Jun 01, 2024, 05:03 AM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Messages - happypinecones

Quote from: Lansdiinio on Jun 03, 2023, 03:50 PMOver 10 years now, crazy how things change. Great to see so many old names still checking in. Glad you're all doing well <3
Why hello there old friend
What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: happypinecone
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: about 9 hours
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: Including my alt (happypinecones1) about 1700 hours
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: no
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: In 2013 I got banned for xraying
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: JMod (Or mod? :potato: )
Why do you want that rank?: I was staff for about 2 years between 2014-2016, mod for about a year and a half. Got some nostalgia from SFT recently so started playing again.
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): EU
Do you have a Discord account?: Yes
Quote from: YugureHono on Feb 06, 2016, 05:30 AMErm going onto the full reset idea, if people are afraid of losing their items, possibly making it you can pay for like a chest or more worth of items? So like, 500k-1mill/chest and you can put anything in there to take to the new reset. The more chests you buy, the more it will cost, so 500k for the first, 1mill for the second, 2mill for a third and 4mill for a fourth. The prices are out there, but a chest is a lot of room, especially for only needed recourses, possibly a stack of diamonds, a beacons and steve co items. It would balance out the lose of items, with the full reset. Also with the new reset, possibly adding as dday suggested more spawns, making it a bit more difficult, and even fixing up the kits, most kits are kind of useless such as kit food, and some kits are just annoying like farm- it fills your inv room up, and the eggs are glitches. So to recap, a full reset, with purchasable chests to bring items with you, new kits and more hostile spawns.
Thing is if it were to reset, people wouldn't need money so the EMP would be worthless close to the full reset. Maybe donation?
General Announcements / Re: Happy New Year!
Dec 31, 2015, 05:37 PM
Happy New Year! :D
*removed long quote*
Nice and easy to read and look at.
Quote from: Towelie on Aug 22, 2015, 10:42 AM
Quote from: happypinecones on Aug 22, 2015, 07:05 AMIs it just me or can anyone else not see the old Philanthropist rank ?  :cake:
Thanks :)
Is it just me or can anyone else not see the old Philanthropist rank ?  :cake:
Happy Birthday guys! :cake:  :cake:  :cake:  :cake:
Quote from: HD on Aug 21, 2015, 06:26 AMSo how many owners now?
5 now :)
Well done saywuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut. Congrats!
Quote from: GRIMI_ on Aug 12, 2015, 11:41 AM
Quote from: happypinecones on Aug 12, 2015, 07:15 AMPrison is unlikely to be added as I think more then once towelie has added it and it caused so much commotion and the player count dropped within 2 weeks. It would most likely be a waste of time adding it.

As someone involved with prison throughout its lifespan, I can confidently attribute the failure of the prison server to a number of things that should've been done, but weren't. The server wasn't set up in a way that when the flow of players from SFT ended, another flow of players would take their place. That's why after a few weeks, when everyone from SFT had tried it, and figured out if they wanted to spend time on it, the player count dropped, and never reached close to that high again. If a server like prison was to come about again, it would have to be properly set up to account for attracting new players to the community, rather than feeding off other SFT servers like the last one. In the earlier stages of the prison, it was agreed that once this original high fell off, we would introduce it to server sites, and add voting rewards such as drugs.

However this never happened, and due to me being taken off the project by Battle and djay (I honestly have no idea why, but to this day I don't get credit for the hours of work i put into that map and server, never mind the contributions to the mechanics of the server...) I'm not sure why it never happened. It was known and proved during BETA of the server that once players finished they would need something to do, and would most likely lose interest fast after this. So fresh players needed to be introduced to our community and server to keep things interesting, and to keep things working properly.

I personally would love to see another prison server, as the concept was obviously well loved, and many things were done right, but in the end a couple of failures led to its demise. I still believe in its success.

Ahh okay. Thank you grimi for clearing that up. You obviously know a lot more then me and after what you have said I could see it working again.
Quote from: MobileHome18 on Aug 12, 2015, 07:35 AMI thought SFT only had it once?
Yeah maybe you are right. Personally though, I think the best way forward would be to not host too many more minecraft  based servers. There is really only so much you can do with a game losing it's player base.
Prison is unlikely to be added as I think more then once towelie has added it and it caused so much commotion and the player count dropped within 2 weeks. It would most likely be a waste of time adding it.
This is getting a bit silly now, the post was not titled "As many older players as possible have a huge moan about the bad points in sft"
I from my best view will try show people why what they are saying isn't 100% correct.

Too many plugins: There are a lot of plugins on sft now and people keep saying 'it was better when there was less plugins". That is not true, SFT only had a lot of players back then as that was when minecraft was peaking, there were so many people playing this new exciting game, people didn't care for plugins, they just wanted to do what the wanted.
as the game progressed people started to get bored with minecraft so SFT tried to make it more enjoyable and interesting, adding more plugins. This brought in many new players and kept old players going (even if they will not accept it). The plugins were a good idea and have probably kept SFT survival going with active players for a lot longer.

Taxes: In any economy with currency, you will most likely always need a tax, this controls the amount of money in the game. The main reason why tax has been introduced to SFT is to keep the economy stable. If there was no tax, the price of say a diamond would rocket up, people could get money so easily. This would make life very difficult for new players who do not know the ropes yet but so easy for older players with all the money.

Staff Problems: Many of the comments here have been about the staff. I was staff for 1 and a half years and know what it was like. First let me tell you about the staff. They are unpaid volunteers who usually put 7hours+ a week into doing there job, that may not sound a lot but this is a game where people come to have fun. As staff you get perks but the effort you put in is more then you get out.
Taking that into account I hope you would realize that the staff team puts a lot of effort into helping you enjoy the game as much as possible. They work well as a team but, sometimes they may not do exactly how what you want them to do, they are only humans. Staff can only do so much for you an sometimes they cannot help you as you would like them too. You make think staff is the easy life if you have never been it but it can get difficult when you want to play and have fun on the server you love but then getting bombarded with loads of help calls and even minor abuse from other players.

These are the three main topics people are talking and complaining about. I do not wish to start any arguments, I just wish to state my point of view on these popular controversial topics.
Thanks for reading :)

When people leave, most of the time they complain about something even when there is nothing wrong. They probably don't leave because of what you have stated here (taxes, not feeling welcome) just they want to move on or stop playing minecraft.
Nice building! Happy star wars day!
It has been a pleasure!
I already donate to a similar charity has my dad suffered from a brain tumor in 2009 :(. I will try my best to donate sometime soon :D
Looks fun! Not many tactics like the real one with numbers but still looks good.
Forum Games / Re: True or False
Apr 07, 2015, 08:43 PM
About 1600 hours :P True

The person below me plays on pixelmon more then survival
Forum Games / Re: True or False
Apr 05, 2015, 12:03 PM

The person below me likes cake
General Announcements / Re: Easter Drop Party
Apr 05, 2015, 10:00 AM
Quote from: Scotmid on Apr 05, 2015, 09:56 AM
if you live in the uk it will still be at 8pm .
http://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/ The U.K. are in yellow which is +1.
General Announcements / Re: Easter Drop Party
Apr 05, 2015, 09:16 AM
Quote from: Chinwonder2 on Apr 05, 2015, 01:06 AM
Quote from: happypinecones on Apr 04, 2015, 08:55 PM
Just to say to those living in the U.K., we have moved the clocks forward by an hour for BST, so we are now GMT+1 not just GMT.
So it will be 9pm for UK folk? (Sorry bad with time zones XD).

-Chin 8)
I think so
General Announcements / Re: Easter Drop Party
Apr 04, 2015, 08:55 PM
Just to say to those living in the U.K., we have moved the clocks forward by an hour for BST, so we are now GMT+1 not just GMT.