Pixelmon 6.6.6 (3.3.3) Halloween beta/test pack

Started by Dpa1991, Nov 01, 2014, 04:17 AM

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I've put together a test pack/server for the latest rec version of Pixelmon and I need you guys to test it out to see how things work. I've tested as much as I can, but I'm currently staying out of state for 2 months and my laptop can barely run Pixelmon so I can't do extensive testing.

Nothing on the test server will carry over to the live map, so there are no plugins or protections. Be sure to post back here with any problems you have while testing the update - and be sure to test more than just Pixelmon, I've updated everything with an available update.

Depending on the severity of the valid (reproducible) bugs you will be rewarded with either ingame items or a premium shop voucher.*

To get the beta client simply click Here and add the pack to your launcher.

*Not all reported bugs will be rewarded


Nov 01, 2014, 06:36 AM #1 Last Edit: Nov 01, 2014, 08:13 AM by magl2904
Idk if we are supposed to report small Pixelmon bugs but for some reason thunderstone ore is invisible and leaf stone all look like the leaf stone ore on spruce wood

-updated- they don't really look alike they just all have some thunderstone yellow on them
-update again- water.fire and dawn ores are also invisible
-update again- the ore named: title.leafstoneore_overlay.name can't be broken idk if that's a regulare leafstone ore or just somthin that wasn't ment to be broken
-update again- all that was from single player in multiplayer all of the evolution ores that have been placed before update got deleted

Another thing on multiplayer is that the banners that are placed before are blank with some exceptions but mostly blank

another thing about multiplayer is that it just went 'failed to connect to server' so im guessing it eighter crashed or dont need more testing? :P ...nvm server is up again xD



cant connect to server

apart from shard ores being invis ecept from leaf which looks like thunder ore its fine


Nov 01, 2014, 01:04 PM #3 Last Edit: Nov 01, 2014, 01:34 PM by magl2904
Could you by any chance add a list of what's updated so we know what to check-ish cuz I feel like I'm just going around Derping xD

Ohhhohoh also just noticed that when I was on the server all the old hold able Pixelmon items got deleted idk if it was just the smokeball or the soothbell that my pokemons was holding but I kept the spell tag and black glasses :o

got 2 crash reports this morning idk if any of em can be used for somethin



for some reason I'm not able to connect. It just says Logging In and then after around 1/2 a minute it says Timed Out.


Quote from: Jasper on Nov 01, 2014, 02:30 PM
for some reason I'm not able to connect. It just says Logging In and then after around 1/2 a minute it says Timed Out.
The server is down but can still check stuff on single player



ok thanks but its confusing since for me it says 2/130 people online


Nov 01, 2014, 02:48 PM #7 Last Edit: Nov 01, 2014, 02:52 PM by krankenstein20

Post Merge: Nov 01, 2014, 02:52 PM

i tested new stuff all seems to be in order



Nov 01, 2014, 02:53 PM #9 Last Edit: Nov 02, 2014, 02:44 PM by magl2904
Quote from: Jasper on Nov 01, 2014, 02:40 PM
ok thanks but its confusing since for me it says 2/130 people online
That's because the server stopped when 2 players was online (aslan and me). it's been like that ever since xD

Post Merge: Nov 02, 2014, 02:43 PM

Hmm just noticed that there is a new command called /Halloween wich spawns in a different looking haunter that has a quest but the haunter can't be removed again and that could probs be a problem if someone spammed the command (world full of weird haunters that can't be removed would be bad) so that command should only be for admins/owners i guess xD
