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Messages - MasterX70

Polls / Re: [Potato] Favorite type of potato
Jun 01, 2016, 11:25 PM

French Fries (shoestring) and Instant Mash.  :heart:

Britney is also gud potato.
Forum Games / Re: Never Have I Ever...
May 21, 2016, 01:53 AM
I've been falsely accused of swearing in front of a teacher, never actually have though.. >u>

Never have I broken a bone in my body.
Forum Games / Re: True or False
May 21, 2016, 01:41 AM
True ;3

The person below me has never touched a cropped dog tail.
Though I've had no personal experience with factions, I know it meant a lot to people, so I think it would be neat to give it another chance. Though having rules/restrictions to avoid any havoc certainly sounds like a good idea.
General Announcements / Re: Happy New Year!
Dec 31, 2015, 12:27 PM
Happy New Year and New Year's Eve y'all! <3

( I love how tiny Bogey is  :christmaspig:  )
All I can think of after watching that is the bird people from red dead redemption..
Happy Thanksgiving y'all.
Feel better Dpa.
I suppose I'm in. Don't really have a team or anything, so. Yeh.
Hope it gets sp00ky.  :jackolantern:
Quote from: American_Seal on Oct 28, 2015, 07:16 PMI'm a very bad artist idek if I should enter xD
Dooooo eeeeeet! :D
Really nice. Thanks for adding this Tow. ;3
Initially I was going to go with a Werewolf-esc thing, but then I remembered that I'm not really that big of a fan of them. However, I've always been interested in the way many Werewolf designs have the transformation stretch and contort the human form into something different. So I kinda ran with that and the idea of "being transformed under the full moon's light". Inspirations came from the Terror Mask from Splatterouse, and the Hollows from Bleach.
Sorry for the gridlines. p;

Oh! And thank you both for hosting this. ;3

Praise the Potato. <3
Happy Birthday(s) you two!

Thank you both for being who you are, and making SFT the wonderful place that it is.  :heart:
Congrats Saywhat. <3
Is it just me or is there not much of a solid snow filled biome?
Not complaining or anything, just can't tell if my eyes are playing tricks on me. ._.
I'd imagine that folks won't be able to bring their items from W1 and W2 into this world. (sort of like how Mob Arena works) Would this be correct?
General Announcements / Re: Happy Holidays!
Dec 25, 2014, 08:43 PM
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Bah HumBug
Praise Krampus
Seems quite interesting. Thanks Tow. : )