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This weekend on SuperFunTime

Started by Karkafi, Oct 01, 2014, 04:21 PM

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Oct 01, 2014, 04:21 PM Last Edit: Oct 02, 2014, 03:40 PM by Karkafi

Hey guys!
As you can see, this weekend is packed with fun events on SFT. First, we are relaunching the TTT server this saturday. We've been working hard and added lots of new features. We will be posting another announcement once we launch the server. Hope we see you all there!

Building Contest Week 2

[countdown=october 3 20:00,Europe/London][/countdown]

On the survival server, the EventHost team will be hosting our second weekly building contest this friday at 20:00 GMT. As always, the theme will be revealed when the event starts. Since there is limited places (There can only be 16 teams) you can reserve your plot using this format. To sign up for the event, you have to pay 150,000emp (per team, refundable after the game). This is to prevent players from signing up then not show up. There has to be more then 2 players per team and no more than 6.

[size=12pt][b]Application for Building Contest[/b][/size]
Team Name :
Team players :
Proof of payment:

And finally, UHC Season 7 will be hosted this Sunday at 19:00 GMT!

[countdown=october 6 19:00,Europe/London][/countdown]

-Last team standing wins!
-You only have 1 life!
-When you die you get banned from the server.
-There are 5 teams, and every team exists out of 3 players!
-Normal health regeneration has been disabled!
-The only way to regain any health is by using a golden apple.
-Be nice to the other players.
-Do not spam in the chat or use caps.
-Do not use mods or hackclients.
-PVP is enabled after 5 minutes.
-No branch mining and no alliances.
-Obey the Admins.

Server ip: TBA
Date/Time: Sunday October 5th at 19:00 GMT

Prizes: The winning team will get 500,000emp each on survival/pixelmon.

Sign up:
Would you like to join this game event? Please use the template below:
To sign up for the event, you have to pay 150,000emp (per player, refundable after the game). This is to prevent players from signing up then not show up.

[u]Minecraft IGN:[/u]
[u]Team Mate:[/u]
[u]Are you 100% sure that you and your team will be able to be online at the time of the event?[/u]
[u]Screenshot the transaction for proof of entry:[/u]


Team Blue

Team Red

Team Purple:

Team Green:

Team Orange:

Hope you guys enjoy this weekend!


so if i paid 150k for the game, and i played the UHC but lost, do i get my money back, or the refund is for the people that paid, but can't come?


Quote from: Adam_Sawg on Oct 01, 2014, 04:32 PM
so if i paid 150k for the game, and i played the UHC but lost, do i get my money back, or the refund is for the people that paid, but can't come?

If you attend the event, you will be refunded no matter what. If you don't attend, you won't get the 150,000emp back


if u are rading this and do not have a team thats the same with me so reply if u wanna team with me:)


*For UHC*

Minecraft IGN: ddude_stnom
Team Mate: boberick_stever
Are you 100% sure that you and your team will be able to be online at the time of the event? Yes!
Screenshot the transaction for proof of entry:

(Payments for both of us! Please refund ddude_stnom the 300,000 EMP, as I did not see the 'per person' bit to begin with. xD)


Hoorah, we have a Pvp event, a GMod event, and a building event!
All of which I suck at.


Oct 02, 2014, 12:11 AM #6 Last Edit: Oct 02, 2014, 12:24 AM by DarkTrainer45
Good luck guys on all of this :)
And hope to see you on TTT I believe it's gonna be bigger then it was last time


this is at 2pm sunday EST, right?


Mmmmmmmmmmmm triple T... Hmmmm..



Quote from: boymac45 on Oct 02, 2014, 02:38 AM
Mmmmmmmmmmmm triple T... Hmmmm..
That's right, better see you there brohan.


Quote from: boymac45 on Oct 02, 2014, 02:38 AM
Mmmmmmmmmmmm triple T... Hmmmm..
you better be on the server


Quote from: boymac45 on Oct 02, 2014, 02:38 AM
Mmmmmmmmmmmm triple T... Hmmmm..
could use some boymac on the re-launch  it helps us as a good luck charm

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Oct 02, 2014, 03:02 PM #12 Last Edit: Oct 03, 2014, 02:16 PM by Katherine
Application for Building Contest
Team Name: YSMN
Team players: Katherine0496, JinxOnTheLoose and katoon123
Proof of payment: http://prntscr.com/4sdkkh (To be payed back to me)


katherin can i team with u plz :)


Minecraft IGN: pothnozz
Team Mate: Irvo & LUFC4eva
Are you 100% sure that you and your team will be able to be online at the time of the event? Fukk yez
Screenshot the transaction for proof of entry: 1 w1ll $3nd l4t0r


Minecraft IGN: BluetigerESW
Team Mate: xnemexis & willhill2000
Are you 100% sure that you and your team will be able to be online at the time of the event? Yes
Screenshot the transaction for proof of entry: will add later
I enjoy the act of xD-ing, like if you agree


team name the storm of monsters
team players krankenstein20 stormshooter123
yes i am sure



Quote from: saul on Oct 03, 2014, 06:03 PM
how do i enter

Just fill in the forms, which can be found in the original post, follow the instructions, and ta da! ^_^


Application for Building Contest
Team Name : The Bang Buddys
Team players : fangs123 and TheAwesomeGuy2004
Proof of payment: I have paid Camster who will forward the money


Oct 03, 2014, 07:18 PM #20 Last Edit: Oct 03, 2014, 08:14 PM by krankenstein20
hasnt happened yet it is late

Post Merge: Oct 03, 2014, 08:14 PM

ok its over an hour late ive been  there for 2 hours nothings happened do i still get my money back


Did the event take place in the end??


notifying Kark about the Contest xd


You will get your money back dont worry
