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Topics - Barbacue2


Hey everyone!  This weekend we're going to be hosting a SUPER CRAZY FUN PAINTBALL TOURNAMENT!
Oh yes.  This Saturday, at 12 PM EST, or GMT-5.  All you have to do to enter is be there at this time :D

"But what's in it for me?" I hear you greedy children saying!  Well I'll tell you how prizes are going to work:  There will be 10 rounds of paintball, and when you win 3 consecutive games in a row, you win 10k (Whatever moderators there are and I will be counting your wins), then if you win 4 games in a row, you win 20k, and so on up to 80k. 

I would say rules but all normal paintball rules apply xd

(Oh and thanks to MrEpicWonder for the best banner of all time!)

Oh yes, you've heard correctly.  We're having a BUILDING CONTEST! WHOOP WHOOP!  This Saturday, June 6th, is when the building contest will be held, around 9pm GMT.  The theme of this contest is going to be "Hybrid Skins," basically a mash-up of each member on your team's skins.  Here's an amazing example I made for the eventhosts.

Now I know what you crazy kids are thinking, "What's in it for meh????"  Well I'll tell you, the first place prize is the fabulous prize of 500K FOR THE ENTIRE TEAM!  Second place get's 250k for the entire team, and there is no third place, because I don't feel like it.  Now into the important details:

:fish: You will have one hour to build your entry
:fish: Teams can be made up of no less than 2 people and no more than 5 people
:fish: Remember that the theme is "Hybrid Skins," anything other than this is disqualified
 :fish: The hosts of the contest will be me (Barbacue2), Green_Giant, Sparkle_Sun, and maybe StiniPenguin
:fish: Call for a manager+ hosting the event (Most likely Sparkle_Sun and StiniPenguin, this may change though) to change your blocks

Use this code for creating teams!
Team name:
Team member #1
Team member #2
Team member #3
Team member #4
Team member #5

Sound gucci?  Alright, go!

Forum Games / Movie Title Game!
May 07, 2015, 12:29 AM
So I made a game like this a little while ago, except using song titles.  So here is how it's played:

Person 1: What's your favorite animal?

Person 2: Cat On A Hot Tin Roof
Who's your best friend?

Person 3: Paul Blart Mall Cop

And so on like that!  I'll start:

What is your favorite food?
Forum Games / The Song Title Game
Dec 24, 2014, 01:25 PM
Ok, so here is a game I'm sure most of us have played before.  You have to answer the question asked by the person above you with a song title.  Example:

Q:  What is your fantasy?

A:  Cheeseburger In Paradise - Jimmy Buffet

And the game just keeps going on like that  :laugh:

So I'll start:

Where would you like to go?
Forum Games / The Pickup Line Game
Nov 03, 2014, 01:32 PM
Ok, so you have to use a pickup line (either you created or one you found) to win over the heart of the person above you.  For instance:

DuaneandBrand0 says: Barbie, if you were a booger, I'd pick you first.
Barbacue2 says: Duane, are you a beaver? Cuz DAYUM
Green_Giant says: Barb, if you were my boyfriend, I'd love you 5 ever, because 5 is more than 4, and that is why I am in advanced math bby

Got it? K, go   ;)