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Have a Super Fun Time!

My two cents

Started by Towelie, Aug 30, 2014, 03:18 PM

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I wanted to say a few things to the community (players/staff) so I didn't know exactly how to put it but I believe it's best in this post.

Flymod for everyone (For a month)
- Limax007 was generous enough to purchase Fly Permissions for the entire server, for a month. To use it, type /fly, then double-tap SPACE, to stop flying type /flystop
- Even though you own Fly Permissions (Regardless if you bought it before or have it now), you are NOT allowed to use it in events/pvp or any other areas where it may give you an unfair advantage. Don't think that you won't be punished if you do abuse it.

Contacting me if you need something
The biggest "NOT TO DO" thing around is to spam me when I join with stuff like "TOWELIE TOWELIE TOWELIE I NEED YOUR HELP". If you need my help, there are 90% chances you don't. Ask yourself: Could a JMod/Mod/Manager/Admin solve this instead of Towelie? If the answer is YES, contact other staff members. If the answer is NO, send me a FORUM PM and patiently wait up to 24h for a response (another thing that pisses me off is seing shoutbox spam saying TOWELIE LOOK AT MY PM, TOWELIE, DID YOU LOOK AT MY PM?. I am a busy person, I have a life and a job outside of SFT, and I will do my best to answer you at my earliest convenience. Did I forget about you? Quite possible. I have a lot on my mind and I some-times forget. Calmly remind me when the 24h have passed and don't mention it again.
If you have a burning question about SFT and you need me to answer it, chances are any staff member or even older players will know how to answer you. So try that first.

Got a new account / Transferring stuff to the new account

If you get a new account (i really don't get why people change their accounts so often), you can transfer 90% of the stuff yourself. Only things I can transfer for you are permissions. In order to ask that, post a forum thread saying your old account, your new account and a proof that you own both. I cannot transfer uptime. You can transfer your money balance yourself, and you can ask a Mod to add your new nickname to your protection (but ask from your old nickname otherwise chances are, they won't believe you)

Spamming in shoutbox if a server is down / or impossible to access
Whenever one of our servers are down and we are aware of that, you will see a thread about it on the front page. So refresh the page and see if there is any post before you proceed to spamming the shoutbox.
If there isn't, try to alert me on skype about this (or to ask a manager+ to alert me since they know how to, even if I am not at home). If i do know about it, hearing 1000 beeps is frustrating and prevents me from focusing on actually fixing the server

Unturned Server is down

Our Unturned server is down? Posting in the shoutbox about it will help but if you want to get it back up faster, try contacting Me or Excon as we are the ones who can restart it. IF you don't know our skypes, ask a Survival Manager+ to get me.

Reporting Staff abuse / Staff Issues.

So you've discovered a bad staff member. A rotten apple. Or maybe a problem in the way we manage the staff team. The worst thing you can do is post about it and try to come up with your ideas to solve it. If we thought you were good enough to do that, we would've recruited you. Instead, contact HoS/HoS Helper/Me (HoS = djkirsh, HoS Helper = funkymonkey245) and report it with proof.

I'm pissed about something so I'm gonna write a 1000 paragraph story to Towelie
There's nothing more that makes me dislike a person / ignore their claim even if it is valid than a pompous 100 page text. Keep to the point, be concise, use proper grammar and phrasing and have a calm tone if you want the best response for me.

Will post more as I remember.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Well a huge thank you to Limax as they donated for everybody, and also a brilliant post tow, i hope people take the time to read this through, and thoroughly.


For people who were wondering Limax paid a total of 178.50 euros for fly and compass this month.


I believe Limax also donated for compass for everyone, to use it type /j or left click with a compass.



Agreed with all of this and a huge thank you to Limax for donating!