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Messages - Tyler7733

     On Saturday at 10:00 am EST(4:00 pm UTC), the 1.7.10 Pack server will finally be opened and LostSky will be shut down(the specific time will be announced when it is decided). On Saturday at 8:00 am EST(2:00 pm UTC), I will be hosting a few events which will include:
  • Tnt Wars - Prize of 900 emp per person on the winning team
  • Sky Wars - Prize of 2k emp for the winner
Each prize from these events will be transfered to the 1.7.10 Pack server. After these events are done, we will start up an all out pvp war, everything outside of complete terrain annihilation goes(because that will come during the final moments of LostSky).
B-Team / Re: Hi
Aug 03, 2018, 11:45 PM
*Questions existence of post*
Will unclaimed vote rewards for survival be able to be claimed on survival 2.0?(I know you said everything, but just making sure because the switch from Lost Islands to LostSky kept unclaimed vote rewards)
General Announcements / Re: 1.13 and SFT
Jul 21, 2018, 11:34 PM
I have never done anything in the way of generating a world for a server, but if it is possible to set a seed for the world, the biome finder on chunk base could probably work for making sure there is not too much ocean(and you wouldn't need to generate the world to do that).
Sounds like my first experience with the nether except with no compass and not being close at all to my nether portal(I eventually found it about 200 blocks away from me on the other side of a lava pit, very elevated)
Quote from: Klaymore on Jun 08, 2018, 06:11 PMI would really like Technology and Magic Revamped. Just the fact that it has Witchery and is 1.7.10+ makes it amazing. You can do stuff like becoming a werewolf and/or vampire, custom potions, circle rituals, and cursing people! It also has all my favorite mods like Tinker's Construct, Advanced Genetics, Ars Magica 2, Botania, NEI, Thermal Expansion, Minefactory Reloaded, WAILA, and especially Witchery. ;D
Um... the modpack that this is replacing was already a 1.7.10 modpack with witchery...
B-Team / Re: Staff enlistment
Jun 01, 2018, 06:45 PM
There is no current staff application open for b-team, currently, you would need to be selected within the current staff team.
Don't worry everyone... whatever is chosen, i will be at the top within a week...Mostly going for regrowth because it is more balanced and other people stand more of a chance there.
Polls / Re: Merch or No merch
Mar 27, 2018, 12:52 PM
Just to clear it up a bit, he is suggesting the idea for sft merchandise and this poll is mostly to back it up, for owners to see, and also to be used as a location for it since there don't seem to be any places too clearly marked for suggestions such as this.
Just to let anyone who can see the results of the survey know, I screwed up thinking that the survey was for pocket edition, you may want to go ahead and remove my response since 0% of it is valid for survival(except for my time zone).
Quote from: Chinwonder2 on Nov 17, 2017, 07:16 PMWow, can't believe SFT is over 10 years old now.
Neither can I...(It is only 7 years old, it turns 10 in 2020)
B-Team / Re: event help
Oct 25, 2017, 11:49 PM
3 words, finish tnt wars(if that has not already happened). Once that happens, I will be glad to get some new competition.
Polls / Re: Bagels vs Doughnuts
Oct 03, 2017, 08:40 PM
Quote from: Darren64_NY on Oct 03, 2017, 08:37 PMWhat kind of bagel tho? Like plain and cream cheese? OR BAGELS LIKE NEW YORK STYLE???

Your favorite type of bagel vs your favorite type of doughnut

Quote from: TeraStorm on Oct 03, 2017, 08:36 PMI didn't realise this was a dispute, they're completely different things.
this seems to be more of a b-team/pocket centered dispute for those who have not heard of it
Polls / Bagels vs Doughnuts
Oct 03, 2017, 08:35 PM
Bagels vs Doughnuts, the dispute that has been going on for a while now, to be settled here.
B-Team / Re: [B-Team] Event Suggestions
Oct 02, 2017, 09:42 PM
Name of event: Tnt Wars
Rules: no building above the center wall, no building away from your platform, no killing your team on purpose, and other common sense rules(mostly about stuff along the lines of griefing the supply area)
How to win? the winning team is the last standing(the prize would be split between the people on the winning team)
Objective: use tnt cannons to kill the other team
How would the eventhost host it? observe to make sure everyone follows the rules and teleport players to their side at the beginning, and give players additional supplies they need in the event
Extra Information this is not tnt wars like what the tnt wars server was, that was tnt pvp, not tnt wars

Name of event: snowball fight
Rules: no killing your team on purpose
How to win? hit the other team using snowballs to knock them into a hole/lava pit/other trap
Objective: beat the other team
How would the eventhost host it? start up 3 droppers which will each drop a snowball every roughly 4 seconds to start the event, turn it off when it is done
Extra Information none
IGN: Tyler7733
Pocket uptime: around 740 minutes
Uptime this week: 0 or around 0 (because of the updates and the fact that I can only be on during fridays after homework, weekends, and holidays)
Are you able to obtain 4hours of uptime every week on Pocket? yes
Have you been banned before? If so, why should we overlook this? yes, but it happened around 8 months ago and was basically to the point where it was resolved before I got banned
Do you have Skype or Discord? If not, can you get it? I have both
Any previous experience staffing on SFT? If so where and what rank? Currently Lost EventMod
Quote from: Dpa1991 on Sep 21, 2017, 05:42 PM
Quote from: SnipeMasterShark on Sep 21, 2017, 04:45 PMAlso, why did not being able to catch a LEGEND being practically a fresh spawn pokemon-wise discourage you? That is like end game stuff and while it is part of the goal it is a rather small part of the game to focus on.

Well... He did say "lost is life" and if I'm not mistaken, you can reach end-game in lost in probably 30 minutes.  8)
Well... then I take it you are 1/30th of the way to end game with that 1 minute of uptime you got in the last 8 months... What is something you can reach end game in quickly however... all of the normal pokemon games... (trade scraggy for dialga in global terminal, or in pix, catch a level 34 floatzel with your first pokeball...) and after catching several legendaries in normal pokeballs... catching a legendary does seem like one of those basic things...
Quote from: SnipeMasterShark on Sep 21, 2017, 03:29 PMThe catching legendaries thing, it can be hard but it is possible. Honestly though isn't that a little bit of the fun? I've seen legends caught with ultraballs, and as far as looking for them, get a salamence with fly. Will protect you from fly damage, minimize food consumption, and its pretty fast travel.
The problem I see with this: if this is the only practical way to get fly, then a nearly unbreakable meta has just been made... You have to keep in mind though... I found this Latias before I even managed to evolve my starter for the second time, so I didn't have a Salamence, I didn't have a fly HM, and my only plan was entirely to use quick balls.
Quote from: Dpa1991 on Sep 21, 2017, 01:28 PM
Quote from: theP on Sep 21, 2017, 01:20 PM
Quote from: Dpa1991 on Sep 21, 2017, 01:11 PM
Quote from: theP on Sep 21, 2017, 01:08 PM
Quote from: Dpa1991 on Sep 21, 2017, 01:03 PM
Quote from: Tyler7733 on Sep 21, 2017, 12:30 PMPix has too many griefers

If you protected your builds (properly), you wouldnt be getting griefed. That's on you, not the server.

Well and that's staff not having ANY chance to find out about it, stopping us from stopping griefing... but that's perms again so that will get sorted sometime in the future?

Find out about what? if you protect your builds, you wont be griefed - it's as simple as that.
of course, but with limited claim blocks you can't claim your 8 billion blocks big sugar cane farm ;3 (well you should, but it's not a priority and it would be nice if people still didn't take all of it/leave it so it regrows... I guess?)

Maybe you shouldnt have an 8billion block sized farm - That's far more than you need. (Yes I know you're exaggerating the size, or at least I hope you are)
Just a bit of exaggeration... my intention was for anyone who needed sugarcane could use it, but people have been breaking the bottom stalk... Currently my sugarcane farm spans roughly 3k blocks maybe
Lost = Life, Pix has too many griefers(sugarcane farm griefed many times and noobs breaking all the cherries on my cherry trees), and the Latias that spawned at y=90(which I traveled around 500 blocks and used up all my food in an attempt of trying to catch it) crushed my confidence in catching legendaries.
Quote from: CorruptNexus on Jun 27, 2017, 04:28 PM1) It is quite the enigma.

your hints suck XD
enigma is a type of code... I would solve this, but the online decoders don't seem to work right... unless CWJOUNVWKNUKZDNWBBRVBQNYIADIOQPJIBHVLXSGULRJQKNRUDWPTLIAZY is the answer(which I would extremely doubt)
Discord Nickname: Tyler7733
Have you ever been staff on a SFT server before? If yes, which and what rank?: yes lost islands jmod and event host
Most uptime gathered on a single server: 1307h 31m
Why you wish to be discord staff: to keep sft discord running in the same general fun environment that we all enjoy without the people who wish to change that
numbers are numbers
so what is the point of this game when about 80% of the posts are from staff...