.

Leaving a review inside the month of February will earn you a coveted, completely unique, collectable, and legendary prize. This prize is only available during this month, so get to voting and reviewing!


Things left at everyone's /home or private warps.