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Who are you? What makes you tick?

Started by Towelie, Jan 13, 2015, 02:32 PM

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What to share:
- Your nickname / first name Nicholas but I prefer nick
- Your country Australia (NSW)
- Your age 14
- Your hobbies playing MC with the SFT community, collecting car models ( old models of holdens and chevys) and sport
Quote from: MrEpicWonder on Dec 25, 2014, 09:21 PMi have such a good memory, an apple, an orange and a tennis ball thrown at my dick.


My name is Frederik (Fred in English pretty much) or supermee3 ingame.
I live in Denmark in Sjælland (Zealand in English), and I am currently 16 years old.

I have got quite a few hobbies. I obviously love gaming almost all types of games. Currently my favorites are Minecraft and League of Legends. I also enjoy exercising a lot, and sometimes I end up studying for hours in my free time about it. Going out with friends is lots of fun too :)
My education is not really that spectacular. I study science in general, and I am truly fascinated by the universe. I have watched countless documentaries about it. 



Hey!  My name is Cole, but just call me Barb or Barbie if you see me in game  ;D
I'm 15 and I live in Virginia, which is a state in America

Something most people don't know (unless you have me on skype, which you've bound to have found out already) is that I am a huge movie nerd.  Like seriously, if you take me to any movie, as long is it IS NOT a horror flick, I will love you forever, and then never stop pestering you about how good it was, or some little detail I just found out about the plot.  And I know I am probably going to get a bunch of hate here, but Assassin's Creed Unity is my favorite game atm, and I can't stop playing it xd


Hello im Brian, 27 years old and i live in florida usa. I am a welder and a pile driver for a living and i spend most of my free time with my 3 year old daughter or on sft. I love computers, building them, fixing them, w/e. I am an ex United States marine and i love my country and my military. If im on the server i usually working on my auto or on bteam working.


Hello :3 my name is Ella and most people call me that. Some nicknames that my closer friends call me are eel, Eya, and Ells. I'm 15 and I live in Nebraska, no I don't live in or near any corn fields. Even though we are around the middle of the country we get extreme winters and summers, which I think both suck equally.

Some things I like to do are play Pokemon, watch Netflix, read, do yoga, skype with my pals, and go on tumblr and instagram (if you wanna follow me just ask). I'm also currently obsessed with LUSH and I'm very sad that there's no store in Nebraska so I have to shop online. So yea there's some things about me woo.


My name is Sean and I live in a town in South-Eastern Pennsylvania. I play Minecraft a lot and was just recently unbanned from SFT after being banned for 2 years. My favorite sport is soccer and I have an indoor soccer season starting up at the end of January. I'm 12 years old and turning 13 on February 5th. Now you know a little bit about me.  ;)


Hi. I am Brian. I am 17 years old. I live in Missouri. I play a lot of League of Legends and recently, Far Cry 4. I also enjoy Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. I watch lots of Netflix and Crunchryoll as well. I also enjoy reading. I also love Harry Potter and Game of Thrones and Ender's Game and Rick Riordan books. I play the saxophone as well as racquetball. Yes.


Hey SFT, i'm Tyvic. I'm mid-teen and live in the United States of America. I spend my free time on SFT, but on weekdays, i'm usually busy with school. ;)   I mostly play Minecraft, but when i'm not, i'm play Angry Birds and Terraria with my friends :D


Jan 14, 2015, 01:14 AM #33 Last Edit: Feb 26, 2015, 12:19 PM by boudreau999
- Your nickname / first name: *se-seal (as cireshie calls me)
- Your country: Canada :)
- Your age: 14 in 2 months  ;D
- Your hobbies: I play hockey like everyday.. without it I would be 500 pounds
- Anything else that you think would get people to understand you more: I don't really like people very much, but if you see me in game, please talk to me :) I will enjoy your company & im a girl If you didn't already know
Edit: I also believe that Eric needs to gain about 100 pounds.


- Your nickname / first name: Eric
- Your country: America
- Your age: I usually would make people guess, but 14.
- Your hobbies: Minecraft and tennis
- Extra info: 5' 8" tall

p.s. @boud, it's se-seal, not see-seal.


Well, I'm Matt. I started out on SFT about three years ago. I am a 17 year old male, I hail from the US of A. I am a Tennis coach, Thespian (theater person [14 shows in the past 3 years]), rock-climber, skier,  and video game enthusiast. I basically spend most of my time either outdoors, on a stage, or at my computer.

May be joining the US Air Force next year as a cadet at the USAFA, but we will see.


I'm Tiera, I live in Pennsylvania and I am 15 years old.  I'm a sophomore in highschool. I have a lot of different nicknames, depending on different groups of friends. Most people at my school call me "Traplord" (don't ask why because honestly I don't even know). I also met someone who could never remember my name so he just called me "T" and it stuck.

I love watching Netflix, writing, drawing, hot showers, and long walks on the beach. I like a variety of games, anywhere from Minecraft to Skyrim, to Oblivion to Sims, back to Saints Row 4 and Stranded II. Sometimes I'm even in the mood to play games from my childhood, like World of Warcraft, because I'm just nostalgic like that. I also really enjoy learning about European countries (their history, languages, culture, etc). Currently I'm sometimes good(ish) at French and know like 6 phrases in Dutch. What I'm trying to say is that I'm a basic white girl with a really weird gaming side.


So, my real name is Jackson and that is what all of my friends call me. I live in the USA more specifically Iowa, I am 19 years old and am currently in college as an Undecided Engineer (not sure what specific field I want to go into yet). My hobbies involve video games (which I don't have much time for anymore), hanging out with friends, and various activities on the weekend... That about sums me up, haven't been around much lately, what can I say college is fun!


I'm Stoovs (I hate my IRL name so..). I just turned 19 (a matter of days). I live in Canada and trust me when I tell you that I love the cold winters and even more than that, I love snow. Most winter weekends of mine are spent at my cabin (very small, hours away from civilization, no cell service, no electricity, a REAL cabin). I have a passion for riding snowmobile and I treat mine like it's my baby (although I'm pretty hard on her most times) and when it's not winter and I can't ride her, I'll probably be hunting in side-by-side (big game [moose], or just shooting things like squirrels and grouse with pellet guns).

I truly enjoy playing games and I frequent many on a variety of platforms. I've just recently returned to SFT (after a couple month hiatus) and can be found on Factions usually. If I'm not playing that then I could be playing on a number of different games (usually CS:GO or something on Xbox One).

I'm pretty big into building computers and I've been contemplating a career in Computer Engineering but haven't yet decided on what I want to do so I haven't entered into post-secondary education so I've been working (although I haven't been getting many hours as of late).

I'm pretty laid back although I can be very passionate towards a topic and become very stubborn and defending about it. I can also be very passive-aggressive and I'm sorry if I am.

I'm also a twin! I have a twin sister (I'm male in case you didn't know) and we're very close to one another. Is anyone else on SFT a twin? I'm curious.

Although I haven't mentioned it, yes, I do have friends, and I'm in a very close-knit group. We gather regularly and I enjoy my time with them although we all have very different interests from one another and are an unlikely group of friends.

Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you see me on any of the servers either!

"There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts" -Voltaire


My name is ninjadude562 And I was falsely banned from the pixelmon server


Quote from: ninjadude562 on Jan 14, 2015, 02:26 AM
My name is ninjadude562 And I was falsely banned from the pixelmon server
To post an unban request, you can click this link: http://www.superfuntime.org/forms/unbanreq.php


I am Jason, aka Moose, aka moosey, aka m00se. I'm 16 and from New Jersey, United States of America! I'm Bifabulous, and I'm sure you know it from forum signature or have just figured it out talking to me lol. I enjoy talking with my best pals, Ella, saysay, fractalion, and nicky. I also love spending time with my amazing boyfriend, Bluetiger <3. As well as talking to pals, I also play a lot of B-Team and Spiral Knights. If you'd like to play with Frac and I let me know on skype and you can join our Fabulous Guild c:


Jan 14, 2015, 04:39 AM #42 Last Edit: Jan 14, 2015, 04:44 AM by crazygamer113
Hey People Im Cam (crazygamer113). Im from Canada. As of 2015 I am currently 13 years old turning 14 in May :P but anyways some of my fav hobbies are soccer, making some super basic Minecraft plugins, of course playing minecraft, playing call of duty, playing gta v, other games like that. Most people don't know me as I have been gone from SFT for quite some time. I don't have really anything else to say. kthxbye. Oh yeah forgot to bring up for extra info I am currently a Canadian Cadet for the Army. :P idek


Hiii :P
I'm Starla. BUT. I go by Star. Or Starii works good too. I live in the United States with dpa and I'm 25. Which, isn't that much older than dpa even tho he likes to tell me I'll be able to eat off the senior menu sooner than him. Thats only by like a year + a month. So don't let him tell you otherwise. I spend most of my time on the computer or playing games. Uhm, I'm playing through Diablo with dpa right now on the ps4. He gets jealous cause I get all the drops. I like to draw but I'm out of practice and I don't do it often enough. I also spend a lot of time on tumblr. I'm not sure why. My favorite show is Firefly. I ramble a lot. So I'm just gonna cut it off here, ok?


So awesome putting a back story to all the Minecraft avatars

Posted using Tapatalk

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


My Minecraft nick is Mandist.  I don't normally share my real name online.  I've got just a few gray hairs, but am young at heart.  I like to play minecraft with my kids.  I used to run a little server for them and their friends but playing on SFT with more people is even more fun. I love the variety of seasons where I live in Ontario, Canada, from the colourful leaves in the fall to the green grass sprouting in the spring.  I enjoy writing software, mostly on Linux.  That is also my full time job.  I like to dance, listen to good music, have a good laugh, and spend time with family and friends.  Also, I am always late to respond to SFT topics. ;)


im Cory aka xQuic Quic or even quicky just as a joke im from Merica! home of the whopper! im 20 years old atm and i play 15 different instruments (flute, sax (4 diff ones) clarinet, oboe, trumpet, tuba, trombone, baritone, french horn, guitar, piano(ish)) and i just love being a nerd and messing with java stuff makin mods and stuff for mc.....if you wanna see them then pm me and ill give you some links to my fav 2 :D

stay classy


Jan 14, 2015, 09:53 PM #47 Last Edit: Jan 14, 2015, 10:00 PM by warlockbenj
What to share:
-Nickname: You can call me Ben or Warlock whichever is fine
- I am 16 turning 17 in 3 days
-Location: Under a large mountain in my base.. Oh you mean irl? Okay, I live in this weird place called North Carolina, where 3 inches of snow literally shuts down the state. (atleast where I live). Also no one knows how to drive here.
- Hobbies: Video games, specifically LOL, Titanfall, Minecraft, and The Binding of Issac right now. I also write short stories and narrate for some fanfiction writers. Other than that I've got a hobby of flying drones and eating organic sweets from a local store
-Anything Else? Um nope I think I got all of it. Oh I browse imgur daily and do some short filmy type stuff with me friends.
Edit:  I also was one of the first two SFT Tekkit youtubers, the other was darknuju. If you ever find my channel you can still watch them in all their glory.
Thank you all for reading,
~SFT's official Warlock
Warlock_Ben, Assistant to the one and only Dondougo


-My name is Cameron
-I'm from the great state of Texas
-I'm 17
- My hobbies are gaming and martial arts, I'm a black belt in Krav Maga and i've just started doing MMA but I mainly focus on Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I am also in to graphic design, but i don't really have that much time to focus on it anymore.
-I don't play that much anymore but if you ever do see me in game feel free to talk to me, if you need help or really anything you want to talk about. Plus hint hint, I love UFC so if you want a conversation starter that's your key.


- Your nickname / first name: xbeastguyx
- Your country: 'MURICA
- Your age: Whatever you inturprete it as
- Your hobbies: Garry's Mod, Coding, doing jobs for $$$
- Anything else that you think would get people to understand you more:
-I am obsessed with Garry's Mod, 2k+ hours.
-I do Garry's Mod lua jobs(coding) for money.
-I literally know everything in Garry's Mod, trust me when I say something about it.
-I love dubstep/EDM, Trap, and Rap as my primary music.
-I have 2 1/2 years on SFT.
-You can find me on Steam, most likely on Garry's Mod.