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Have a Super Fun Time!

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Messages - Pritis

I was originally shadowjb123 and then Mojang made the mistake of giving indecisive people the ability to change their name free of charge and I've since gone by Cierinal_, Dordly, panzerkopf, ElzieDG/lzdg, Nydsmeil, iratefrog, etc etc. but I've finally settled on Pritis. You're most likely to see me in game but I do check forums on occasion :). I joined sometime in summer 2011 when I was a little guy. Makes me happy to see all these old faces. :heart:
I was about to get ready for bed until SFT popped into my head for some reason. I guess my life has slowed down enough I was allowed to reminisce for a moment, and I decided to check out the forums and log into the game for a bit. The new spawn/world looks absolutely sick and I'm constantly impressed by the builders in this community.

I originally found SFT through a random YouTube video I watched when I was a kid. I don't remember what the video was about or what it was called, but he showed the IP as an example of a server and I had never played on a public server before so I decided to test it out and I was amazed when it said I was connecting, so much excitement running through me, and then I was dropped in the old beta 1.7 port town spawn. I saw so many players swarming around different areas, a chat so active I couldn't even keep up as people were buying and selling things in the market and having conversations across the world, it was such a beautiful moment that I'll never forget.

Life has always been difficult, but for many years SFT was the place to be when I needed to escape. I made so many friends and memories I can still recall with ease. SFT was practically my life for years during a difficult transition and while I was aware of other servers and communities, none of them ever seemed to compare. When I first joined I was a lonely kid with one friend I didn't always get to see, and now I'm 25 and I have friends and I'm making music and short films and writing a dumb satirical fiction book (I was told it's actually good which was amusing news because it's not supposed to be) in between work and my other hobbies.

It's been 11 years since that first day and it brings a tear to my eye remembering the in-game faces and names of some of the people that practically became part of my life and helped me have fun when I needed it. Hytessi, JuJu, videoknight, and Proto are some names off the top of my head, but there's countless others. I wouldn't be where I am today without this community.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you Towelie & Staff for creating and carrying this community for so long, and while I don't know what it is, adding a mystery spice that brings all sorts of awesome people together. I don't know if we'll ever see such an era in gaming with a community like this emerging and blowing up but I hope it comes soon.

The title is a reference to one of my favorite songs, "It's been a long, long time" by Kitty Kallen.

Love y'all <3
General Discussion / Re: Post your FACE!
Jan 13, 2018, 11:01 AM
about time for an update. this is the laziest picture I've ever taken because I had just woken up (I sit in my car and blast music to wake myself up) but I needed something other than that awful pic from 5 years ago.
Forum Games / Re: Never Have I Ever...
Aug 28, 2016, 12:38 PM
I've never even been to school.

Never have I ever celebrated Halloween.

literally anything will be better than my name
Forum Games / Re: Pick a number
Oct 10, 2014, 03:59 AM
Now gimme my cool name.
Q: What's your name? (no last names)
A: Dave

Q: What's your age?
A: 16

Q: What country are you from?
A: United States of America

Q: What's your favorite SFT Server?
A: Survival

Q: What's your favorite thing to do on the SFT server you play most?
A: Build or mine

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I wouldn't say I really have a hobby, but I'm starting to really get into music and traditional art.

Q: What kind of music do you listen to?
A: A little bit of everything. Folk, metal, rock, classic, country, electronic, jazz, rap, etc.

Q: Do you own a Console? If yes what console?
A: Yes. A Gamecube, 3DS XL and a Wii U.

Q: Do you have any pets? What kind of?
A: Two cats. One is half Maine Coon (not sure what the other half is) named Kiri (I didn't name her) and she's about 7-8 human years old. The other is Sage, who's not a year old yet and I'm still not sure what kind of cat she is.

Q: Do you use Skype (y/n)
A: No. (I prefer Tox)

Q: Name the top 3 games that you still play
A: Minecraft, Osu, and the new Smash Bros. game. Not much time to game.

Q: Is there anything about yourself that you'd like to mention?
A: I hate my username with a passion.

Post Merge: Oct 08, 2014, 08:59 PM

Quote from: Aslanbor on Oct 08, 2014, 07:04 PM
Q: What country are you from?

Q: What's your favorite SFT Server?
A: Iceland
Quote from: djkirsh on Sep 15, 2014, 04:19 PM
Read this as "Minecraft bought Microsoft"

Also, I think this may be good for Minecraft. Minecraft isn't too well known. It wasn't until they started making phone apps that people started discovering Minecraft. Maybe Microsoft is going to push it further and make it more well known.
No idea what you're talking about. Minecraft was extremely popular before there was a version for phones.
This is all happening because that one asshole thinks he's special...
>yfw there wasn't just one hack
>yfw there isn't just one leaker
>yfw there's been a small, underground celeb n00d-trading ring that's existed for years
>why wasn't it revealed earlier? the only way to join the ring is by 'buying in' with original pics ("wins", as they call them) you've acquired by yourself
>(also these guys are greedy fuckers: if you were the only person in the world in possession of jlaw nudes, would you really give them out? for free??)
>these guys conduct individual attacks on celebs through (i presume) a mix of social engineering and (esp for more high-profile targets) straight-up hacking
>they trade with each other to expand collections
>circle hardly ever widens to include more people - very few people even find out about this ring, and fewer still have n00ds to buy in with (bitcoin purchases probably rare)
>... except for self-styled "rich kid" in original /b/ thread
>it appears he bought a few sample pix and blew the lid on this whole operation by sharing them with outsiders for the first time
>spotting their chance, and realising existence of the n00d collection was revealed, a couple of other guys from this circle came out of the woodwork offering up some of their collections for donations
explains why:
we didn't get one massive filedump: no single person has access to all the pics
we got MEW nudes even though she deleted them years ago
there were multiple 'official' bitcoin addresses each linked to actual, new leaks
most leaks are shitty, a couple of images at a time, presumably from small-timers with small collections and relatively little to lose by devaluring their pics anyway
we we aren't getting the really good movies, because they are much more 'valuable' and therefore a) owned by fewer people and b) could be traded for many more nudes and would lose all value if released for free
check old threads on anon-ib /stol and /c/ for an insight into these guys
& brace for multiple arrests as the net tightens around the trading ring
General Announcements / Re: 1.8pre1 Server
Aug 25, 2014, 06:27 AM
Quote from: Adam_Sawg on Aug 25, 2014, 06:06 AM
wait is that the 1.8 can has the slime blocks and the new bosses?
Quote from: tady1 on Aug 21, 2014, 09:38 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Aug 21, 2014, 09:27 AM
Summary: Bukkit is no longer shutting down and it turns out Mojang has been secretly owning bukkit for two years now. They will continue to update it. Not sure how to feel about this. On one side it's good that we still have bukkit, on the other side mojang can now practically ban any server they wish from Bukkit or even worse.
This sucks alot because now they are basically putting EVERYTHING about minecraft, servers, plugins, mods, whatever they can  into their own hands;  And if they don't like something then they can shut it down just like that :(   Thats the way i see it and its really pathetic in my opinion....
It wasn't a secret. I recall them announcing it around the time they bought Bukkit, but I also recall them not really making a big deal of it because it didn't really change anything at the time. Also, in the past ~2 years, have you heard of any occasions of them shutting down servers/plugins/mods/etc? If not, then I don't think they'll really do something like that.
So, to me it looks like at least for now, SFT, along with pretty much every server out there has 2 options... Stay on version 1.7.9 or go vanilla. Honestly, if it were to stay on 1.7.9 I doubt anyone would play anymore because they'd be enjoying the newer features. While if it went vanilla then there'd be issues with griefing and stealing left and right and the only way to know is if someone says it happened to them in chat...

So... What? I guess we just stay on 1.7.9 and wait for Mojang to respond or something?
Also, do servers even really have the option to stay on any version of Bukkit?

Whatever happens, I'm confident SFT will make it.
I'ma go vote~
Still having that "you cannot play/edit this mission" problem...
HOWEVER, I have discovered why this is happening now. Apparently I can't play now because they made it require the British Armed Forces DLC, which I don't have the money for right now, so it will definitely be a while before I can play DayZ. I'm mainly bringing this up so that if anyone else is having the problem, you know why.
Forum Games / Re: One word story game.
Mar 03, 2014, 10:45 AM

(dear god the words aren't even going together anymore)
Forum Games / Re: One word story game.
Mar 02, 2014, 11:18 AM
Forum Games / Re: One word story game.
Mar 02, 2014, 10:32 AM
Forum Games / Re: One word story game.
Mar 01, 2014, 08:30 AM
Forum Games / Re: One word story game.
Mar 01, 2014, 07:52 AM
You forgot /fly for Sponsor/Santa.