May 13, 2024, 02:41 AM


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Messages - Chinwonder2

Ever since Microsoft bought Minecraft, shit like this has happened numerous times. I don't know if that's just a coincidence or...

Ah shit, at least we're halfway there I guess!

Thanks for your persistence!

Would having a world download of your house help? I know not everyone will have this done as I have?

I mean, it's not your fault so, we're all so thankful for you doing this. Let's just hope this won't be a pattern for future updates, for your sanity's sake.

That's a damn shame, thanks for offering to move builds though!

I tweeted at him and he has liked my tweet! :D

What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: Chinwonder2
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: 30+
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: 1466hrs
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: Never been.
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: Nope.
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: I would love to be JMod :)
Why do you want that rank?: I would love to become staff again after such a long time, I was staff for quite a long time (2012 - 2015) and I would love to give back to the community after all these years.
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): In the UK so GMT.
Do you have a Discord account?: Yep! Ditched Skype years ago haha

-Chin 8)
Quote from: Tyler7733 on Nov 17, 2017, 07:29 PM
Quote from: Chinwonder2 on Nov 17, 2017, 07:16 PMWow, can't believe SFT is over 10 years old now.
Neither can I...(It is only 7 years old, it turns 10 in 2020)

Oh whoopsie haha
Wow, can't believe SFT is over 10 years old now. Even though I'm no longer active, SFT played a HUGE part in my life and I just want to thank you all... To those who were my bestest of friends, I thank you sincerely. @Towelie @bogeymanEST @fearthe1337 @Dpa1991 Thank you all for creating and maintaining this community for over a decade!

To all the admins, mods, jmods and other memebers of staff, thank you for dedicating so much time to SFT and being able to take time out of your day.

To all the players, a lot of you won't know me but I also thank you for being such an awesome community for this server and being able to provide financial aid during the tough times.

Maybe someday I'll return... ;)

-Chin 8)
So sorry to hear about this Towelie, I know the feeling :(

Your memories of him will last a lifetime, he's watching over you!

-Chin 8)
I haven't been active in a long while but this news is extremely unsettling. I've met so many nice people over the almost 4 years I've been around on this wonderful community and I would absolutely be mortified if that just dissapeared.

When I first saw the EULA changes a year or so ago I thought it was ok considering servers would be more fair and stuff, but seeing the absolute damage it's caused smaller, honest and fair from the beginning communities is just shocking.

Mojang have gone way too far this time...

Done :)

-Chin 8)
Towelie, did you recieve my pm? :)

-Chin 8)
Happy Birthday!

-Chin 8)
Happy Birthday Fear! :)

-Chin 8)
What items have been disabled?

Such as:

Beacons, Nether Stars etc?

-Chin 8)
Thanks Fear! Keep up the excellent work!

-Chin 8)
Quote from: Green_Giant on May 11, 2015, 03:25 PM
Quote from: Chinwonder2 on May 11, 2015, 03:02 PMWhen you are at the vote page, this happens.

-Chin 8)
In response to this, when I clicked the arrows to go to the next voting page, it skipped a vote page.
Same here!
-Chin 8)
When you are at the vote page, this happens.

-Chin 8)
Although the newsletter bug is already up there, I'll just let you know that when you go to your notification settings and click receive via email, then you click save settings it returns back to up clicked.

-Chin 8)
For the Unread broken URL bug, here's where you click for it.

-Chin 8)
Last post for a while but...

1.Clicking Terriara button doesn't lead you anywhere.

2. Same with Starbound.

-Chin 8)
23 brings up that URL Error message.

-Chin 8)
Quote from: donnydoom604 on May 01, 2015, 06:24 PM
Quote from: Chinwonder2 on May 01, 2015, 06:22 PM[This has been reported on another Forums Bugs post before, but I'm re-notifying again]

When you mouse over the arrows on the Recent Topics, it doesn't scroll but the shoutbox arrows are fine.

-Chin 8)
Why is all your text italicized? Did you change that yourself?
If you're using Chrome, it does that automatically. But there is a option in the Reply Function: Testing :)

[This has been reported on another Forums Bugs post before, but I'm re-notifying again]

When you mouse over the arrows on the Recent Topics, it doesn't scroll but the shoutbox arrows are fine.

-Chin 8)