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[US News] Fed-Ex and Bus Accident; 10 dead

Started by The Lovin Spoon, Apr 11, 2014, 02:40 PM

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The Lovin Spoon

Apr 11, 2014, 02:40 PM Last Edit: Apr 14, 2014, 12:29 AM by djkirsh

High-school students run for their lives after tractor-trailer slams into their bus on California freeway; 10 dead

The long bus ride north from Los Angeles for a group of high school students who planned to visit Humboldt State University had been fun: The hours whizzed by as they watched movies, chatted up new friends, and jammed to hip-hop on the radio.

Steven Clavijo, 18, a senior at West Ranch High in Santa Clarita, was looking forward to his visit to Humboldt, where he planned to enroll. Just as Clavijo was trying to catch a nap Thursday afternoon, he said he felt the big vehicle begin to shake from left to right and then he heard a loud boom.

"We knew we were in major trouble," he said.

A FedEx tractor-trailer had crossed a grassy freeway median and slammed into the bus. Ten people were killed in the fiery crash, including both drivers, authorities said.

Many of the more than 40 students on board escaped through a window that someone had kicked open, Clavijo said, running for their lives to the other side of Interstate 5 before hearing an explosion and seeing the bus burst into flame.

As he jumped out of the window, Clavijo said, he dropped his glasses and scraped his knee.

Two more explosions soon followed, he said, and he and other survivors looked on knowing others were still trapped in an inferno.

Massive flames could be seen devouring both vehicles just after the crash, and clouds of smoke billowed into the sky until firefighters doused the fire, leaving behind scorched black hulks of metal. Bodies were draped in blankets inside the burned-out bus.

Source: CBS


I assume we don't know the cause of the accident. In that case, since I'm going to be gone for a couple days, could you check for more information at a later time? I personally would appreciate any more information. Of course, there may not be any more anyways. Thanks for checking though, if you could.


I hate it when things like that happens. It makes me really upset.  :'(


Dreadful, hopefully they can work out what happened to prevent it reoccurring (wonder if the double trailer aided it).