Sep 21, 2024, 01:32 AM


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Topics - Loasty

All the following recipes must be made in a carpenters bench

Varies depending on type of mineral used:
Oak, Stone, Iron, Gold, Diamond

Varies depending on type of wood used:
Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak

Has only 1 recipe:

We invite you to play together with us on Super Mario 64... BUT ONLINE!  Its a bit of a process but in the end, you can play Super Mario 64 with up to 24 players! You also can select from a list of characters you wish to play! So here's how to get started :)

First, you will need an emulator, It is recommended to use Project 64 for this (you can also use Nemu64 or Mupen64, although it is not recommended) [Another note, This as far as I am aware, will not work on Macs unless running wine]

Then you need to download the tool used for this. It is found easily using this link

We ask that you only play this if you own a copy of Super Mario 64. You are only allowed to use this ROM as long as you own a legitimate copy of the game.

Once you have these 3 things downloaded and extracted, here is how to get setup:

1. Open up your Project 64 emulator
2. Run your Super Mario 64 ROM on the emulator
3. Go to Options, Settings, Config:Super Mario 64, and set your Memory size to 8Mb

4. Open up the SM64O.exe
5. Ensure your entered information is as follows:

Port: 8000
Emulator: Select which emulator you are using
Select your player:  Well that's simple, Select who you wish to play as! (note if playing with friends, there can be multiple of the same character, and there are no name tags)
Click 'Connect to Server'

6. Now switch over to your Emulator, and load up any save file you desire!  If you are creating a new one, You will automatically be able to see those around you once the cutscene ends!
7. Have fun! :D

Everyone has their own individual progress, So if one person fights a boss it doesn't mean everyone fights it together.
You can do many things like play hide and seek, have fighting rings, have races (like up the mountains or down the penguin slide)  It's all your choice on what you do! :)

You may use our discord and our specific chat channel to join us! :D
Also please note I am NOT the creator of this tool, I simply just think it's a neat idea and can bring some interest into the game again :)  The tool was created by Kaze and MelonSpeedruns of SM64O