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[Internet] Ubisoft's stock price drops by over 9% after AC: Unity launches; RIP

Started by The Lovin Spoon, Nov 12, 2014, 08:44 PM

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The Lovin Spoon

Ubisoft's stock got crushed over 9% today in Europe after an abysmal new game launch of its most important franchise Assassin's Creed. Not only are the reviews coming in poor with a current Metacritic score of 76 on the Xbox One version, which is only 1 point higher than the critically panned Activision's Destiny, the game's bugs and poor performance is becoming a laughing-stock right now on the Internet. There are thousands of posts flooding message boards and Youtube showing graphical glitches, crashes, and frame-rate problems.


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Nooooo! The division looked quite interesting and now it might be fucked!


WORST GAME EVER (Assasins Shit Liberty).

If you want a decent game franchise fucked up, leave it to Ubisoft, they are the best at it!

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
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i bought black flag because i found a cheap copy of the gold/black/gaybois whatever version for 15 bucks. must say it runns pretty shit when i freerun with a decent PC (FX8320 8core cpu & HD7870 XT)


What do folk expect, black flag still has many game breaking glitches and as rens said it aint the best performance wise, glad I got it cheap recently (though boats were great so that made up for it). I feel for those who pre-ordered.


Quote from: Towelie on Nov 13, 2014, 12:05 PM
WORST GAME EVER (Assasins Shit Liberty).

If you want a decent game franchise fucked up, leave it to Ubisoft, they are the best at it!
It's hard not to fuck up an overused, tired, and crappy game style to begin with. Should have ended at revelations, all they're doing is making new maps with an occasional new skill. COD anyone?


i'm sorry, normally i dont necro post...
but we're talking about ubi!
i hate ubisoft, i hate their business practices, their drm policies.. practically everything.
i dont even PIRATE ubisoft games...
just like metallica i dont download anything they own or make.  i dont buy it either.  i ignore them completely
i hope they die.  i sincerely hope them and EA die, and all the publishers underneath them get picked up by a more benevolent deity than ea or them.


Oh, come on. They aren't that bad. U-Play? Annoying, but not a hindrance. Yearly games? Annoying, but it's still at least a game a year versus...well...no game at all (HL3, anyone?). I mean, this is their second "bad" game in a year, and it's mostly because they didn't test it. Was that a fuck up? Yeah, but they really just overshot what they thought they could do. But they also came out with a new Far Cry game and Rogue, both of which were at least decent.

But EA? Yeah. Fuck 'em (unless the new guy changes things up a bit).


I honestly don't know why everyone thinks this game is so shitty.  I have been playing it for a month and I am still totally enticed by the gameplay, missions, co-op, skills, weapons, stealth and combat, parkour, and lots of other fun stuff.  Sure it has a few glitches, but I have only encountered one in my time of playing it.  I really like the Assassin's Creed franchise and think it is heading in a good direction. 

Quote from: Gortume on Dec 19, 2014, 10:07 PM
But EA? Yeah. Fuck 'em (unless the new guy changes things up a bit).

Also, I'd like to add a quick flip off to Activision, as I personally think COD is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with Advanced Warfare, which seems oddly similar to another game produced by Activision this year.... (Titanfall)



I'm probably going to get a ton of hate, but I actually love assassin's creed and still do. I may have been lucky, but I rarely got any game breaking bugs in any of their games, and it's not like they're keeping every new installment exactly the same.