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Have a Super Fun Time!

What would you do?

Started by Towelie, Aug 03, 2014, 12:27 PM

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i think i'd fuck up the server so don't give me owner pls xD


Id make battle admin prot127for me


Made By Miricx


Quote from: kwstoudt on Aug 03, 2014, 07:23 PM
I would also upgrade the amount of ram on the pixelmon server so it has less lag...
It's a lot more complicated than that unfortunately. The cause of the lag could be the processor not keeping up, bad network bandwidth, etc. Some of the lag could be client-side aswell.


Quote from: killpaddy47 on Aug 03, 2014, 07:30 PM
Update the jmod/staff system its outdated and i really don't like it, i find it degrades the player (getting someone to '''''promise''''' not to break rules, on the internet. What am I like 7 years old, most people who play are old enough to lie through a computer.

I would go into more detail about improvements be probably shouldn't (super serial staff shit fur realz)
Generally make it more automated.

Also NO MORE FOREVER BANS! (except for retards/advertisers obviously) alot of potential players get perma-banned for small things then never attempt to come back because its a permanent ban, then their friends leave aswell. Id say like 2week max bans.

When I first joined I griefed spawn (i was noob) and I remember Joe3 (i think) checking out my house and saying he liked it so only banned me for 1 hour. If it wasn't for him I probably would have never come back/stayed with SFT and you all wouldn't have been able to bask in my rays of greatness as i would have fucked off to another server.
He also clearly explained what he was banning me for and seemed like a good guy rather than just banning me mid sentence.

(obviously just because someone is good at the game doesn't mean you are more lenient on bans, it was my example)

Also maybe some more community based shit on the forums (not games n stuff) stuff like picture/quote of the day on front page for a price, or just the best. Just something i think would be funny.

I agree with the bans part of your post, if we gave them a time ban, we might not loose as many players due to be banned. Also then their friends will stay instead of leaving because their friend got banned.


I would split world 3 into two parts, the mini-games that need to be hosted and those you can host yourselves with some friends like Mob arena.
but the other thing about it, it would have its own economy so you can be rewarded with mini-game points and have an interactive leaderboard in the middle.
it would be hard I'm sure, but I think it's definitely possible, only messy part would be trying to connect it back to world 1 and world 2 so you could still see the chat.

but ah well, it's bedtime, none of this will make sense in the morning I guess :P


Aug 03, 2014, 08:45 PM #31 Last Edit: Aug 03, 2014, 08:49 PM by Cocobutter03
If I were to get owner, I'd try and be on a lot and be interactive a lot with the players on all servers. And if i was just owner of one server, work with the staff team. Host events, get people +1 ing and do give aways and things.

I would probably create a mini games server and a Hunger games / Pvp server. For the mini games server have coins or points that can be used to buy kits and items. For hunger games, if you win you get a point and the more you earn the more you unlock whether that be kits or rewards or simply a small item. Just try and make it as good as the current servers.

Lastly, i would try and balance my uptime on all servers. Not just focus on pixelmon or survival or factions. Try and make all the SFT servers popular and thriving with players from all over the world.


If I was owner for a day R.I.P SuperFunTime nah I'm kidding.

Urm :s Probably unban Miricx since he's been on SFT for so long and makes people laugh, I'll also get rid of all of the young staff members and replace them with older ones because I hate young staff member just because the server soon enough will be run by 12 year olds and that's not fun :/ that's like giving a kid a ballpit to play in.

I'll also give myself the Legend Rank (HINT) <-- you still need to do that. Also loosen up on the advertising rule like you should be able to invite people to play on a server if it's done privately anything else like on there skype profile is fair enough ban them for that but if it's done in private it should be allowed.

I'll also spawn myself 1000 chests of bread simply because I get hungry, hmhmhm I would also make dpa a JMod because i think it would be funny to see him as a JMod and my last thing i would do with owner is to blow up my own place simply to laugh at it. :D But seriously the getting older staff members i'm being serious on because I don't like being told what to do by 12 year olds :/


If I was owner I would add a Mindcrack/Cube SMP server to SFT for the trusted and long time players.


I would make an altered server where all the players are staff and the staff are players :3

Add a sft Ftb technical modpack server and adventured type server

Bring back Sft News

that's pretty much it


Here's my opinion: First of all our world 1 spawn would be sphere spawn again. It attracted players, there was villagers, and It's something all the older players miss. Miricx: Old devotee or whatever, but let's not forget he swore.... ALOT, and the fact that we have ALOT of younger players now in set, not all teens. He was sometimes racist, straight u p racism jokes that only his troller friends thought were funny. Ranks issue: I want one more rank by the name of "creepeerologist"  :creeper: :creeper: :creeper:should have some sort of twist to it. Some higher staff were harder on past jmods than today, as some slack by being inactive or building instead of working, which is ultimately what  we got demoted for, some with unfair reasons. Such as cupcakes1212 being grounded for two weeks then demoted quickly after. Mods as I just say theofficialminer do was ask ( I don't know if he was doing staff things or not but I see it a lot) Especcially spawn, everyone loved it and I'm sure the tycoons will  8)  ;D please consider my opinions -nougat even tho it says nachyo


I'd make a SFT DarkRP server. I don't know. Maybe people would play on it.


- Will try to bring back the SFT Museum that Miricx built, just ned to find it.
- We changed the spawn town in the first place because players complained about lag and a lot of them left due to taht
- Adding more ranks: My only concern is with the chat getting spammed with 1000 colors and different ranks. I understand that having more ranks givs you a goal to work for but at the same time we don't want to have a visually abusive chat. Will maybe make a poll about this in staff boards, to see what they think.-
- The idea of a minigame server is not bad but the problem with plugins that aren't made by us is that we can't easily "edit them" to add things like a global points system. I wanted to do something like this (global achievement system in which you could spend the achievement points) but it hasn't been done due to lack of time from the developers.
- Add a minigame plugin. What minigame plugin? I keep asking you guys to suggest. The other night I tried to add ColorMatch and QuakeCraft but ColorMatch was insanely laggy and QuakeCraft didn't work (no particles came out when you shot your gun). That night I wasted 2 hours trying to add a bit of entertainment to the server. Please don't act like I'm not trying, I'm just out of ideas.
- Add the plugin for when you break part of the tree everything breaks - We had that at one point with bad consequences such as player's wooden houses being griefed by the plugin.
- Katoon - I agree with changing the account activity graph with a maybe list of top 3 servers and just the weekly uptime for them and I'll talk to Fear about this.
- @Long Goner - Animals aren't killed by CLAG. We just kill them as a last measure when there's a lot of lag
- More events - Yes, I yelled at the EventHosts and Managers for nt organizing enough bigger events.
- Change Deadbolt for LWC - We aren't using Deadbolt, we are using a custom plugin made by us (SFTBolt). I don't know why but I've always preffered Deadbolt and similar plugins over LWC.
- Upgrade ammount of ram on pxi: The Pixelmon server has 64 GB RAM. It's not the ram it's due to performance issues with the mods.
- killpaddy - Redefining the list of things for which we permaban - I agree
- About updating the jmod/staff system, I'd appreciate if you can make a mroe in-depth post and explain exactly how you think it should be.
- Splitting World3 in 2 parts - good idea but it needs to be done when that world is next reset we can't just start to move around stuff now.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Aug 04, 2014, 04:59 AM #38 Last Edit: Aug 04, 2014, 04:21 PM by TheGoldenKibby
Before I add any more servers or any large changes, I would first try to expand our player base with our other serves like creative, factions, tekkit, pretty much any server that has less than 30 people in it on a daily basis. Most of these servers have potential but are just given aren't the chance to improve. For instance, maybe change the recommended server post at the lobby. It currently directs you to survival when you click on the sign. Maybe have it connect you to factions.

I would remove the /rankup command. I noticed that ever since it was added, less people have joined our forums. It is just a nice thing to be able to get in touch with someone when you can't reach them in game. removing this command may cause more work, but it will also give the players a since of commitment, making them more likely to stay on the server.

Also, as someone mentioned above, I would make the advertising bans a little more lenient. The bans for advertising over Skype are a little harsh. I have a friend in real life that joined SFT for 5 minutes. If I told him another minecraft server's IP, which I have done before, I believe you guys consider this advertising. This seems a bit unfair to me. If I am wrong about this, please correct me.

Thats about it, thanks for reading this.


If I was the owner of the Pixelmon server I would have an admin shop set up so people can go and sell things and buy things they need, and also have a Server Apricorn farm so people aren't just running around trying to steal other people's apricorns. Then I would have a place where you could make your pokeballs and not have to keep teleporting him and back to the apricorn place to get the apricorns unless you're smart enough to take them  home and start your own farm. Then i would have a better voting system where you get better prizes than just rare candies and ultra balls and let them get a chance to get better things like other types of balls and training items. then i would make a place where everyone has a limited amount of time per day to go and mine to their hearts content to get ores. But, this is all my opinion :D


To be truly honest I would do the following and I've been thinking all day about this stuff so don't judge me on my thoughts
1. Find ways to make people not wanna be banned or make it to where they love the server even more. My thought on this tho is so more people would invite more friends or even siblings in the upcoming matter like at least make the server more of a way to stand out and be better than all the other servers so when a person joins for the first time they are ready to enjoy themselves

2. I would make sure that everything is sorted out and even so people can find what they are looking for on this amazing server like when you spawn in survival for the first time there is a sign that takes you to the Warps that help get you started and stuff

3. I would also add more things to entertain people on the server that are bored and they think some events suck I would try to find more things to add like a custom made mini game maybe or atleast a bigger SFT Minigame server I would make sure that server has a better quality of what they are looking for and they have fun on that server

4. I would find a way to make members and guest who doesn't know how to use /sh stand out more when they need help or want to play an event or even just want to chat it up in chat

5. Find a way to stop all the spamming certain players do and make sure I could atleast get the reason why they are doing it

6. Add the Anti-Advertising plugin... So atleast no one sees the ip :/ that would be really helpful

7. And if not already some new stuff for the regular players to enjoy playing with c: like some command games other than /cookie


Quote from: Spack1801 on Aug 04, 2014, 05:41 AM
If I was the owner of the Pixelmon server I would have an admin shop set up so people can go and sell things and buy things they need, and also have a Server Apricorn farm so people aren't just running around trying to steal other people's apricorns. Then I would have a place where you could make your pokeballs and not have to keep teleporting him and back to the apricorn place to get the apricorns unless you're smart enough to take them  home and start your own farm. Then i would have a better voting system where you get better prizes than just rare candies and ultra balls and let them get a chance to get better things like other types of balls and training items. then i would make a place where everyone has a limited amount of time per day to go and mine to their hearts content to get ores. But, this is all my opinion :D
I made a public apricorn farm a few days ago and its quite popular ( #5 most popular  warp ) I try to advertise it as much as possible

The Lovin Spoon

ok this is fucking ridiculous, let me just clarify a few things here

I couldn't give a flying fuck if I'm banned or not, the only reason im posting unban requests is to see if the staff is stupid enough to unban me, but they aren't. I couldn't give less of a  shit, okay. People ask for themselves; will he change if he come back? NO. No, I won't fucking change, I see absolutely no reason to do it.

"but omg mirix is so funeh and gud he should be unbannedhes nice person ok"

I'm not a nice person and I like it that way. I am an asshole, I'm a piece of shit and I want to be an asshole and I want to be a piece of shit. I like to insult kids on the internet and I like to make them feel bad about their decision to use the internet before they're old enough to handle it

when i first came to sft, that's about 4 years ago now, nobody knew me, and i expected people to ignore me and i didnt expect people to talk to me, i just wanted to play the damn game. I dont even remember how i got popular in the first place, i think i was talking to towelie on the irc chat about a minecraft account (i was using supervoltage's minecraft account when i first joined).

havent your parents taught you to not change? havent your parents taught you to just be yourself and don't try to change just to fit in to a certain group of people? if i change now, that makes me an even bigger douchebag also a double standard. I dont care what you think about me, I dont care if you like me or not, just stop making a drama out of it, because i feel that there shouldnt be any need of it when i wasnt involved in the discussion in the first place, nor did i want to be involved

                                                                                                                                           miricx, out.


Quote from: brE on Aug 04, 2014, 10:30 AM
ok this is fucking ridiculous, let me just clarify a few things here

I couldn't give a flying fuck if I'm banned or not, the only reason im posting unban requests is to see if the staff is stupid enough to unban me, but they aren't. I couldn't give less of a  shit, okay. People ask for themselves; will he change if he come back? NO. No, I won't fucking change, I see absolutely no reason to do it.

"but omg mirix is so funeh and gud he should be unbannedhes nice person ok"

I'm not a nice person and I like it that way. I am an asshole, I'm a piece of shit and I want to be an asshole and I want to be a piece of shit. I like to insult kids on the internet and I like to make them feel bad about their decision to use the internet before they're old enough to handle it

when i first came to sft, that's about 4 years ago now, nobody knew me, and i expected people to ignore me and i didnt expect people to talk to me, i just wanted to play the damn game. I dont even remember how i got popular in the first place, i think i was talking to towelie on the irc chat about a minecraft account (i was using supervoltage's minecraft account when i first joined).

havent your parents taught you to not change? havent your parents taught you to just be yourself and don't try to change just to fit in to a certain group of people? if i change now, that makes me an even bigger douchebag also a double standard. I dont care what you think about me, I dont care if you like me or not, just stop making a drama out of it, because i feel that there shouldnt be any need of it when i wasnt involved in the discussion in the first place, nor did i want to be involved

                                                                                                                                           miricx, out.
can i get your autograh, I fan


Quote from: brE on Aug 04, 2014, 10:30 AM
ok this is fucking ridiculous, let me just clarify a few things here

I couldn't give a flying fuck if I'm banned or not, the only reason im posting unban requests is to see if the staff is stupid enough to unban me, but they aren't. I couldn't give less of a  shit, okay. People ask for themselves; will he change if he come back? NO. No, I won't fucking change, I see absolutely no reason to do it.

"but omg mirix is so funeh and gud he should be unbannedhes nice person ok"

I'm not a nice person and I like it that way. I am an asshole, I'm a piece of shit and I want to be an asshole and I want to be a piece of shit. I like to insult kids on the internet and I like to make them feel bad about their decision to use the internet before they're old enough to handle it

when i first came to sft, that's about 4 years ago now, nobody knew me, and i expected people to ignore me and i didnt expect people to talk to me, i just wanted to play the damn game. I dont even remember how i got popular in the first place, i think i was talking to towelie on the irc chat about a minecraft account (i was using supervoltage's minecraft account when i first joined).

havent your parents taught you to not change? havent your parents taught you to just be yourself and don't try to change just to fit in to a certain group of people? if i change now, that makes me an even bigger douchebag also a double standard. I dont care what you think about me, I dont care if you like me or not, just stop making a drama out of it, because i feel that there shouldnt be any need of it when i wasnt involved in the discussion in the first place, nor did i want to be involved

                                                                                                                                           miricx, out.

I didn't say if you were unbanned you should change, i said if you are accepted on the forums why not in game?


Quote from: cloberrie on Aug 03, 2014, 02:41 PM
.I also considered the idea of a mini-game server, with games such as Spleef, PVP etc. Similar to world 3, but on a much larger scale, where you can collect points for winning events and having a shop etc. I have also thought that adding a "hunger games" style server/mini-game would be good for the server too, as i often hear many people asking if there is one available.

I really like this idea, I'd do something like this as well


Being honest, I would do a few things:

1.) Remove the Parkour server and just add all the builds into World 3
2.) Add Creative and Factions as worlds 4 and 5 (Like how World 3 is Event World, World 4 would be Creative World and World 5 would be factions, but items would not carry over between worlds 4-5 and the other 3 worlds)
3.) Organize the forums a little better, keep them up to date and stuff
4.) Right when you joined you would be in this little room and could either go through a portal to spawn or take this quiz about the rules, get free supplies if you pass, and then be teleported to spawn :)
5.) Have more events hosted

That is all I have off the top of my head, this is truly a wonderful server and it is sooo much better than any other server out there, keep up the great work! :D


I would make it so tnt could not blow up obby on factions. This was recently added and made me kind of sad. Smaller factions were able to survival with obby bases and not get stomped on. It took some time to get the obby and wasn't like a free pass. Plus when you attack someone you prevent them from doing anything other than sitting in their base. I'm sure most people will try and defend and still end up fighting you. Factions will probely lose a lot of new players because larger factions will attack them and steal all their stuff. Obby bases allow people to at least not lose everything. I understand ender chests kind of help with this but it is not enough. Also i would make a chest protection thing for factions. That way you can make a chest so no one can get into. This way you can put your tnt in there for example and no one can get to it but you. This way people can raid without your permission easily or take your stuff. You would also be able to add people from you faction to your chests. And enemy players could still open these chests. I would also make it so mods could not be in a faction/had a faction that was always truced with everyone so they had some stuff to do. I understand that some people might not want to be staff then and therefor you may lose staff. This idea is purely dependent on if staff / people who want to be staff are ok with it. It feels like staff are more lenient with people in their faction. I also understand that this may get boring over time. And lastly i would give players a max of 40 power instead of 20. This is so smaller factions can still protect a larger area, but cap max power at 300.

The Shepherd

I would make an announcement about stopping the generalisaton of the staff team's action, everytime a staff member makes one mistake one time, people think the staff team is incompetent. That annoys me.
Also I would ban Miricx.

(throw me hate pls)


Quote from: The Shepherd on Aug 04, 2014, 08:04 PM
I would make an announcement about stopping the generalisaton of the staff team's action, everytime a staff member makes one mistake one time, people think the staff team is incompetent. That annoys me.
Also I would ban Miricx.

(throw me hate pls)
He's already banned.