May 18, 2024, 06:58 AM


Have a Super Fun Time!

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Messages - AidenBwah

Sounds great! Thanks ^.^
If you want a suggestion, I suggest at a certain tier being able to have a custom prefix for the server you're the patron rank for. You can do it with Eccentric and Supporter if you pay a little more, so maybe it's not entirely a bad idea. Basically, as long as you have the Patron rank, you can have a custom prefix. (If they cancel it, it gets removed) so it doesn't have to be ~$90 for a custom prefix.
General Announcements / Re: What's this?
Feb 25, 2017, 06:16 PM
Survival farmcraft. If this is anything to do with indept farming, I want in.
Grats Dappa! Glad you stayed :D
Grats tow :D
General Announcements / Re: Inactivity notice
Feb 06, 2017, 06:33 PM
Ah man, that must have been the worst! Get well soon starii.
Polls / Re: I Dont Know Which to Get.
Feb 05, 2017, 07:37 AM
PC gaming for life
General Announcements / Re: The Conclusion
Jan 20, 2017, 06:18 PM
Best of luck to improvement.
Voted, hopefully we can get pretty high up there in the rankings.
6 pokemon + 50% balance to try to fix it. I mean, a full reset would be fine by me, but I know people who donated a lot for shiny legendaries would be mad. Also people choosing option 4 should really take into account SFT Pixelmon's future. Your pokemon and items won't matter if we can't pay to keep the server running.
Polls / Re: Early Bird or Night Owl!
Nov 24, 2016, 12:55 AM
Honestly both, but I guess I'm more of a night owl than early bird. I go to bed around 3 and wake up at 5. I nap during the day.
Lol nah
Username: Amber_Kat
Have you ever been staff before, and if so, where?: Survival, currently pixelmon
Have you ever been banned before, and if so, what for?: Nope
How active are you on discord? I'm on it every day, even if I'm not actually talking everyday. xd
What do you plan to do as DJ?: I plan to play some electro swing and get as many people joining me as possible!
Quote from: krankenstein20 on Oct 30, 2016, 10:36 PMsnowballs,eggs fishing rods etc? (As they technically don't hurt players)
They still kill armor durability. Those were actually the exact items I was mentioning. They are not allowed, no.
Quote from: Chocobo123456 on Oct 30, 2016, 09:24 PMCount me in, also are we allowed notch apples ;3

No. No special foods either. Thanks for asking ^.^
Zombie Hunt
Over at Pixelmon, we're hosting "Zombie Hunt" (/warp ZombieHunt) on Halloween!
Come join us for some zombie-killing fun!

The event will be hosted at 7 PM GMT on October 31, 2016.
Click here for a countdown timer if you're unsure about what time this is in your timezone.

In this event, a bunch of mobs (not just zombies) will be spawned, and you'll have to kill them before they kill you.
Last player standing wins!
You must bring your own armor and weapons to the event. We will not provide it for you.

  • No fams, pokemon, or items that hurt other players in non-pvp zones.
  • No potions, enchanted weapons, or running shoes.
  • All gear must be iron or below. If you have any weapons or armor better than iron in your inventory before the game starts, you will be teleported out and told to put it up. If you happen to make it through and are found using it, you will be teleported out disqualified.
Winner takes all!
The winner will receive 1 million pokebucks. There will be no prizes for 2nd, 3rd, etc.

If you have any questions, please contact Amber_Kat in-game, on the forums, in Discord, or in Skype!

Happy hunting!
I didn't even know that this happened, so I don't have anything to say towards it. In any case, grats on dev abandon!
Wow... I didn't talk to her too often, as I'm always busy, but when we did talk, it was some of the most amazing conversations I've had with anyone. She died way too young. I'll keep her family and closest friends in my thoughts. Rest in peace, Ella. You will be missed greatly.
Grats Lavish!
I'm pretty sure I have? I've never documented it or anything but I've been in plenty of 24 hour calls, a few of which I played sft the entire time.